【ModelArts Course0】Introduction

Emma_Liu 发表于 2023/03/14 21:15:40 2023/03/14
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【摘要】 Course Introduction

ModelArts - Course Introduction

What Is ModelArts?

ModelArts is a one-stop AI development platform geared toward developers and data scientists of all skill levels. It enables you to rapidly build, train, and deploy models anywhere (from the cloud to the edge), and manage full-lifecycle AI workflows. ModelArts accelerates AI development and fosters AI innovation with key capabilities, including data preprocessing and auto labeling, distributed training, automated model building, and one-click workflow execution.

ModelArts covers all stages of AI development, including data processing and model training and deployment. The underlying technologies of ModelArts support various heterogeneous computing resources, allowing developers to flexibly select and use resources. In addition, ModelArts supports popular open-source AI development frameworks such as TensorFlow, MXNet, and PyTorch. ModelArts also allows you to use customized algorithm frameworks tailored to your needs.

ModelArts aims to simplify AI development.

ModelArts is suitable for AI developers with varying levels of development experience. Service developers can use ExeML to quickly build AI applications without coding. Beginners can directly use built-in algorithms to build AI applications. AI engineers can use multiple development environments to quickly compile code for modeling and application development.

Product Architecture


AI Development Workflow


Course List and Links


Course1: Using Auto Labeling for Food Data
Course2: Using ExeML for Food Classification
Course3: Built-in Algorithm for Flowers Classification
Course4: Using Built-in Algorithm for Food Detection
Course5: Deploying a Trained Model as an Edge Service
Course6: Custom Algorithm for Image Recongnition
Course7-1: Using Custom Image to Train and Deploy a Model from Github-Part1
Course7-2: Using Custom Image to Train and Deploy a Model from Github-Part2

📑AI says

Course1: Using Auto Labeling for Food Data
Course2: Using ExeML for Food Classification
Course3: Built-in Algorithm for Flowers Classification
Course4: Using Built-in Algorithm for Food Detection
Course5: Deploying a Trained Model as an Edge Service
Course6: Custom Algorithm for Image Recongnition
Course7: Using Custom Image to Train and Deploy a Model from Github

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