cssshake 的核心代码赏析,使用多个sass的高级属性,混入,函数,变量,
// Variables$prefix: 'shake' !default;$trigger: 'shake-trigger' !default; // Placeholders%shake { display: inherit; tra...
cssshake 的核心代码赏析,使用多个sass的高级属性,混入,函数,变量,
// Variables
$prefix: 'shake' !default;
$trigger: 'shake-trigger' !default;
// Placeholders
%shake {
display: inherit;
transform-origin: center center;
%paused { animation-play-state: paused; }
%running { animation-play-state: running; }
@function apply-random($input) {
@return if($input != 0, random($input) - $input/2, 0);
/// Do The Shake
/// @param {String} $name ['shake'] - Name for the keyframes animation
/// @param {Number} $h [5px] - Max number for random to assign in x axis
/// @param {Number} $v [5px] - Max number for random to assign in y axis
/// @param {Number} $r [3deg] - Max number for random rotation
/// @param {Number} $dur [100ms] - animation-duration; valid time value
/// @param {Number} $precision [.1] - Precision of the keyframes animation (i.e 2 > 2%, 4%, 6%...)
/// @param {Boolean} $opacity [false] - To apply random animation also in the opacity property
/// @param {String} $q [infinite] - animation-iteration-count; valid value
/// @param {String} $t [ease-in-out] - animation-timing-function; valid value
/// @param {Number} $delay [null] - animation-delay; valid time value
/// @param {Number} $chunk [100%] - Part of 100% where apply the animation
@mixin do-shake(
$name: 'shake',
$h: 5px,
$v: 5px,
$r: 3deg,
$dur: 100ms,
$precision: .02,
$opacity: false,
$q: infinite,
$t: ease-in-out,
$delay: null,
$chunk: 100%
) {
$rotate: 0;
$move-x: 0;
$move-y: 0;
$h: if(unitless($h) and $h != 0, $h * 1px, $h);
$v: if(unitless($v) and $v != 0, $v * 1px, $v);
$r: if(unitless($r) and $r != 0, $r * 1deg, $r);
// Keyframes
@at-root {
@keyframes #{$name} {
$interval: if($precision > 0 and $precision < 1, 100 * $precision, 10);
$step: $interval * 1%;
@while $step < $chunk {
$rotate: apply-random($r);
$move-x: apply-random($h);
$move-y: apply-random($v);
#{$step} {
transform: translate($move-x, $move-y) rotate($rotate);
@if $opacity { opacity: random(100) / 100; }
$step: $step + $interval;
#{ if($chunk < 100%, (0%, $chunk, 100%), (0%, 100%)) } {
transform: translate(0, 0) rotate(0);
@extend %shake;
.#{$trigger}:hover &,
&.#{$prefix}-constant {
@if $delay { animation-delay: $delay; }
animation-name: #{$name};
animation-duration: $dur;
animation-timing-function: $t;
animation-iteration-count: $q;
.#{$trigger}:hover & { @extend %running; }
.#{$trigger}:hover .#{$prefix}-constant.#{$prefix}-constant--hover {
@extend %paused;
.#{$trigger}:hover .#{$prefix}-freeze { @extend %running; }
文章来源: fizzz.blog.csdn.net,作者:拿我格子衫来,版权归原作者所有,如需转载,请联系作者。
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