来自《Netty 实战》原作者—— Norman Maurer 的一封信

且听风吟 发表于 2019/12/13 13:56:13 2019/12/13
3.1k+ 0 0
【摘要】 It’s hard to imagine Netty in Action were published 1,5 years ago, it still feels like it was only yesterday. While it was a lot of work, it was a very rewarding experience and helped Netty and it’...

It’s hard to imagine Netty in Action were published 1,5 years ago, it still feels like it was only yesterday. While it was a lot of work, it was a very rewarding experience and helped Netty and it’s OpenSource Community to even grow more. When I started to work on Netty, which is over 7 years ago, I would never imagine that it would be so successful.


Since the book was released, Netty became even more popular and these days is used by companies as Alibaba, Apple, Google, Facebook, Square, Twitter and many more. Such a wide adoption would never be possible without the Community as a whole, which not only provided patches and submitted bug-reports but also helped review code and helped us to understand better what use-cases needs to be handled. If you are not part of the Community yet, I hope to welcome you as part of it soon.


When 何品 contacted me and asked about the permission to translate the book to Chinese, I was caught by surprise. I never expected there would be enough interest in Netty ,that not only there would be a book in english but also that people are waiting for it to be available in other languages. To make a long story short, of course I accepted :)


And this is now what you hold in your hands, which would not be possible without 何品 .





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