
lhy 发表于 2018/12/27 22:29:41 2018/12/27
【摘要】 ### fabric-go-sdk使用中的若干问题--连接e2e网络- problem```bashlocalhost:heroes-service liu$ go run main.go SDK createdRessource management client createdChannel createdChannel joinedInitialization Successfulcc...

### fabric-go-sdk使用中的若干问题--连接e2e网络

- problem


localhost:heroes-service liu$ go run main.go 

SDK created

Ressource management client created

Channel created

Channel joined

Initialization Successful

ccPkg created

Chaincode installed

Unable to install and instantiate the chaincode: failed to instantiate the chaincode: failed to get discovery service: could not get chConfig cache reference: load config items from config group failed: unsupported MSP type (1)


- debug


 [fabsdk/fab] 2018/12/21 15:25:25 UTC - comm.(*CachingConnector).ensureJanitorStarted -> DEBU janitor already started

 [fabsdk/fab] 2018/12/21 15:25:25 UTC - chconfig.loadConfig -> DEBU loadConfigGroup -  - found config group ==> Orderer

 [fabsdk/fab] 2018/12/21 15:25:25 UTC - chconfig.loadConfig -> DEBU loadConfigGroup - Orderer - found config group ==> OrdererOrg

 [fabsdk/fab] 2018/12/21 15:25:25 UTC - chconfig.loadConfig -> DEBU loadConfigGroup -  - found config group ==> Application

 [fabsdk/fab] 2018/12/21 15:25:25 UTC - chconfig.loadConfig -> DEBU loadConfigGroup - Application - found config group ==> Org1MSP

 [fabsdk/fab] 2018/12/21 15:25:25 UTC - chconfig.loadConfig -> DEBU loadConfigGroup - Application - found config group ==> Org2MSP

 [fabsdk/fab] 2018/12/21 15:25:25 UTC - chconfig.loadConfig -> DEBU loadConfigGroup - Application - found config group ==> Org3MSP

 [fabsdk/util] 2018/12/21 15:25:25 UTC - lazyref.(*Reference).refreshValue -> WARN Error - initializer returned error: load config items from config group failed: unsupported MSP type (1). Will retry again later

 [fabsdk/util] 2018/12/21 15:25:25 UTC - lazyref.checkTimeStarted -> DEBU ... finished handling expiration. Setting expiration to 1m30s

 [fabsdk/util] 2018/12/21 15:25:25 UTC - lazyref.checkTimeStarted -> DEBU Got closed event. Exiting timer.


- 解决办法

  这里因为demo,只用到了org1,并且只配置了org1,但是e2e 网络中存在org1 org2 org3,及缺少了org2、org3的配置,变出错了;

  解决:清理,configtx.yaml 和crypto-config.yaml 中的无用组织的内容,改问题消失

### fabric-go-sdk使用中的若干问题--连接e2e网络

- problem


localhost:heroes-service liu$ go run main.go 

SDK created

Ressource management client created

Channel created

Channel joined

Initialization Successful

ccPkg created

Chaincode installed

Unable to install and instantiate the chaincode: failed to instantiate the chaincode: failed to get discovery service: could not get chConfig cache reference: load config items from config group failed: unsupported MSP type (1)


- debug


 [fabsdk/fab] 2018/12/21 15:25:25 UTC - comm.(*CachingConnector).ensureJanitorStarted -> DEBU janitor already started

 [fabsdk/fab] 2018/12/21 15:25:25 UTC - chconfig.loadConfig -> DEBU loadConfigGroup -  - found config group ==> Orderer

 [fabsdk/fab] 2018/12/21 15:25:25 UTC - chconfig.loadConfig -> DEBU loadConfigGroup - Orderer - found config group ==> OrdererOrg

 [fabsdk/fab] 2018/12/21 15:25:25 UTC - chconfig.loadConfig -> DEBU loadConfigGroup -  - found config group ==> Application

 [fabsdk/fab] 2018/12/21 15:25:25 UTC - chconfig.loadConfig -> DEBU loadConfigGroup - Application - found config group ==> Org1MSP

 [fabsdk/fab] 2018/12/21 15:25:25 UTC - chconfig.loadConfig -> DEBU loadConfigGroup - Application - found config group ==> Org2MSP

 [fabsdk/fab] 2018/12/21 15:25:25 UTC - chconfig.loadConfig -> DEBU loadConfigGroup - Application - found config group ==> Org3MSP

 [fabsdk/util] 2018/12/21 15:25:25 UTC - lazyref.(*Reference).refreshValue -> WARN Error - initializer returned error: load config items from config group failed: unsupported MSP type (1). Will retry again later

 [fabsdk/util] 2018/12/21 15:25:25 UTC - lazyref.checkTimeStarted -> DEBU ... finished handling expiration. Setting expiration to 1m30s

 [fabsdk/util] 2018/12/21 15:25:25 UTC - lazyref.checkTimeStarted -> DEBU Got closed event. Exiting timer.


- 解决办法

  这里因为demo,只用到了org1,并且只配置了org1,但是e2e 网络中存在org1 org2 org3,及缺少了org2、org3的配置,变出错了;

  解决:清理,configtx.yaml 和crypto-config.yaml 中的无用组织的内容,改问题消失

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