
此星光明 发表于 2023/06/09 06:56:17 2023/06/09
【摘要】 ​南亚和东亚的高空间分辨率热应力指数(HiTiSAE)这个新开发的数据集是一个高空间分辨率(0.1°×0.1°)的网格产品,包含了1981年1月3日至2019年12月31日期间室内、室外阴影和室外无阴影UTCI、MRT和其他8个广泛采用的人类热应力指数(ESI、HI、Humidex、WBGT、WBT、WCT、AT、NET)的每日值,这些指数来自新获得的ECMWF ERA5-LAND和ERA5...

这个新开发的数据集是一个高空间分辨率(0.1°×0.1°)的网格产品,包含了1981年1月3日至2019年12月31日期间室内、室外阴影和室外无阴影UTCI、MRT和其他8个广泛采用的人类热应力指数(ESI、HI、Humidex、WBGT、WBT、WCT、AT、NET)的每日值,这些指数来自新获得的ECMWF ERA5-LAND和ERA5再分析产品。前言 – 床长人工智能教程

你可以在这里阅读完整的文章。这个高空间分辨率的南亚和东亚人类热应力指数数据库(HiTiSEA),包含了UTCI、MRT和其他八个广泛采用的指数的日均值、最大值和最小值,适用于室内和室外应用,使研究人员和从业人员能够在fner尺度上研究人类热应力的空间和时间演变及其对南亚和东亚人口稠密地区的影响。该数据集可通过Figshare集合下载,可在这里找到。A High-spatial-resolution Dataset of Human Thermal Stress Indices over South and East Asia


Yan, Yechao, Yangyang Xu, and Shuping Yue. "A high-spatial-resolution dataset of human thermal stress indices over South and East Asia."
Scientific Data 8, no. 1 (2021): 1-14.

Dataset Citation

Yan, Yechao; Xu, Yangyang; Yue, Shuping (2021): A High-spatial-resolution Dataset of Human Thermal Stress Indices over South and East Asia.
figshare. Collection. https://doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.c.5196296

Data Preprocessing for GEE





Termal Indices Full Name of the Indices GEE Variable Variable Stats
UTCI universal thermal climate index UTCI Min,Mean, Max
indoor UTCI (UTCI2) UTCI for indoor environment UTCI2 Min,Mean, Max
outdoor shaded(UTCI3) UTCI UTCI for outdoor shaded space UTCI3 Min,Mean, Max
MRT mean radiant temperature MRT Min,Mean, Max
ESI environment stress index ESI Min,Mean, Max
HI heat index HI Min,Mean, Max
Humidex humidity index Humidex Min,Mean, Max
WBGT  wet-bulb globe temperature WBGT Min,Mean, Max
WBT wet bulb temperature WBT Min,Mean, Max
WCT wind chill temperature WCT Min,Mean, Max
AT apparent temperature AT Min,Mean, Max
NET net effective temperature NET Min,Mean, Max

Earth Engine Snippet

var AT = ee.ImageCollection("projects/sat-io/open-datasets/HITISEA/AT");
var ESI = ee.ImageCollection("projects/sat-io/open-datasets/HITISEA/ESI");
var MRT = ee.ImageCollection("projects/sat-io/open-datasets/HITISEA/MRT");
var UTCI = ee.ImageCollection("projects/sat-io/open-datasets/HITISEA/UTCI");
var UTCI2 = ee.ImageCollection("projects/sat-io/open-datasets/HITISEA/UTCI2");
var UTCI3 = ee.ImageCollection("projects/sat-io/open-datasets/HITISEA/UTCI3");
var HI = ee.ImageCollection("projects/sat-io/open-datasets/HITISEA/HI");
var Humidex = ee.ImageCollection("projects/sat-io/open-datasets/HITISEA/Humidex");
var WBGT = ee.ImageCollection("projects/sat-io/open-datasets/HITISEA/WBGT");
var WBT = ee.ImageCollection("projects/sat-io/open-datasets/HITISEA/WBT");
var WCT = ee.ImageCollection("projects/sat-io/open-datasets/HITISEA/WCT");
var NET = ee.ImageCollection("projects/sat-io/open-datasets/HITISEA/NET");

Sample code: https://code.earthengine.google.com/?scriptPath=users/sat-io/awesome-gee-catalog-examples:weather-climate/HIGHRES-THERMAL-STRESS-INDICES


This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. You are free to copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format, and to transform and build upon the material for any purpose, even commercially. You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made.

Created by: Yechao Yan; Yangyang Xu; Shuping Yue

Preprocessed and Curated in GEE by : Samapriya Roy

Keywords: thermal-stress indices, south and southeast asia, heat index, humidity index, wind chill, apparent temperature

Last updated: 2021-05-20

Last updated on GEE: 2021-11-08

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