MySQL 更改数据库密码
【摘要】 环境:CentOS 6.5 64bitmysql-server版本:5.1.73【需求】If it is necessary you can change the admin password in MySQL:update administratorssetpass=MD5('new password')where login='admin';【更改方法】1)登陆mysql [roo...
环境:CentOS 6.5 64bit
If it is necessary you can change the admin password in MySQL:
update administratorssetpass=MD5('new password')where login='admin';
[root@szdev03 conf]# mysql -u root -p
Enter password:
Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 29
Server version: 5.1.73 Source distribution
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Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation and/or its
affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective
Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement.
mysql> show databases;
| Database |
| information_schema |
| mysql |
| stalker_db |
| test |
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)
mysql> use stalker_db
Database changed
mysql> show tables;
| Tables_in_stalker_db |
| access_tokens |
| acl |
| adm_grp_action_access |
| admin_dropdown_attributes |
| admin_groups |
| administrators |
| album |
| all_cities |
| anec |
| anec_bookmark |
| anec_rating |
| api_storage |
| apps |
| apps_tos |
| audio |
| audio_albums |
| audio_compositions |
| audio_genre |
| audio_genres |
| audio_languages |
| audio_performers |
| audio_playlist_tracks |
| audio_playlists |
| audio_years |
| cat_genre |
| censored_channels |
| ch_link_on_streamer |
| ch_links |
| changelog |
| cities |
| clients |
| countries |
| countries_in_zone |
| course_cache |
| daily_media_claims |
| daily_played_video |
| deleted_channels |
| developer_api_key |
| diagnostic_info |
| download_links |
| dvb_channels |
| epg |
| epg_setting |
| events |
| ext_adv_campaigns |
| ext_adv_campaigns_position |
| ext_adv_positions |
| ext_adv_sources |
| fav_itv |
| fav_karaoke |
| fav_radio |
| fav_recipes |
| fav_vclub |
| filter_set |
| filters |
| gapi_cache_cur_weather |
| generation_time |
| genre |
| gismeteo_day_weather |
| github_api_cache |
| help_city_info |
| image_update_settings |
| itv |
| itv_subscription |
| karaoke |
| karaoke_archive |
| karaoke_genre |
| languages |
| last_id |
| launcher_apps |
| loading_fail |
| main_city_info |
| master_log |
| mastermind_wins |
| media_category |
| media_claims |
| media_claims_log |
| media_favorites |
| messages_templates |
| moderator_tasks |
| moderators |
| moderators_history |
| notification_feed |
| openweathermap_cache |
| other_city_info |
| package_in_plan |
| package_subscribe_log |
| permitted_video |
| playback_sessions |
| played_itv |
| played_timeshift |
| played_tv_archive |
| played_video |
| playlist |
| playlist_members |
| playlists |
| pvr |
| pvr_storages |
| quality |
| radio |
| readed_anec |
| rec_files |
| recipe_cats |
| recipes |
| reseller |
| rss_cache_horoscope |
| rss_cache_weather |
| schedule_events |
| screenshots |
| service_in_package |
| services_package |
| settings |
| singer |
| stb_groups |
| stb_in_group |
| storage_cache |
| storage_deny |
| storages |
| storages_failure |
| stream_error |
| stream_zones |
| streaming_servers |
| support_info |
| tariff_plan |
| tasks_archive |
| testers |
| tv_archive |
| tv_aspect |
| tv_genre |
| tv_reminder |
| updated_places |
| updates |
| user_downloads |
| user_log |
| user_modules |
| user_package_subscription |
| user_played_movies |
| users |
| users_activity |
| users_rec |
| vclub_ad |
| vclub_ad_deny_category |
| vclub_ads_log |
| vclub_not_ended |
| vclub_paused |
| video |
| video_clip_genres |
| video_clips |
| video_log |
| video_on_tasks |
| video_records |
| video_rent |
| video_rent_history |
| video_season |
| video_season_series |
| video_series_files |
| watched_settings |
| weatherco_cache |
158 rows in set (0.00 sec)
mysql> update administrators set pass=MD5('new password') where login='admin';
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)
Rows matched: 1 Changed: 1 Warnings: 0
mysql> quit
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