Distance Supporting_Solution Building Instruction

灰锅说不 发表于 2019/01/21 10:05:41 2019/01/21
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【摘要】 Hi, Distinguished Partners: The solution you submitted has been stepped into Design stage, please read and follow the below instruction carefully to complete the solution building process.

Hi, Distinguished Partners

The solution you submitted has been stepped into Design stage, please read and follow the below instruction carefully to complete the solution building process.


step 1 – Enter the Zone


Enter the “IoT Developer Zone”


Step2——Apply For Test Account

Please click the “Free Trail to apply in the “IoT Developer Zone” page. If you already have test account, please ignore this step.


Step3——Choose Develop Structure

Please choose the develop Structure that suited for your application scenarios in the IoT Developer Zone -> Develop Structure part, and also, you can find the corresponding developing guidance for your reference.

For the corresponding developing tools, please acquire them from IoT Developer Zone -> Develop Resource -> Develop Tools part.


You can also find more materials in IoT Developer Zone -> Document Center part, or you can watch the developing guidance videos in IoT Developer Zone -> Develop Resource -> Instruction Videos part for your further reference.


Step4——Commence Joint Development

Please send below template to hwiot_solution@huawei.com according to the develop Structure you chosen in Step 3:


Enterprise   Name

Solution   Name

Huawei   Cloud Account

Chosen   Develop Structure

Light   Equipment Access / Complicate Equipment Access / Non-Directly Connected   Device Access  (one-out-three)


After sending this template, you can complete the solution building—Design part, and enter the solution building—Develop part.


Step5——Complete Joint Development

Based on the test account applied in step 2, and the develop Structure chosen in step 3, please commence the integration developing work with self-help.

If you encounter any questions during the integration developing period, please:

  1. Enter the IoT Developer Zone ->  Developer Forum, choose the corresponding board, refer to Recommend of experience sharing;

  2. Enter the IoT Developer Zone -> Developer Forum, choose the corresponding board, post for help, and Huawei side will have experts answer your     questions online.


Step6——Complete Self-testing

After completing the joint development of device and application, please refer to the IoT Developer Zone  -> Develop Resource -> Test Verification -> Huawei IoT Application Verification Instruction to carry on the self-testing.


After completing the self-testing, please send the testing report with the template to iotadmin@huawei.com. Once approved, you can complete the solution building—  Develop part, and enter the solution building—Test part.


If you confront any questions or problems during above processing, please feel free to email to hwiot_solution@huawei.com for further consulting.


Thank you very much!

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