私有云环境显示安装成功,但是查询ipvsadm -Ln 又查询不到信息。操作过程中,2.2 节 关闭网卡参数有一项不成功。# ethtool -K eth0 lro off Cannot change large-receive-offload[root@bu1-vm-svr-79 script]# ./gs_loadbalance -t install -U omm -X /opt/huawei/Bigdata/FusionInsight_MPPDB_8.0.0/install/FusionInsight-MPPDB-8.0.0/mppdb-install-config.xml --master=bu1-vm-svr-79 --standby=bu1-vm-svr-18 --lvs-addr= Get old virtual ip from lo:0 successfully. Begin to install load balance component... Check virtual ip address... Begin to check virtual IP... Virtual ip not in cluster, check virtual finished. Virtual ip check successfully. Begin to install LVS component... Begin to configure LVS keepalived... root@bu1-vm-svr-18's password: root@bu1-vm-svr-18's password: The configuration file of LVS has been configure successfully. Restart /etc/init.d/gs_keepalived service successfully. Installed coordinator node files of load balance component successfully. Successfully installed load balance components. [root@bu1-vm-svr-79 script]# [root@bu1-vm-svr-79 script]# ipvsadm -Ln IP Virtual Server version 1.2.1 (size=4096) Prot LocalAddress:Port Scheduler Flags -> RemoteAddress:Port Forward Weight ActiveConn InActConn [root@bu1-vm-svr-79 script]# [root@bu1-vm-svr-79 script]#