[oracle] 索引低效,导致read by other session等待事件

dber 发表于 2021/03/10 15:06:47 2021/03/10
【摘要】 背景:今天开发反馈到我这,业务日志打出,有条sql在早上7点的时候,有两次执行特别慢,希望我这协助排查下。查看awr报告等待事件为db file sequential readlog file syncread by other session 继续查看awr报告,发现热点都在索引上。查看下索引状态都正常select * from dba_indexes where table_name =...





db file sequential read

log file sync

read by other session




select * from dba_indexes where table_name = 'MB_TRAN_HIST'

select * from dba_part_indexes where table_name = 'MB_TRAN_HIST'

select * from dba_ind_partitions where index_name = 'MB_TRAN_HIST_PART_IND1'



查看历史会话的sql event

select * from dba_hist_active_sess_history where   SAMPLE_TIME BETWEEN

TO_DATE('2021-3-10 6:55:00', 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') AND

TO_DATE('2021-3-10 7:05:00', 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'and program = 'JDBC Thin Client' and sql_id = '9drqghdq6txpm'

定位到存在等待事件read by other session

查看sql version



查看下官方read by other session的解释

Problem Confirmation:

  • The time spent actively in the local database is significant
  • Only certain sessions, queries or jobs are experiencing slowness (not throughout the database)
  • The time spent actively waiting on 'read by other session' waits are the significant component of total DB Time
  • Average time for 'read by other session' waits exceeds typical standards (ie takes greater than 40 mSec)

' read by other session' waits

Waits on 'read by other session' means that a session wants to pin a block that is currently being read from disk into the buffer cache by another session. This means that the first session needs to wait until this completes.

Reducing Number of Waits:

  1. If you are seeing long delays taken to service this wait event then check the amount of I/O being performed on the device identified by the P1 argument of this wait event.
    The device and / or the controller may be overloaded. If this is the case then take the standard steps of spreading the file across further devices etc.
  2. Check that the real problem isn't the amount of time that the operating system is taking to service the system call.
  3. Find out which file numbers are causing the highest average waits and then determine which filesystem contains the file
  4. Determine why the filesystems are performing poorly. Some common causes are:
    • "hot filesystems" - too many active files on the same filesystem exhausting the I/O bandwidth
    • hardware problem
    • In Parallel Execution (PX) is being used, determine if the I/O subsystem is saturated by having too many slaves in use.





select * from  dba_hist_active_sess_history

 WHERE event = 'read by other session' and session_state = 'WAITING' and  SAMPLE_TIME BETWEEN

TO_DATE('2021-3-10 6:55:00', 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') AND

TO_DATE('2021-3-10 7:05:00', 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS')


  • file# Absolute File Number (AFN)

This is the file number of the data file that contains the block that the waiting session wants.

  • block#

This is the block number in the above file# that the waiting session wants access to. See Note:181306.1 to determine the tablespace, filename and object for this file#,block# pair.

  • class# Block class#

This is the class of block being waited on. In particular:

  • class 1indicates a "data block", which could be table or index
  • class 4indicates a "segment header"
  • class >=15indicate undo blocks



SELECT relative_fno, owner, segment_name, segment_type

  FROM dba_extents

 WHERE file_id = 45

   AND 332861 BETWEEN block_id AND block_id + blocks - 1;


blocking session

blocking session为'390','1567',查询发现在7点时有不到20个session进来查询。

select * from  dba_hist_active_sess_history  where session_id in('390','1567'and  SAMPLE_TIME BETWEEN

TO_DATE('2021-3-10 6:5:00', 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') AND

TO_DATE('2021-3-10 7:05:00', 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS')





select count(*) as count from ( select * from mb_tran_hist where INTERNAL_KEY = :1 AND TRAN_DATE between :2 AND :3 AND TRAN_STATUS!='R' AND nvl(NARRATIVE, 'A') != 'xx' AND PARTNER_ID = :4 order by TRAN_TIMESTAMP DESC, SEQ_NO + 0 DESC ) temp



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