SAP BTP Kyma Runtime dashboard 打开报缺少缺陷的错误消息该如何解决

汪子熙 发表于 2022/05/31 18:57:02 2022/05/31
【摘要】 登录 SAP BTP 测试帐号,确保 Entitlements->Service Assignments 下有一个 Kyma runtime,类型为 trial environment:点击 Enable Kyma 按钮:创建一个 Kyma Environment:耐心等待环境创建好之后,在 Active 列下面能看到创建好的一个实例。点击 Go to Dashboard:发现遇到下列的错误...

登录 SAP BTP 测试帐号,确保 Entitlements->Service Assignments 下有一个 Kyma runtime,类型为 trial environment:

点击 Enable Kyma 按钮:

创建一个 Kyma Environment:

耐心等待环境创建好之后,在 Active 列下面能看到创建好的一个实例。点击 Go to Dashboard:


Not enough permissions

You don’t have enough permissions to view this content.

Contact your administrator to grant you access.

这个错误的根源是我操作的用户 Jerry,缺少打开 dashboard 必需的权限。进入 subaccount 的 security 选项:

根据关键字 Kyma 进行搜索:

选中角色(Role) KymaRuntimeNamespaceAdmin 进入明细页面。点击 Edit 按钮:

假设我期望将自己的用户 Jerry Wang 分配给角色 KymaRuntimeNamespaceAdmin,在ID 字段里输入自己的邮箱地址:

点击 Save 按钮保存:

现在再打开 Kyma Console,就没有任何错误了:



观察浏览器 url 的格式:/product/553637/nv10

在 default-routing-config.ts 里,得知 product/ 后的 553637 代表 productCode,而 nv10 则是 product name.

因为我使用的是默认的 CSR 即客户端渲染模式,所以首先看到一个只包含 loading 的 HTML 页面。

然后看到第一个和该产品信息相关的 HTTP 请求:/occ/v2/electronics-spa/orgProducts/553637?fields=name,categories,purchasable,baseOptions(DEFAULT),baseProduct,variantOptions(DEFAULT),variantType&lang=en&curr=USD

返回的请求响应,从中可以看到,PDP - Product Detail Page 内的很多数据,都不包含在这个响应里。

接下来这个请求才是我们要查找的 PDP 明细数据请求:

   "availableForPickup" : true,
   "averageRating" : 4.541666666666667,
   "categories" : [ {
      "code" : "576",
      "name" : "Digital Compacts",
      "url" : "/Open-Catalogue/Cameras/Digital-Cameras/Digital-Compacts/c/576"
   }, {
      "code" : "brand_26",
      "name" : "Samsung",
      "url" : "/Brands/Samsung/c/brand_26"
   } ],
   "code" : "553637",
   "configurable" : false,
   "description" : "<b>10.1 mega-pixel 1/1.8\"\"CCD high resolution</b><br/>The NV10 comes in an 18.5mm thin black aluminium body with Samsung's unique blue ring on its expendable lens barrel, and a pop-up flash. A 10.1 mega pixels, 1/1.8\"\" CCD, not normally used in slim cameras, is used to give better detail.<br/><br/><b>Smart Touch + Large 2.5\"\" LCD</b><br/>The new Smart Touch user interface makes it possible to quickly navigate and set menu items or view pictures. The unique makeup of the Smart Touch buttons with large 2.5 inch LCD on the back of the camera is expected to be great fun for users, giving them an experience unlike anything they have tried before.<br/><br/><b>The superior Schneider-KREUZNACH lens</b><br/>The superior Schneider-KREUZNACH lens produces crystal clear images. <br/>Bright lens that start at f2.8 delivers even resolution from the centre to the edges. For more natural-looking pictures, each lens surface is multi-coated to minimize the \"\"ghost\"\" or \"\"flare\"\" phenomenon.<br/><br/><b>Pop-Up Flash</b><br/>The most distinctive feature of the new NV Series is the built-in pop-up flash. The use of a pop-up mechanism made the overall design simple yet luxurious, and its location, right above the lens, hugely improved light diffusion angles and transmission rates. The lens location is also ideal for delivering the flashlight as intended, since it prevents accidental blocking of the flash by a hand.<br/><br/><b>Advanced Shake Reduction</b><br/>The ASR technology prevents the degradation of image clarity and colour common to flash photography. With ASR the effects of camera shake are reduced in lower light conditions. You can even take well exposed, sharper pictures in low light without using a flash at all. It guarantees brighter and more natural pictures.<br/><br/><b>ISO1000 Standards in Action</b><br/>NV series has an auto sensitivity feature that automatically adjusts sensitivity according to the ambient exposure conditions up to ISO 1000. The high sensitivity setting of ISO 1000 enables you to take clear indoor pictures in the dark without camera shake and the resulting image blurring.<br/><br/><b>Photo Gallery function</b><br/>This is an upgraded version of the photo album, which used to let you access the Menu only from Play Back. Now, this new UI lets you go directly to the album. Pictures are grouped and stored by date for easier access.<br/><br/><b>Multiple ways to Recharge</b><br/>Recharging can be done using a cradle or a 24 pin USB cable, as well as by using a detachable cable. Connect the camera to a PC using a 24 pin USB cable, use the adaptor cable to plug it into a power supply, or use any other convenient method to recharge your camera. <br/><br/><b>Advanced Movie Function</b><br/>The NV series supports MPEG-4 VGA (640x480, 30fps) and TVD (720x480, 20fps - NV3) size for an enhanced video shooting experience. You can even edit your movies on the camera itself, making these clever models brilliantly portable but powerful movie-makers.<br/><br/><b>Scene Mode</b><br/>11 Scene Modes and Text Recognition capability NV series have various scene modes to obtain the best picture result in a variety of settings.<br/>The scene modes provided are Night Scene, Portrait, Children, Landscape, Text Recognition, Sunset, Dawn, Backlight, Fireworks, Beach and Snow.",
   "images" : [ {
      "altText" : "NV10",
      "format" : "zoom",
      "imageType" : "PRIMARY",
      "url" : "/medias/?context=bWFzdGVyfGltYWdlc3wyNjQ0MHxpbWFnZS9qcGVnfGg4OC9oNzQvODc5NzQzMTY5MzM0Mnw2ZTBiODI5M2Q0MmVkNDA3NzU2MGRiMmFkNmVjYzA3ZjQzYmUzYWU4YTM5ZGFlMWU0NTRjYjY0ZTg1OTE5NTBj"
   }, {
      "altText" : "NV10",
      "format" : "product",
      "imageType" : "PRIMARY",
      "url" : "/medias/?context=bWFzdGVyfGltYWdlc3wxMjA0MHxpbWFnZS9qcGVnfGg5Yy9oNTMvODc5NzQ1Nzg3NDk3NHxjNTc2ZmRjYzJkODZjNGRmZjM1NTM5Zjc5OGE1NWE2MWYyZThiMjg0NmQ1OGI5ZDg0ZTY0M2YxM2Q5YWYxY2Vh"
   }, {
      "altText" : "NV10",
      "format" : "thumbnail",
      "imageType" : "PRIMARY",
      "url" : "/medias/?context=bWFzdGVyfGltYWdlc3wyNjEzfGltYWdlL2pwZWd8aGU3L2hjOS84Nzk3NDg0Mjg1OTgyfDQxODAyMWNjMWYwOGQwYWM2NzU0ZGNjZjkxNDhlNmQ2MTk2NTlmNWU2ZTZlOTcxYTlmZWQ5ODUwZWQ1ZDNkMTU"
   }, {
      "altText" : "NV10",
      "format" : "cartIcon",
      "imageType" : "PRIMARY",
      "url" : "/medias/?context=bWFzdGVyfGltYWdlc3wxNjk2fGltYWdlL2pwZWd8aDViL2hhYS84Nzk3NTEwNjY0MjIyfGZiNzIxZDAzMzcwYWE5MzJlYzZhYWMwZGY3NWI0MDFjNzg1YTEyODk1ZmQwZjQ5MGNmNzAyMmMzOTVlNWZhY2M"
   }, {
      "altText" : "NV10",
      "format" : "zoom",
      "galleryIndex" : 0,
      "imageType" : "GALLERY",
      "url" : "/medias/?context=bWFzdGVyfGltYWdlc3wyNjQ0MHxpbWFnZS9qcGVnfGg4OC9oNzQvODc5NzQzMTY5MzM0Mnw2ZTBiODI5M2Q0MmVkNDA3NzU2MGRiMmFkNmVjYzA3ZjQzYmUzYWU4YTM5ZGFlMWU0NTRjYjY0ZTg1OTE5NTBj"
   }, {
      "altText" : "NV10",
      "format" : "product",
      "galleryIndex" : 0,
      "imageType" : "GALLERY",
      "url" : "/medias/?context=bWFzdGVyfGltYWdlc3wxMjA0MHxpbWFnZS9qcGVnfGg5Yy9oNTMvODc5NzQ1Nzg3NDk3NHxjNTc2ZmRjYzJkODZjNGRmZjM1NTM5Zjc5OGE1NWE2MWYyZThiMjg0NmQ1OGI5ZDg0ZTY0M2YxM2Q5YWYxY2Vh"
   }, {
      "altText" : "NV10",
      "format" : "thumbnail",
      "galleryIndex" : 0,
      "imageType" : "GALLERY",
      "url" : "/medias/?context=bWFzdGVyfGltYWdlc3wyNjEzfGltYWdlL2pwZWd8aGU3L2hjOS84Nzk3NDg0Mjg1OTgyfDQxODAyMWNjMWYwOGQwYWM2NzU0ZGNjZjkxNDhlNmQ2MTk2NTlmNWU2ZTZlOTcxYTlmZWQ5ODUwZWQ1ZDNkMTU"
   } ],
   "manufacturer" : "Samsung",
   "name" : "NV10",
   "numberOfReviews" : 24,
   "price" : {
      "currencyIso" : "USD",
      "formattedValue" : "$264.69",
      "priceType" : "BUY",
      "value" : 264.69
   "priceRange" : {
   "stock" : {
      "isValueRounded" : false,
      "stockLevel" : 240,
      "stockLevelStatus" : "inStock"
   "summary" : "The NV10 comes in an 18.5mm thin black aluminium body with Samsung's unique blue ring on its extendable lens barrel, and a pop-up flash.",
   "url" : "/electronics-spa/products/553637"

url: /occ/v2/electronics-spa/products/553637?fields=code,configurable,configuratorType,name,summary,price(formattedValue,DEFAULT),images(galleryIndex,FULL),baseProduct,averageRating,stock(DEFAULT),description,availableForPickup,url,numberOfReviews,manufacturer,categories(FULL),priceRange,multidimensional,tags&lang=en&curr=USD

在 Chrome 开发者工具 network 标签页里选中这个 HTTP 请求,把鼠标放在 Initiator colume 上,会弹出调用栈:

耐心往下浏览调用栈列表,直至找到 product-loading.service.ts:

单击该文件,自动跳转到第116行,设置一个断点,按 F5 刷新, 断点触发。第 117 行代码,发送了一个新的 action 到 ngrx Store,类型为:ProductActions.LoadProduct:


根据关键字 ProductActions.LoadProduct 搜索,即可找到处理这个 action 的 effect 实现:product.effect.ts 文件:

在下图第 40 行设置断点:

下图就是我们最终要找到代码,SAP Spartacus 最终还是通过 http client, 请求对应 url 代表的资源:

url :,categories,purchasable,baseOptions(DEFAULT),baseProduct,variantOptions(DEFAULT),variantType



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