Tripwire 教程:基于 Linux 主机的入侵检测系统

Tiamo_T 发表于 2021/11/25 06:53:10 2021/11/25
9.3k+ 0 0
【摘要】 Tripwire 是一个基于主机的 Linux 入侵检测系统。Tripwire 监控 Linux 系统以检测并报告对文件和目录的任何未经授权的更改。创建基线后,tripwire 会监视并检测添加了哪个文件、更改了哪个文件、更改了哪些内容、更改了谁以及何时更改。如果更改是合法的,您可以更新tripwire 数据库以接受这些更改。

Tripwire 是一个基于主机的 Linux 入侵检测系统。Tripwire 监控 Linux 系统以检测并报告对文件和目录的任何未经授权的更改。创建基线后,tripwire 会监视并检测添加了哪个文件、更改了哪个文件、更改了哪些内容、更改了谁以及何时更改。如果更改是合法的,您可以更新tripwire 数据库以接受这些更改。



tripwire sourceforget项目网站下载最新的tripwire开源版本。将tripwire 源代码解压到/usr/src 目录,如下所示。

# cd /usr/src
# wget
# bzip2 -d tripwire-
# tar xvf tripwire-

2. 安装绊线

使用如下所示的前缀选项指定安装目录。在这个例子中,我在 /opt/tripwire 下安装了tripwire。在 make install 期间,它会提示您输入各种用户输入,这些输入在下面以红色突出显示。

# cd tripwire-

# ./configure --prefix=/opt/tripwire

# make

# make install

make[3]: Entering directory `/usr/src/tripwire-'
prefix="/opt/tripwire" sysconfdir="/opt/tripwire/etc" \
        path_to_vi="/bin/vi" path_to_sendmail="/usr/sbin/sendmail" \
Installer program for: Tripwire(R) 2.4 Open Source
LICENSE AGREEMENT for Tripwire(R) 2.4 Open Source
Please read the following license agreement.  You must accept the
agreement to continue installing Tripwire.
Press ENTER to view the License Agreement.
[Note: Press enter key as instructed to view the license]

Please type "accept" to indicate your acceptance of this
license agreement. [do not accept] accept
[Note: Type accept to accept the license]

This program will copy Tripwire files to the following directories:
        TWBIN: /opt/tripwire/sbin
        TWMAN: /opt/tripwire/man
     TWPOLICY: /opt/tripwire/etc
     TWREPORT: /opt/tripwire/lib/tripwire/report
         TWDB: /opt/tripwire/lib/tripwire
 TWSITEKEYDIR: /opt/tripwire/etc
TWLOCALKEYDIR: /opt/tripwire/etc
CLOBBER is false.
Continue with installation? [y/n] y
[Note: Press y to continue the installation]

The Tripwire site and local passphrases are used to
sign a variety of files, such as the configuration,
policy, and database files.
(When selecting a passphrase, keep in mind that good passphrases typically
have upper and lower case letters, digits and punctuation marks, and are
at least 8 characters in length.)
Enter the site keyfile passphrase:
Verify the site keyfile passphrase:
[Note: Assign a passphrase for site keyfile.]

Generating key (this may take several minutes)...Key generation complete.
(When selecting a passphrase, keep in mind that good passphrases typically
have upper and lower case letters, digits and punctuation marks, and are
at least 8 characters in length.)
Enter the local keyfile passphrase:
Verify the local keyfile passphrase:
[Note: Assign a passphrase for local keyfile.]

Creating signed configuration file...
Please enter your site passphrase:
Wrote configuration file: /opt/tripwire/etc/tw.cfg
[Note: Enter the site passphrase.]

Creating signed policy file...
Please enter your site passphrase:
Wrote policy file: /opt/tripwire/etc/tw.pol
[Note: Enter the site passphrase]

The installation succeeded.

  • 站点密码将保护 tw.cfg tripwire 配置文件
    和 tw.pol tripwire 策​​略文件。
  • 本地密码将保护tripwire 数据库和报告文件。

3. 初始化 Tripwire 数据库


# cd /opt/tripwire/sbin/

# ./tripwire --init

Please enter your local passphrase:
Parsing policy file: /opt/tripwire/etc/tw.pol
Generating the database...
*** Processing Unix File System ***
The object: "/sys" is on a different file system...ignoring.
### Warning: File system error.
### Filename: /cdrom
### No such file or directory
### Continuing...
### Warning: File system error.
### Filename: /floppy
### No such file or directory
### Continuing...
### Warning: File system error.
### Filename: /initrd
### No such file or directory
### Continuing...
### Warning: File system error.
Wrote database file: /opt/tripwire/lib/tripwire/prod-db-srv.twd
The database was successfully generated.


如上图所示,在tripwire数据库初始化过程中,对于tripwire策略文件中提到的一些默认文件,可能会显示“No such file or directory”的错误信息。如果您的系统没有这些文件,请编辑策略文件并注释这些条目。


  rulename = "OS Boot Files and Mount Points",
  /boot                         -> $(ReadOnly) ;
#  /cdrom                        -> $(Dynamic) ;
#  /floppy                       -> $(Dynamic) ;
  /mnt                          -> $(Dynamic) ;

使用tripwire 策​​略文件,您可以定义需要监视更改的目录和文件。您还可以更细化并指定应监视或忽略的文件属性。

以下是tripwire 监视的一些UNIX 系统属性。

  • 文件增删改查
  • 文件权限和属性
  • 访问时间戳
  • 修改时间戳
  • 文件类型和文件大小
  • 所有者的用户 ID 和所有者的组 ID
  • Hash checking:CRC-32、POSIX 1003.2 兼容的 32 位循环冗余校验;MD5,RSA 安全消息摘要算法;SHA,SHS/SHA算法的一部分;HAVAL,一种强大的 128 位签名算法

5. 更新 Tripwire 策​​略文件


# ./tripwire --update-policy --secure-mode low ../etc/twpol.txt

Parsing policy file: /opt/tripwire/etc/twpol.txt
Please enter your local passphrase:
Please enter your site passphrase:
======== Policy Update: Processing section Unix File System.

======== Step 1: Gathering information for the new policy.
The object: "/sys" is on a different file system...ignoring.

======== Step 2: Updating the database with new objects.

======== Step 3: Pruning unneeded objects from the database.
Wrote policy file: /opt/tripwire/etc/tw.pol
Wrote database file: /opt/tripwire/lib/tripwire/prod-db-srv.twd


### Warning: Policy Update Changed Object.
### An object has been changed since the database was last updated.

### Object name: Conflicting properties for object
### /u01/app/oracle/oradata/dbfiles/prod01.dbf
### > Modify Time
### > CRC32
### > MD5

6. 检查文件是否有任何更改并更新tripwire 数据库。


# ./tripwire --check --interactive

Parsing policy file: /opt/tripwire/etc/tw.pol
*** Processing Unix File System ***

Performing integrity check...
Wrote report file:

这将自动打开 vi 中的以下tripwire 报告文件,您可以在其中查看所有已添加或修改到系统的文件。如下图,“Added”和“Modified”文件前面都会有一个复选标记,表示您接受这些更改要更新到tripwire数据库。

Report Summary:
Host name:                    prod-db-srv
Host IP address:    
Host ID:                      None
Policy file used:             /opt/tripwire/etc/tw.pol
Configuration file used:      /opt/tripwire/etc/tw.cfg
Database file used:           /opt/tripwire/lib/tripwire/prod-db-srv.twd
Command line used:            ./tripwire --check --interactive

Remove the "x" from the adjacent box to prevent updating the database
with the new values for this object.

[x] "/u01/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/proddb/proddb/trace/proddb_m000_11376.trc"
[x] "/u01/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/proddb/proddb/trace/proddb_m000_11376.trm"

[x] "/u01/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/proddb/proddb/metadata/INC_METER_CONFIG.ams"
[x] "/u01/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/proddb/proddb/metadata/INC_METER_INFO.ams"

Added object name:  /u01/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/proddb/proddb/trace/proddb_m000_11376.trc

  Property:            Expected                    Observed
  -------------        -----------                 -----------
* Object Type          ---                         Regular File
* Device Number        ---                         2049
* Inode Number         ---                         12026017
* Mode                 ---                         -rw-r-----
* Num Links            ---                         1
* UID                  ---                         oracle (1082)
* GID                  ---                         oinstall (1083)
* Size                 ---                         837
* Modify Time          ---                         Sat 06 Dec 2008 10:01:51 AM PST
* Blocks               ---                         8
* CRC32                ---                         AYxMeo
* MD5                  ---                         AXSkOul8R/np0fQP4q3QLv

Modified object name:  /u01/app/oracle/diag/tnslsnr/proddb/listener/trace/listener.log

  Property:            Expected                    Observed
  -------------        -----------                 -----------
  Object Type          Regular File                Regular File
  Device Number        2049                        2049
  Inode Number         2295281                     2295281
  Mode                 -rw-r-----                  -rw-r-----
  Num Links            1                           1
  UID                  oracle (1082)               oracle (1082)
  GID                  oinstall (1083)             oinstall (1083)
* Size                 5851880                     5858608
* Modify Time          Sat 06 Dec 2008 09:58:53 AM PST
                                                   Sat 06 Dec 2008 11:39:56 AM PST
* Blocks               11456                       11472
* CRC32                ANdM8R                      CK+bWM
* MD5                  DCW84lCuD2YJOhQd/EuVsn      CV8BMvZNJB9KQBXAf5yRDY

Please enter your local passphrase:
Incorrect local passphrase.
Please enter your local passphrase:
Wrote database file: /opt/tripwire/lib/tripwire/prod-db-srv.twd


所有带*.twr 扩展名的tripwire 报告文件都存储在/opt/tripwire/lib/tripwire/report 目录下。tripwire 报告文件 *.twr 不是文本文件,您可以直接查看。要查看报告,请使用 twprint 并将 *.twr 文件转换为可读的文本格式,如下所示。

# ./twprint --print-report --twrfile \
/opt/tripwire/lib/tripwire/report/prod-db-srv-20081204-114336.twr  > \

8. 定期监控 Linux 系统完整性

将绊线检查添加为 cron 作业,以持续监控和报告任何更改。例如,将以下行添加到您的 crontab 以在每天凌晨 4:00 执行tripwire check

# Tripwire Monitor process
00 4 * * * /opt/tripwire/sbin/tripwire  --check

9. Tripwire 配置和策略文件位置

使用 twadmin 查看当前的tripwire 策​​略文件。下面仅显示部分输出。

#./twadmin --print-polfile
@@section GLOBAL

使用 twadmin 获取有关所有 tripwire 配置文件的信息,如下所示。

# ./twadmin --print-cfgfile
ROOT          =/opt/tripwire/sbin
POLFILE       =/opt/tripwire/etc/tw.pol
DBFILE        =/opt/tripwire/lib/tripwire/$(HOSTNAME).twd
REPORTFILE    =/opt/tripwire/lib/tripwire/report/$(HOSTNAME)-$(DATE).twr
SITEKEYFILE   =/opt/tripwire/etc/site.key
LOCALKEYFILE  =/opt/tripwire/etc/prod-db-srv-local.key
EDITOR        =/bin/vi
MAILPROGRAM   =/usr/sbin/sendmail -oi -t
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