【 MATLAB 】使用 MATLAB 作图讨论有限长序列的 N 点 DFT(强烈推荐)(含MATLAB脚本)

李锐博恩 发表于 2021/07/15 05:15:16 2021/07/15
【摘要】 这篇博文本来是和上篇博文一起写的:【 MATLAB 】离散傅里叶级数(DFS)与DFT、DTFT及 z变换之间的关系 但是这篇博文我最初设计的是使用MATLAB脚本和图像来讨论的,而上篇博文全是公式,因此,还是单独成立了一篇,但是我还是希望看这篇博文之前还是先看看上篇博文。 我默认你已经看了上篇博文。 本博文的讨论建立在一个案例的基础上: 设x(n)是4点序列为: ...

这篇博文本来是和上篇博文一起写的:【 MATLAB 】离散傅里叶级数(DFS)与DFT、DTFT及 z变换之间的关系





x(n) = \left\{\begin{matrix} 1, &0 \leq n \leq 3 \\0, & else \end{matrix}\right.

计算x(n)的4点DFT(N =4),以及(N = 8,N = 16, N = 128)

我们知道DFS是在DTFT上的频域采样,采样间隔为 2*pi / N.

DFT 是一个周期的DFS,因此DFT也是在DTFT上的频域采样,采样间隔同样为 2 * pi / N.


  1. clc;clear;close all;
  2. % x(n)
  3. N = 4;
  4. n = 0:N-1;
  5. x = [1,1,1,1];
  6. stem(n,x);
  7. title('Discrete sequence');
  8. xlabel('n');ylabel('x(n)');
  9. xlim([0,5]);ylim([-0.2,1.2]);

我们先作出 x(n) 的 DTFT,也即是离散时间傅里叶变换,给出脚本和图像:

  1. clc;clear;close all;
  2. % x(n)
  3. N = 4;
  4. n = 0:N-1;
  5. x = [1,1,1,1];
  6. stem(n,x);
  7. title('Discrete sequence');
  8. xlabel('n');ylabel('x(n)');
  9. xlim([0,5]);ylim([-0.2,1.2]);
  10. %Discrete-time Fourier Transform
  11. K = 500;
  12. k = 0:1:K;
  13. w = 2*pi*k/K; %plot DTFT in [0,2pi];
  14. X = x*exp(-j*n'*w);
  15. % w = [-fliplr(w),w(2:K+1)]; %plot DTFT in [-pi,pi]
  16. % X = [fliplr(X),X(2:K+1)]; %plot DTFT in [-pi,pi]
  17. magX = abs(X);
  18. angX = angle(X)*180/pi;
  19. figure
  20. subplot(2,1,1);
  21. plot(w/pi,magX);
  22. title('Discrete-time Fourier Transform in Magnitude Part');
  23. xlabel('w in pi units');ylabel('Magnitude of X');
  24. subplot(2,1,2);
  25. plot(w/pi,angX);
  26. title('Discrete-time Fourier Transform in Phase Part');
  27. xlabel('w in pi units');ylabel('Phase of X ');

关于DTFT的编程案例,之前博文也有:【 MATLAB 】模拟信号采样及离散时间傅里叶变换(DTFT)案例分析

当N = 4时候的DFT,为了显示出DFT和DTFT之间的关系,我们把DTFT图形和DFT画到了同一张图上:

  1. clc;clear;close all;
  2. % x(n)
  3. N = 4;
  4. n = 0:N-1;
  5. x = [1,1,1,1];
  6. %Discrete-time Fourier Transform
  7. K = 500;
  8. k = 0:1:K;
  9. w = 2*pi*k/K; %plot DTFT in [0,2pi];
  10. X = x*exp(-j*n'*w);
  11. magX = abs(X);
  12. angX = angle(X)*180/pi;
  13. %DFT in N = 4
  14. k = 0:N-1;
  15. Xk = dft(x,N);
  16. magXk = abs(Xk);
  17. phaXk = angle(Xk) * 180/pi; %angle 。
  18. k = 2*pi*k/N; % k in DFT is equal to 2*pi*k/N in DTFT
  19. figure
  20. subplot(2,1,1);
  21. stem(k/pi,magXk);
  22. title('DFT Magnitude of x(n) when N = 4');
  23. xlabel('k');ylabel('Magnitude Part');
  24. % Auxiliary mapping, highlighting the relationship between DFT and DTFT
  25. hold on
  26. plot(w/pi,magX,'g');
  27. hold off
  28. subplot(2,1,2);
  29. stem(k/pi,phaXk);
  30. title('DFT Phase of x(n) when N = 4');
  31. xlabel('k');ylabel('Phase Part');
  32. % Auxiliary mapping, highlighting the relationship between DFT and DTFT
  33. hold on
  34. plot(w/pi,angX,'g');
  35. hold off


当N = 8时候的DFT,为了显示出DFT和DTFT之间的关系,我们把DTFT图形和DFT画到了同一张图上:

  1. clc;clear;close all;
  2. % x(n)
  3. N = 4;
  4. n = 0:N-1;
  5. x = [1,1,1,1];
  6. %Discrete-time Fourier Transform
  7. K = 500;
  8. k = 0:1:K;
  9. w = 2*pi*k/K; %plot DTFT in [0,2pi];
  10. X = x*exp(-j*n'*w);
  11. magX = abs(X);
  12. angX = angle(X)*180/pi;
  13. % Zero padding into N = 8 and extended cycle
  14. N = 8;
  15. x = [1,1,1,1,zeros(1,4)];
  16. %DFT in N = 8
  17. k = 0:N-1;
  18. Xk = dft(x,N);
  19. magXk = abs(Xk);
  20. phaXk = angle(Xk) * 180/pi; %angle
  21. k = 2*pi*k/N; % k in DFT is equal to 2*pi*k/N in DTFT
  22. figure
  23. subplot(2,1,1);
  24. stem(k/pi,magXk);
  25. title('DFT Magnitude of x(n) when N = 8');
  26. xlabel('k');ylabel('Magnitude Part');
  27. % Auxiliary mapping, highlighting the relationship between DFT and DTFT
  28. hold on
  29. plot(w/pi,magX,'g');
  30. hold off
  31. subplot(2,1,2);
  32. stem(k/pi,phaXk);
  33. title('DFT Phase of x(n) when N = 8');
  34. xlabel('k');ylabel('Phase Part');
  35. % Auxiliary mapping, highlighting the relationship between DFT and DTFT
  36. hold on
  37. plot(w/pi,angX,'g');
  38. hold off

相比于N =4,N =8采样点数更密集了。

当N = 16时候的DFT,为了显示出DFT和DTFT之间的关系,我们把DTFT图形和DFT画到了同一张图上:

  1. clc;clear;close all;
  2. % x(n)
  3. N = 4;
  4. n = 0:N-1;
  5. x = [1,1,1,1];
  6. %Discrete-time Fourier Transform
  7. K = 500;
  8. k = 0:1:K;
  9. w = 2*pi*k/K; %plot DTFT in [0,2pi];
  10. X = x*exp(-j*n'*w);
  11. magX = abs(X);
  12. angX = angle(X)*180/pi;
  13. % Zero padding into N = 16 and extended cycle
  14. N = 16;
  15. x = [1,1,1,1,zeros(1,12)];
  16. %DFT in N = 16
  17. k = 0:N-1;
  18. Xk = dft(x,N);
  19. magXk = abs(Xk);
  20. phaXk = angle(Xk) * 180/pi; %angle
  21. k = 2*pi*k/N; % k in DFT is equal to 2*pi*k/N in DTFT
  22. figure
  23. subplot(2,1,1);
  24. stem(k/pi,magXk);
  25. title('DFT Magnitude of x(n) when N = 16');
  26. xlabel('k');ylabel('Magnitude Part');
  27. % Auxiliary mapping, highlighting the relationship between DFT and DTFT
  28. hold on
  29. plot(w/pi,magX,'g');
  30. hold off
  31. subplot(2,1,2);
  32. stem(k/pi,phaXk);
  33. title('DFT Phase of x(n) when N = 16');
  34. xlabel('k');ylabel('Phase Part');
  35. % Auxiliary mapping, highlighting the relationship between DFT and DTFT
  36. hold on
  37. plot(w/pi,angX,'g');
  38. hold off

N = 128的情况:

  1. clc;clear;close all;
  2. % x(n)
  3. N = 4;
  4. n = 0:N-1;
  5. x = [1,1,1,1];
  6. %Discrete-time Fourier Transform
  7. K = 500;
  8. k = 0:1:K;
  9. w = 2*pi*k/K; %plot DTFT in [0,2pi];
  10. X = x*exp(-j*n'*w);
  11. magX = abs(X);
  12. angX = angle(X)*180/pi;
  13. % Zero padding into N = 128 and extended cycle
  14. N = 128;
  15. x = [1,1,1,1,zeros(1,124)];
  16. %DFT in N = 128
  17. k = 0:N-1;
  18. Xk = dft(x,N);
  19. magXk = abs(Xk);
  20. phaXk = angle(Xk) * 180/pi; %angle
  21. k = 2*pi*k/N; % k in DFT is equal to 2*pi*k/N in DTFT
  22. figure
  23. subplot(2,1,1);
  24. stem(k/pi,magXk);
  25. title('DFT Magnitude of x(n) when N = 128');
  26. xlabel('k');ylabel('Magnitude Part');
  27. % Auxiliary mapping, highlighting the relationship between DFT and DTFT
  28. hold on
  29. plot(w/pi,magX,'g');
  30. hold off
  31. subplot(2,1,2);
  32. stem(k/pi,phaXk);
  33. title('DFT Phase of x(n) when N = 128');
  34. xlabel('k');ylabel('Phase Part');
  35. % Auxiliary mapping, highlighting the relationship between DFT and DTFT
  36. hold on
  37. plot(w/pi,angX,'g');
  38. hold off

可见,随着周期N 的增大,采样点越密集。


  1. clc;clear;close all;
  2. % x(n)
  3. N = 4;
  4. n = 0:N-1;
  5. x = [1,1,1,1];
  6. stem(n,x);
  7. title('Discrete sequence');
  8. xlabel('n');ylabel('x(n)');
  9. xlim([0,5]);ylim([-0.2,1.2]);
  10. %Discrete-time Fourier Transform
  11. K = 500;
  12. k = 0:1:K;
  13. w = 2*pi*k/K; %plot DTFT in [0,2pi];
  14. X = x*exp(-j*n'*w);
  15. % w = [-fliplr(w),w(2:K+1)]; %plot DTFT in [-pi,pi]
  16. % X = [fliplr(X),X(2:K+1)]; %plot DTFT in [-pi,pi]
  17. magX = abs(X);
  18. angX = angle(X)*180/pi;
  19. figure
  20. subplot(2,1,1);
  21. plot(w/pi,magX);
  22. title('Discrete-time Fourier Transform in Magnitude Part');
  23. xlabel('w in pi units');ylabel('Magnitude of X');
  24. subplot(2,1,2);
  25. plot(w/pi,angX);
  26. title('Discrete-time Fourier Transform in Phase Part');
  27. xlabel('w in pi units');ylabel('Phase of X ');
  28. %DFT in N = 4
  29. k = 0:N-1;
  30. Xk = dft(x,N);
  31. magXk = abs(Xk);
  32. phaXk = angle(Xk) * 180/pi; %angle 。
  33. k = 2*pi*k/N; % k in DFT is equal to 2*pi*k/N in DTFT
  34. figure
  35. subplot(2,1,1);
  36. stem(k/pi,magXk);
  37. title('DFT Magnitude of x(n) when N = 4');
  38. xlabel('k');ylabel('Magnitude Part');
  39. % Auxiliary mapping, highlighting the relationship between DFT and DTFT
  40. hold on
  41. plot(w/pi,magX,'g');
  42. hold off
  43. subplot(2,1,2);
  44. stem(k/pi,phaXk);
  45. title('DFT Phase of x(n) when N = 4');
  46. xlabel('k');ylabel('Phase Part');
  47. % Auxiliary mapping, highlighting the relationship between DFT and DTFT
  48. hold on
  49. plot(w/pi,angX,'g');
  50. hold off
  51. % Zero padding into N = 8 and extended cycle
  52. N = 8;
  53. x = [1,1,1,1,zeros(1,4)];
  54. %DFT in N = 8
  55. k = 0:N-1;
  56. Xk = dft(x,N);
  57. magXk = abs(Xk);
  58. phaXk = angle(Xk) * 180/pi; %angle 。
  59. k = 2*pi*k/N; % k in DFT is equal to 2*pi*k/N in DTFT
  60. figure
  61. subplot(2,1,1);
  62. stem(k/pi,magXk);
  63. title('DFT Magnitude of x(n) when N = 8');
  64. xlabel('k');ylabel('Magnitude Part');
  65. % Auxiliary mapping, highlighting the relationship between DFT and DTFT
  66. hold on
  67. plot(w/pi,magX,'g');
  68. hold off
  69. subplot(2,1,2);
  70. stem(k/pi,phaXk);
  71. title('DFT Phase of x(n) when N = 8');
  72. xlabel('k');ylabel('Phase Part');
  73. % Auxiliary mapping, highlighting the relationship between DFT and DTFT
  74. hold on
  75. plot(w/pi,angX,'g');
  76. hold off
  77. % Zero padding into N = 16 and extended cycle
  78. N = 16;
  79. x = [1,1,1,1,zeros(1,12)];
  80. %DFT in N = 16
  81. k = 0:N-1;
  82. Xk = dft(x,N);
  83. magXk = abs(Xk);
  84. phaXk = angle(Xk) * 180/pi; %angle 。
  85. k = 2*pi*k/N; % k in DFT is equal to 2*pi*k/N in DTFT
  86. figure
  87. subplot(2,1,1);
  88. stem(k/pi,magXk);
  89. title('DFT Magnitude of x(n) when N = 16');
  90. xlabel('k');ylabel('Magnitude Part');
  91. % Auxiliary mapping, highlighting the relationship between DFT and DTFT
  92. hold on
  93. plot(w/pi,magX,'g');
  94. hold off
  95. subplot(2,1,2);
  96. stem(k/pi,phaXk);
  97. title('DFT Phase of x(n) when N = 16');
  98. xlabel('k');ylabel('Phase Part');
  99. % Auxiliary mapping, highlighting the relationship between DFT and DTFT
  100. hold on
  101. plot(w/pi,angX,'g');
  102. hold off
  103. % Zero padding into N = 128 and extended cycle
  104. N = 128;
  105. x = [1,1,1,1,zeros(1,124)];
  106. %DFT in N = 128
  107. k = 0:N-1;
  108. Xk = dft(x,N);
  109. magXk = abs(Xk);
  110. phaXk = angle(Xk) * 180/pi; %angle 。
  111. k = 2*pi*k/N; % k in DFT is equal to 2*pi*k/N in DTFT
  112. figure
  113. subplot(2,1,1);
  114. stem(k/pi,magXk);
  115. title('DFT Magnitude of x(n) when N = 128');
  116. xlabel('k');ylabel('Magnitude Part');
  117. % Auxiliary mapping, highlighting the relationship between DFT and DTFT
  118. hold on
  119. plot(w/pi,magX,'g');
  120. hold off
  121. subplot(2,1,2);
  122. stem(k/pi,phaXk);
  123. title('DFT Phase of x(n) when N = 128');
  124. xlabel('k');ylabel('Phase Part');
  125. % Auxiliary mapping, highlighting the relationship between DFT and DTFT
  126. hold on
  127. plot(w/pi,angX,'g');
  128. hold off










文章来源: reborn.blog.csdn.net,作者:李锐博恩,版权归原作者所有,如需转载,请联系作者。


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