【 Notes 】Handbook of Position Location Reading notes

李锐博恩 发表于 2021/07/15 05:25:48 2021/07/15
【摘要】 Radio systems capable of localization have emerging applications in homeland security, law enforcement, emergency response, defense command and control, multirobot coordination, and vehicle...

Radio systems capable of localization have emerging applications in homeland security, law enforcement, emergency response, defense command and control, multirobot coordination, and vehicle - to - vehicle and vehicle - to - pedestrian collision avoidance. In fact, high  resolution localization is vital for many applications, including traffic alert, emergency services (e.g., indoor localization for fi refi ghters), and battlefield command and control. These systems promise to dramatically reduce society ’ s vulnerabilities to catastrophic events and to improve its quality of life.

具有定位能力的无线电系统在国土安全,执法,应急响应,防御指挥和控制,多机器人协调以及车辆到车辆和车辆到行人的碰撞避免方面具有新兴应用。 实际上,高分辨率定位对于许多应用程序至关重要,包括交通警报,紧急服务(例如,火灾的室内定位)以及战场指挥和控制。 这些系统有望显着降低社会对灾难性事件的脆弱性并改善其生活质量。

This handbook presents a review of both classic and emerging techniques, and introduces advanced practical methods in localization and positioning. The chapters will allow any working engineer or graduate student to quickly come up to speed on a specific topic. The handbook will also help university professors to teach the fundamentals of wireless localization in graduate schools worldwide. The intended audience thus includes graduate students, researchers, and industry.

该手册介绍了经典和新兴技术的回顾,并介绍了本地化和定位方面的先进实用方法。 这些章节将允许任何工作工程师或研究生快速掌握特定主题。 该手册还将有助于在全球研究生院教授无线定位的基础知识。 因此,目标受众包括研究生,研究人员和行业。

Figure 1.5 Futuristic applications of positioning systems.  



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