What does Ad Hoc Network mean?

李锐博恩 发表于 2021/07/15 04:57:23 2021/07/15
【摘要】 Definition - What does Ad Hoc Network mean? An ad hoc network is a network that is composed of individual devices communicating with each other directly. The term implies spontan...

Definition - What does Ad Hoc Network mean?

An ad hoc network is a network that is composed of individual devices communicating with each other directly. The term implies spontaneous or impromptu construction because these networks often bypass the gatekeeping hardware or central access point such as a router. Many ad hoc networks are local area networks where computers or other devices are enabled to send data directly to one another rather than going through a centralized access point.

ad hoc网络是由直接相互通信的各个设备组成的网络。 该术语意味着自发或即兴构造,因为这些网络经常绕过守门硬件或中央接入点,例如路由器。 许多ad hoc网络是局域网,其中计算机或其他设备能够直接相互发送数据而不是通过集中式接入点。

Techopedia explains Ad Hoc Network

The idea of an ad hoc network is often unfamiliar to end users who have only seen small residential or business networks that use a typical router to send wireless signals to individual computers. However, the ad hoc network is being used quite a bit in new types of wireless engineering, although until recently it was a rather esoteric idea. For example, a mobile ad hoc network involves mobile devices communicating directly with one another. Another type of ad hoc network, the vehicular ad hoc network, involves placing communication devices in cars. Both of these are examples of ad hoc networks that use a large collection of individual devices to freely communicate without a kind of top-down or hierarchical communication structure.

对于仅看到使用典型路由器向个人计算机发送无线信号的小型住宅或商业网络的最终用户来说,ad hoc网络的想法通常是不熟悉的。 然而,ad hoc网络在新型无线工程中使用得相当多,尽管直到最近它还是一个相当深奥的想法。 例如,移动ad hoc网络涉及彼此直接通信的移动设备。 另一种类型的自组织网络,即车载自组织网络,涉及将通信设备放置在汽车中。 这两者都是ad hoc网络的示例,其使用大量单独设备来自由通信而没有一种自上而下或分层的通信结构。

Experts point out that for small local area networks, ad hoc networks can be cheaper to build because they don’t require as much hardware. However, others make the point that a large number of devices can be difficult to manage without a larger and more concrete infrastructure. Tech leaders are looking at ways to enable more vibrant network functionality with these peer-to-peer networks.

专家指出,对于小型局域网,ad hoc网络构建起来可能更便宜,因为它们不需要那么多硬件。 但是,其他人指出,如果没有更大,更具体的基础设施,大量设备可能难以管理。 技术领导者正在研究如何通过这些点对点网络实现更具活力的网络功能。








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