【摘要】 ----ROS Best Practices:https://github.com/ethz-asl/ros_best_practices/wiki----
ROS最佳实践指南ROS Best Practices
This is a loose collection of best practices, conventions, and tricks for using the Robot Operating System (ROS). It builds up on the official ROS documentation and other resources and is meant as summary and overview.
The overhead of a ROS package is not large. Define separate packages wherever they make sense. Often, code can be useful in contexts other than those for which it was built.
Avoid combining nodes that pull in mutually unneeded dependencies and are often used separately (to eliminate unnecessary build overhead).
The package dependency graph must be acyclic, i.e. no package may depend on another that directly or indirectly depends on it.
If programs with similar dependencies are generally used together, consider combining them into a single package.
If some nodes have common dependencies on shared code that you do not wish to export publicly, they can be combined internally within a single package.
Create separate packages that contain only messages, services and actions (separation of interface and implementation). Examples for separate message packages are the ros/common_msgs packages.
Package names are global to the entire ROS ecosystem.
Try to pick names that will make sense to others who may wish to use your code.
Package names should be specific enough to identify what the package does. Do not over scope, e.g. planner is a bad name, use wavefront_planner instead.
Do not use “utils” or other catchalls.
Prefixing a package name is recommended only when the package is not meant to be used more widely (e.g., packages that are specific to the StlarETH robot use the ‘starleth_’ prefix).
Naming Conventions for Packages, Nodes, Topics, Services, TF etc.
不要为每个主题/服务/动作定义新的msg / srv / action定义!例如,而不是创建两个定义LoadMapFromFile.srv和SaveMapToFile.srv相同的内容Do not define a new msg/srv/action definition for each topic/service/action! For example, instead of creating two definitions LoadMapFromFile.srv and SaveMapToFile.srv with the same content
string file_path
定义一种类型的“ProcessFile.srv”,可从两种服务中使用,~/load_map并~/save_map分别。define one type ‘ProcessFile.srv’ which can be used from both services, ~/load_map and ~/save_map, respectively.
Global node handle: nh_global_ = ros::NodeHandle(“/“); (You probably shouldn’t use this ever.)
Generally you will only use the first 2 -- you could also use the namespaced node handle for separating out publishers for nodes that have many.
To explain what these do and how they should be used, let’s assume your ROS node is named ros_node, in namespace blah, and you are trying to look up the name topic. Here is what they will resolve to using all 4 node handles:
If, instead, your try to resolve /topic, this will skip the namespace of the node and resolve to /topic.
These are just general guidelines, but when possible, prefer to use the following in each case:
Subscribers - usually public node handles.
Publishers - usually private node handles for most output/visualization, occasionally necessary to use public for globally-used data (i.e., /odom topic).
Parameters - almost always private node handle.
Never use global names. This is because they do not resolve properly when you push nodes into namespaces, and does not allow you to run more than one of your node at a time properly. Or use multiple robots on the same master. Define published topics and parameters relative to the nodes namespace:
Topics should be named in the context of the node. Very simple and clear names are preferred for a easy to understand “ROS API”. Topic names not cause collision as long as they are published within the namespace of the node (see Namespace for Topics and Parameters).
In order to tell another node where to subscribe, set the topic name as ROS parameter (preferred). Alternatively, for third-party nodes, you can use the remap tag in roslaunch.
I'm going to build a small robot system, and it seems like that ROS serves a nice framework to control and program the system.
However, I am wondering which is the best practice to manage the components of my robot.
Does it make sense to put all the sensors in one node?
Should I only put the sensors of the same type in one node or is it better to have one node for one sensor?
Is it a good practice to have some kind of handler node, which takes input from sensors and steers the corresponding actuators or should the actuator nodes and sensor nodes communicate directly?
Fused sensor nodes and actuator nodes with handler
Single sensor and actuator nodes with handler
Direct communication
For me, I guess the best is to have some kind of handler, which handles the communication between sensors and actuators and have one node for each element of the robot (like in figure 2), because the system is in this way loosely coupled and can be extended easily, but I want to know what your opinion is.
Regarding whether reading from sensors all in one node or each separately, you should ask yourself this question:
Are the sensors meaningless without the other?
This question asks if the sensors are tightly coupled or not. For example, say you have a sensor that is sensitive to temperature (and you need to compensate for it). You add a temperature sensor primarily to fix the value of the other sensor. In this scenario, it makes sense to read both values at the same time, since they are tightly coupled. In fact, without the readings from the temperature sensor, the readings from the original sensor is useless.
On the other hand, if the sensors are individually useful, by all means keep them in separate nodes. This has many benefits:
The nodes can be run on separate processors
The nodes can be reused in future robots
Failure in communication with one node doesn't bring the whole system down
Restart of acquisition from a faulty sensor board can be done separately from the others
In fact, if you need any of the above benefits, you would have to go with separate nodes, even if the sensors are tightly coupled, but that usually doesn't happen.
This is a analogous.
Are the actuators meaningless without the other?
For example, if you are designing a wrist with robotic tendons where for each tendon (for whatever reason) two motors are responsible to simultaneously work to move a joint in one or the other direction, then having them served in the same node makes much more sense than separate.
On the other hand, where actuators are independent (common case), it makes sense to have one node for each actuator. In that case, each could be put in a different node. Besides the exact same benefits as with sensors, there is this added benefit:
If an actuators is stalled (for whatever reason), the other actuators still function. If there is redundant degrees of freedom, they could even completely compensate for it.
This has one implication. If you need the actuators to work in harmony, then put them in the same node. This is not just because of failure in communication, but because different nodes means different delays; on a distributed system each node is on a different part of the network and hence the difference in delays, on a centralized system different delays happen on high CPU loads due to each process's luck in scheduling.
Should There Be a Handler?
Even though the answer is "it depends", there is a common approach with many advantages. Let's change the name and call it "controller". The approach is "yes, there should be a controller".
The advantages of having a controller are (among many):
Decoupled processing: each node is responsible for one thing which means:
Simplicity: which implies
Easier development
Easier debugging
Fewer errors
Less chance of failure
Reusability: because the same controller can be used with different sensor nodes if they have the same functionality (i.e. message and service formats).
Execution on separate hardware: each node can be moved in the network. For example, sensor and actuator nodes may be moved to a dedicated microcontroller (Arduino for example (not that I recommend)) and the controller on a PC.
Avoid extreme ugliness: if the sensors wanted to directly influence the actuators, the result is simply a mess. Assuming no controller, let's look at each case:
One sensor node: basically this means the sensor node and the controller are put together in the same node. Not too bad, but very unnecessary.
Many sensor nodes: this is the mess. This means the controller is distributed among the sensor nodes. Therefore all the sensor nodes have to talk with each other for each to know how to control its associated actuator(s). Imagine a failure in communication or various kinds of delays and you'll see how difficult it becomes. Given that this is utterly unnecessary, there is no reason for doing it!
These said, there are disadvantages too. Having more nodes (any nodes, not just the controller) means:
More wasted communication: the data have to move around in standard formats (so serialized and deserialized) through network or shared memory, ROS core has to look at them and decide who to deliver them to, etc. In short, some system resources are wasted in communication. If all nodes where in one, that cost could have been zero.
Higher chance of failure: if for whatever reason a network link goes down, or a node dies, there is a failure in the system. If you are not prepared for it, it can take down the whole system. Now this is actually a good thing in general to be able to lose part of the system but not all of it (graceful degradation), but there also exist applications where this should be avoided as much as possible. Cutting the communication and putting all code in one node actually helps with system stability. The down side is of course, the system either works fine or suddenly dies completely.
Chaotic timings: each node runs on its own. The time it takes for its messages to arrive at others is non-deterministic and varies run by run. Unless your nodes timestamp each message (as a side note: you need to have synchronized clocks to a good degree, which ROS doesn't) and unless each receiving node can take the delay into account and control accordingly (which is a very difficult task on its own) then having multiple nodes means high uncertainty about the age of the data. This is actually one of the reasons (among many) that most robots move so slow; their control loop has to be slow enough to make sure all data correspond to the current period. The larger the delays, the slower the control loop.
In all above disadvantages, the solution is to reduce the number of nodes, preferably to a single node. Wait a minute, that's not using ROS anymore! Exactly.
To summarize:
Use ROS for non-realtime systems where delays could sporadically get high. In that case, feel free to have as many ROS nodes as you wish. In fact, it's very good practice to have each ROS node do one and only one thing. That way, they become very simple, and they become highly reusable.
On the other hand, for realtime systems, by all means avoid ROS. For that there is orocos and technologies like EtherCAT and more often than not, ad-hoc solutions.
As a final word, in practice ROS does fine. Not great, but fine. Very often the system is not critical and the chance of failure is so small that every now and then a restart is not a big deal. This is the Ostrich algorithm!