英特尔机器人操作系统二项目-Intel ROS2 Projects

zhangrelay 发表于 2021/07/15 02:06:16 2021/07/15
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【摘要】 Intel ROS2 Projects 英特尔机器人操作系统二项目 Intel® Robotics Open Source Project (Intel® ROS Project) to enable object detection/location/tracking, people detection, vehicle detection, industry ...

Intel ROS2 Projects 英特尔机器人操作系统二项目

Intel® Robotics Open Source Project (Intel® ROS Project) to enable object detection/location/tracking, people detection, vehicle detection, industry robot arm grasp point analysis with kinds of Intel technologies and platforms, including CPU, GPU, Intel® Movidius™ NCS optimized deep learning backend, FPGA, Intel® RealSense™ camera, etc. 英特尔®机器人开源项目(英特尔®ROS项目),支持目标检测/定位/跟踪人员检测车辆检测、工业机器人手臂抓取点分析,采用各英特尔技术和平台,包括CPUGPU英特尔®Movidius™ NCS优化了深度学习后端FPGA英特尔®实感™摄像头等

Key Projects 重点项目

We are working on below ROS2 projects and publish source code through https://github.com/intel/ or ROS2 github repo gradually. 英特尔正在开发ROS2项目,并逐步通过https://github.com/intel/或ROS2 github repo 发布源代码。

  • ROS2 OpenVINO: ROS2 package for Intel® Visual Inference and Neural Network Optimization Toolkit to develop multiplatform computer vision solutions. 英特尔®视觉推理和神经网络优化工具包的ROS2包,用于开发多平台计算机视觉解决方案。
  • ROS2 RealSense Camera: ROS2 package for Intel® RealSense™ D400 serial cameras 英特尔®实感™D400系列相机的ROS2封装
  • ROS2 Movidius NCS: ROS2 package for object detection with Intel® Movidius™ Neural Computing Stick (NCS). ROS2软件包,使用英特尔®Movidius™神经计算棒(NCS)进行物体检测。
  • ROS2 Object Messages: ROS2 messages for object.  ROS2的目标消息。
  • ROS2 Object Analytics: ROS2 package for object detection, tracking and 2D/3D localization. 用于目标检测、跟踪和2D / 3D定位的ROS2包。
  • ROS2 Message Filters: ROS2 package for message synchronization with time stamp. ROS2包,用于与时间戳进行消息同步。
  • ROS2 CV Bridge: ROS2 package to bridge with openCV. 与openCV桥接的ROS2包。
  • ROS2 Object Map: ROS2 package to mark tag of objects on map when SLAM based on information provided by ROS2 object analytics. 当SLAM基于ROS2目标分析提供的信息时,此ROS2包用于标记地图上对象。
  • ROS2 Moving Object: ROS2 package to provide object motion information (like object velocity on x, y, z axis) based on information provided by ROS2 object analytics. ROS2包根据ROS2目标分析提供的信息提供目标运动信息(如x,y,z轴上的目标速度)。
  • ROS2 Grasp Library: ROS2 package for grasp position analysis, and compatible with MoveIt grasp interfaces. ROS2包用于抓取位置分析,并兼容MoveIt!抓取接口。
  • ROS2 Navigation: ROS2 package for robot navigation, it’s already integrated to ROS2 Crystal release. 用于机器人导航的ROS2包,它已经集成到ROS2 Crystal发行版中。
  • Robot SDK: An open source project which enables developers to easily and efficiently create, customize, optimize, and deploy a robot software stack to an Autonomous Mobile Robot (AMR) platform based on the Robot Operating System 2 (ROS2) framework. 一个开源项目,使开发人员能够轻松高效地创建、定制、优化和部署基于机器人操作系统二(Robot Operating System 2,ROS2)框架的自主移动机器人( Autonomous Mobile Robot,AMR)平台的机器人软件集。

Reference 参考

ROS components at: http://wiki.ros.org/IntelROSProject shows the relationship among those packages, which also applies to ROS2. ROS组件位于:http://wiki.ros.org/IntelROSProject显示了这些包之间的关系,同时也适用于ROS2。

文章来源: zhangrelay.blog.csdn.net,作者:zhangrelay,版权归原作者所有,如需转载,请联系作者。


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