PyCUDA+Threading = Invalid Handles on kernel invocations

风吹稻花香 发表于 2021/06/04 23:36:46 2021/06/04
【摘要】 PyCUDA+Threading = Invalid Handles on kernel invocations The reason is context affinity. Every CUDA function instance is tied to a context, and they are not portable (the same applies t...

PyCUDA+Threading = Invalid Handles on kernel invocations

The reason is context affinity. Every CUDA function instance is tied to a context, and they are not portable (the same applies to memory allocations and texture references). So each context must load the function instance separately, and then use the function handle returned by that load operation.

If you are not using metaprogramming at all, you might find it simpler to compile your CUDA code to a cubin file, and then load the functions you need from the cubin to each context with driver.module_from_file. Cutting and pasting directly from some production code of mine:

  1. # Context establishment
  2. try:
  3. if (autoinit):
  4. import pycuda.autoinit
  5. self.context = None
  6. self.device = pycuda.autoinit.device
  7. self.computecc = self.device.compute_capability()
  8. else:
  9. driver.init()
  10. self.context = tools.make_default_context()
  11. self.device = self.context.get_device()
  12. self.computecc = self.device.compute_capability()
  13. # GPU code initialization
  14. # load pre compiled CUDA code from cubin file
  15. # Select the cubin based on the supplied dtype
  16. # cubin names contain C++ mangling because of
  17. # templating. Ugly but no easy way around it
  18. if self.computecc == (1,3):
  19. self.fimcubin = "fim_sm13.cubin"
  20. elif self.computecc[0] == 2:
  21. self.fimcubin = "fim_sm20.cubin"
  22. else:
  23. raise NotImplementedError("GPU architecture not supported")
  24. fimmod = driver.module_from_file(self.fimcubin)
  25. IterateName32 = "_Z10fimIterateIfLj8EEvPKT_PKiPS0_PiS0_S0_S0_jjji"
  26. IterateName64 = "_Z10fimIterateIdLj8EEvPKT_PKiPS0_PiS0_S0_S0_jjji"
  27. if (self.dtype == np.float32):
  28. IterateName = IterateName32
  29. elif (self.dtype == np.float64):
  30. IterateName = IterateName64
  31. else:
  32. raise TypeError
  33. self.fimIterate = fimmod.get_function(IterateName)
  34. except ImportError:
  35. warn("Could not initialise CUDA context")



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