
不脱发的程序猿 发表于 2020/12/31 23:34:03 2020/12/31
【摘要】 目录 项目背景 适用范围 使用方法 项目背景 相信一提起马赛克这个东西,不少小伙伴都痛心疾首,虽然最近几年也频繁传出有在研发去除马赛克的软件,一直没有成品问世。不过最近一位程序员及经过不断努力终于完成了这款软件。 据悉这位程序员“deeppomf”用深度神经网络开发出了一个能抹去马赛克让原图重现的神奇程序:DeepCreamPy 。为了使这款软件达到更好的效果...





  • 项目背景


据悉这位程序员“deeppomf”用深度神经网络开发出了一个能抹去马赛克让原图重现的神奇程序:DeepCreamPy 。为了使这款软件达到更好的效果,作者在短短几个月内收集了超过10万张未打码的原图,但其中95%的图片他都没有仔细看过,只因为太过于浪费时间了。软件被上传分享后,在一周内被下载了500多次。不过目前该软件的局限性还很大,只能完成一些简单的修复。

该项目使用深度完全卷积神经网络(deep fully convolutional neural network),参照了英伟达在今年4月前发布的一篇论文。当然,英伟达原文的目的可不是用来做羞羞的事情,而是为了复原画面被单色条带遮挡的问题。


  • 适用范围



  • 使用方法






Python 3.6

TensorFlow 1.10

Keras 2.2.4



请注意软件版本,Windows上的TensorFlow不兼容Python 2,也不兼容Python 3.7。


  1. import numpy as np
  2. from PIL import Image
  3. import os
  4. from copy import deepcopy
  5. import config
  6. from libs.pconv_hybrid_model import PConvUnet
  7. from libs.utils import *
  8. class Decensor:
  9. def __init__(self):
  10. self.args = config.get_args()
  11. self.is_mosaic = self.args.is_mosaic
  12. self.mask_color = [self.args.mask_color_red/255.0, self.args.mask_color_green/255.0, self.args.mask_color_blue/255.0]
  13. if not os.path.exists(self.args.decensor_output_path):
  14. os.makedirs(self.args.decensor_output_path)
  15. self.load_model()
  16. def get_mask(self, colored):
  17. mask = np.ones(colored.shape, np.uint8)
  18. i, j = np.where(np.all(colored[0] == self.mask_color, axis=-1))
  19. mask[0, i, j] = 0
  20. return mask
  21. def load_model(self):
  22. self.model = PConvUnet()
  23. self.model.load(
  24. r"./models/model.h5",
  25. train_bn=False,
  26. lr=0.00005
  27. )
  28. def decensor_all_images_in_folder(self):
  29. #load model once at beginning and reuse same model
  30. #self.load_model()
  31. color_dir = self.args.decensor_input_path
  32. file_names = os.listdir(color_dir)
  33. #convert all images into np arrays and put them in a list
  34. for file_name in file_names:
  35. color_file_path = os.path.join(color_dir, file_name)
  36. color_bn, color_ext = os.path.splitext(file_name)
  37. if os.path.isfile(color_file_path) and color_ext.casefold() == ".png":
  38. print("--------------------------------------------------------------------------")
  39. print("Decensoring the image {}".format(color_file_path))
  40. colored_img = Image.open(color_file_path)
  41. #if we are doing a mosaic decensor
  42. if self.is_mosaic:
  43. #get the original file that hasn't been colored
  44. ori_dir = self.args.decensor_input_original_path
  45. #since the original image might not be a png, test multiple file formats
  46. valid_formats = {".png", ".jpg", ".jpeg"}
  47. for test_file_name in os.listdir(ori_dir):
  48. test_bn, test_ext = os.path.splitext(test_file_name)
  49. if (test_bn == color_bn) and (test_ext.casefold() in valid_formats):
  50. ori_file_path = os.path.join(ori_dir, test_file_name)
  51. ori_img = Image.open(ori_file_path)
  52. # colored_img.show()
  53. self.decensor_image(ori_img, colored_img, file_name)
  54. break
  55. else: #for...else, i.e if the loop finished without encountering break
  56. print("Corresponding original, uncolored image not found in {}.".format(ori_file_path))
  57. print("Check if it exists and is in the PNG or JPG format.")
  58. else:
  59. self.decensor_image(colored_img, colored_img, file_name)
  60. print("--------------------------------------------------------------------------")
  61. #decensors one image at a time
  62. #TODO: decensor all cropped parts of the same image in a batch (then i need input for colored an array of those images and make additional changes)
  63. def decensor_image(self, ori, colored, file_name):
  64. width, height = ori.size
  65. #save the alpha channel if the image has an alpha channel
  66. has_alpha = False
  67. if (ori.mode == "RGBA"):
  68. has_alpha = True
  69. alpha_channel = np.asarray(ori)[:,:,3]
  70. alpha_channel = np.expand_dims(alpha_channel, axis =-1)
  71. ori = ori.convert('RGB')
  72. ori_array = image_to_array(ori)
  73. ori_array = np.expand_dims(ori_array, axis = 0)
  74. if self.is_mosaic:
  75. #if mosaic decensor, mask is empty
  76. # mask = np.ones(ori_array.shape, np.uint8)
  77. # print(mask.shape)
  78. colored = colored.convert('RGB')
  79. color_array = image_to_array(colored)
  80. color_array = np.expand_dims(color_array, axis = 0)
  81. mask = self.get_mask(color_array)
  82. # mask_reshaped = mask[0,:,:,:] * 255.0
  83. # mask_img = Image.fromarray(mask_reshaped.astype('uint8'))
  84. # mask_img.show()
  85. else:
  86. mask = self.get_mask(ori_array)
  87. #colored image is only used for finding the regions
  88. regions = find_regions(colored.convert('RGB'))
  89. print("Found {region_count} censored regions in this image!".format(region_count = len(regions)))
  90. if len(regions) == 0 and not self.is_mosaic:
  91. print("No green regions detected!")
  92. return
  93. output_img_array = ori_array[0].copy()
  94. for region_counter, region in enumerate(regions, 1):
  95. bounding_box = expand_bounding(ori, region)
  96. crop_img = ori.crop(bounding_box)
  97. # crop_img.show()
  98. #convert mask back to image
  99. mask_reshaped = mask[0,:,:,:] * 255.0
  100. mask_img = Image.fromarray(mask_reshaped.astype('uint8'))
  101. #resize the cropped images
  102. crop_img = crop_img.resize((512, 512))
  103. crop_img_array = image_to_array(crop_img)
  104. crop_img_array = np.expand_dims(crop_img_array, axis = 0)
  105. #resize the mask images
  106. mask_img = mask_img.crop(bounding_box)
  107. mask_img = mask_img.resize((512, 512))
  108. # mask_img.show()
  109. #convert mask_img back to array
  110. mask_array = image_to_array(mask_img)
  111. #the mask has been upscaled so there will be values not equal to 0 or 1
  112. mask_array[mask_array > 0] = 1
  113. if self.is_mosaic:
  114. a, b = np.where(np.all(mask_array == 0, axis = -1))
  115. print(a, b)
  116. coords = [coord for coord in zip(a,b) if ((coord[0] + coord[1]) % 2 == 0)]
  117. a,b = zip(*coords)
  118. mask_array[a,b] = 1
  119. # mask_array = mask_array * 255.0
  120. # img = Image.fromarray(mask_array.astype('uint8'))
  121. # img.show()
  122. # return
  123. mask_array = np.expand_dims(mask_array, axis = 0)
  124. # Run predictions for this batch of images
  125. pred_img_array = self.model.predict([crop_img_array, mask_array, mask_array])
  126. pred_img_array = pred_img_array * 255.0
  127. pred_img_array = np.squeeze(pred_img_array, axis = 0)
  128. #scale prediction image back to original size
  129. bounding_width = bounding_box[2]-bounding_box[0]
  130. bounding_height = bounding_box[3]-bounding_box[1]
  131. #convert np array to image
  132. # print(bounding_width,bounding_height)
  133. # print(pred_img_array.shape)
  134. pred_img = Image.fromarray(pred_img_array.astype('uint8'))
  135. # pred_img.show()
  136. pred_img = pred_img.resize((bounding_width, bounding_height), resample = Image.BICUBIC)
  137. pred_img_array = image_to_array(pred_img)
  138. # print(pred_img_array.shape)
  139. pred_img_array = np.expand_dims(pred_img_array, axis = 0)
  140. # copy the decensored regions into the output image
  141. for i in range(len(ori_array)):
  142. for col in range(bounding_width):
  143. for row in range(bounding_height):
  144. bounding_width_index = col + bounding_box[0]
  145. bounding_height_index = row + bounding_box[1]
  146. if (bounding_width_index, bounding_height_index) in region:
  147. output_img_array[bounding_height_index][bounding_width_index] = pred_img_array[i,:,:,:][row][col]
  148. print("{region_counter} out of {region_count} regions decensored.".format(region_counter=region_counter, region_count=len(regions)))
  149. output_img_array = output_img_array * 255.0
  150. #restore the alpha channel if the image had one
  151. if has_alpha:
  152. output_img_array = np.concatenate((output_img_array, alpha_channel), axis = 2)
  153. output_img = Image.fromarray(output_img_array.astype('uint8'))
  154. #save the decensored image
  155. #file_name, _ = os.path.splitext(file_name)
  156. save_path = os.path.join(self.args.decensor_output_path, file_name)
  157. output_img.save(save_path)
  158. print("Decensored image saved to {save_path}!".format(save_path=save_path))
  159. return
  160. if __name__ == '__main__':
  161. decensor = Decensor()
  162. decensor.decensor_all_images_in_folder()





最后将处理的文件以PNG格式存储在软件的”decensor_input”文件夹中。如果敏感部位不是黑条,而是马赛克,还需要将未上色的原始图片放入”decensor_input_original” 文件夹中,并确保其文件名和放在”decensor_input”中的预处理图片文件名相同





$ pythondecensor.py


$ python decensor.py —is_mosaic=True





文章来源: handsome-man.blog.csdn.net,作者:不脱发的程序猿,版权归原作者所有,如需转载,请联系作者。


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