【SLAM】SfM论文推荐(ICCV,CVPR,ECCV等)Structure from Motion

王博Kings 发表于 2020/12/30 00:07:17 2020/12/30
【摘要】 文章目录 SfM 相关文献增量式SfM:全局式SfM:混合式SfM: SfM 相关文献 增量式SfM: N. Snavely, et al. Modeling the World from Internet Photo Collections. IJCV 2007.P. Moulon, et al. Adaptive Structure from ...

SfM 相关文献


  1. N. Snavely, et al. Modeling the World from Internet Photo Collections. IJCV 2007.
  2. P. Moulon, et al. Adaptive Structure from Motion with a contrario model estimation. ACCV 2012.
  3. C. Wu. Towards linear-time incremental structure from motion. 3DV 2013.
  4. J. Schonberger, et al. Structure-from-Motion Revisited. CVPR 2016.
  5. H. Cui, et al. Batched Incremental Structure-from-Motion. 3DV 2017.
  6. H. Cui, et al. Progressive Large-Scale Structure-from-Motion with Orthogonal MSTs. 3DV 2018.


  1. N. Jiang, et al. A Global Linear Method for Camera Pose Registration. ICCV 2013.
  2. M. Moulon, et al. Global Fusion of Relative Motions for Robust, Accurate and Scalable structure from motion. ICCV 2013.
  3. K. Wilson, et al. Robust Global Translations with 1DSfM. ECCV 2014.
  4. O. Ozyesil, et al. Robust Camera Location Estimation by Convex Programming. CVPR 2015 .
  5. C. Sweeney, et al. Optimizing the Viewing Graph for Structure-from-Motion. ICCV 2015.
  6. T. Goldstein, et al. Shapefit and Shapekick for Robust, Scalable Structure from Motion. ECCV 2016.
  7. S. Zhu, et al. Very Large-Scale Global SfM by Distributed Motion Averaging. CVPR 2018.


  1. H. Cui, et al. HSfM: Hybrid Structure-from-Motion. CVPR 2017.
  2. S. Zhu, et al. Parallel Structure from Motion from Local Increment to Global Averaging. arXiv:1702.08601.

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