【摘要】 XXX局点的数据库为全省集中部署,涉及到20000+业务数据表,且业务数据表全部放在一个schema下。为应对审计部门的核查,每季度需要将全省集中的生产数据库拷贝到汇总库中,再按照省市县约100+区划进行分离,实现A区划用户只有权限查看其本区划内的数据,其余区划信息均不可见,并且能够实现A区划数据的分离提取。
(一) 需求分析
(二) 解决方案
SELECT n.nspname AS schemaname, c.relname AS tablename, pg_catalog.pg_get_userbyid(c.relowner) as "Owner" FROM pgxc_class x LEFT join pg_class c on c.oid = x.pcrelid LEFT JOIN pg_namespace n ON n.oid = c.relnamespace WHERE n.nspname ='schema_hxxt' AND c.oid IN (SELECT attrelid FROM pg_attribute WHERE attname = 'province'); |
SELECT n.nspname AS schemaname, c.relname AS tablename, pg_catalog.pg_get_userbyid(c.relowner) as "Owner" FROM pgxc_class x LEFT join pg_class c on c.oid = x.pcrelid LEFT JOIN pg_namespace n ON n.oid = c.relnamespace WHERE n.nspname ='schema_hxxt' AND c.oid NOT IN (SELECT attrelid FROM pg_attribute WHERE attname = 'province'); |
客户的需求核心是能够在不修改业务表结构的情况下,实现用户访问控制,考虑使用视图view来实现。各区划用户以“us+区划编码”命名,例如A区划的编码province为610000,A区划用户名设置为 “us610000”。视图view以“v_tablename”命名,例如业务表名为table1,对应视图命名为“v_table1”。如下表所示。
区划名 |
区划编码 (province字段值) |
区划用户名 |
业务表名 |
视图命名 |
A区划 |
610000 |
us610000 |
table1 |
v_table1 |
table2 |
v_table2 |
table3 |
v_table3 |
B区划 |
710001 |
us710001 |
table4 |
v_table4 |
table5 |
v_table5 |
table6 |
v_table6 |
(1) 针对具有区划属性的业务表
create view v_table1 as select * from table1 where province=substr(current_user,3); |
(2) 针对没有区划属性的业务表
create view v_table2 as select * from table2; |
--创建测试的业务用户 province_test CREATE USER province_test PASSWORD 'Bigdata123@';
--创建测试的数据库 db_test,属主为 province_test CREATE DATABASE db_test OWNER province_test ENCODING 'GBK' template = template0;
--创建区划用户,A区划us610000,B区划us710001 create user us610000 identified by 'Bigdata123@'; create user us710001 identified by 'Bigdata123@';
--创建含有province字段的业务表 create table table1(province varchar(30),id int); create table table2(province varchar(30),id int); create table table3(province varchar(30),id int); --创建不含province字段的业务表 create table table4(codename varchar(30),id int); create table table5(codename varchar(30),id int); create table table6(codename varchar(30),id int);
--创建含有province字段业务表对应的用户访问控制视图 create view v_table1 as select * from table1 where province=substr(current_user,3); create view v_table2 as select * from table2 where province=substr(current_user,3); create view v_table3 as select * from table3 where province=substr(current_user,3); --创建不含province字段业务表对应的查询视图 create view v_table4 as select * from table4; create view v_table5 as select * from table5; create view v_table6 as select * from table6;
--插入业务数据 insert into table1 values('610000',110); insert into table1 values('610000',111); insert into table1 values('610000',112); insert into table1 values('710001',113); insert into table1 values('710001',114); insert into table1 values('710001',115); insert into table1 values('710001',116);
insert into table2 values('610000',210); insert into table2 values('610000',211); insert into table2 values('610000',212); insert into table2 values('710001',213); insert into table2 values('710001',214); insert into table2 values('710001',215); insert into table2 values('710001',216);
insert into table3 values('610000',310); insert into table3 values('610000',311); insert into table3 values('610000',312); insert into table3 values('710001',313); insert into table3 values('710001',314); insert into table3 values('710001',315); insert into table3 values('710001',316);
insert into table4 values('n610000',1110); insert into table4 values('n610000',1111); insert into table4 values('n610000',1112); insert into table4 values('n710001',1113); insert into table4 values('n710001',1114); insert into table4 values('n710001',1115); insert into table4 values('n710001',1116); insert into table4 values('n810002',1117); insert into table4 values('n810002',1118); insert into table4 values('n810002',1119);
insert into table5 values('n610000',2210); insert into table5 values('n610000',2211); insert into table5 values('n610000',2212); insert into table5 values('n710001',2213); insert into table5 values('n710001',2214); insert into table5 values('n710001',2215); insert into table5 values('n710001',2216); insert into table5 values('n810002',2217); insert into table5 values('n810002',2218); insert into table5 values('n810002',2219);
insert into table6 values('n610000',3310); insert into table6 values('n610000',3311); insert into table6 values('n610000',3312); insert into table6 values('n710001',3313); insert into table6 values('n710001',3314); insert into table6 values('n710001',3315); insert into table6 values('n710001',3316); insert into table6 values('n810002',3317); insert into table6 values('n810002',3318); insert into table6 values('n810002',3319);
--使用业务用户 province_test为区划用户赋权 grant select on v_table1 to us610000; grant select on v_table2 to us610000; grant select on v_table3 to us610000; grant select on v_table4 to us610000; grant select on v_table5 to us610000; grant select on v_table6 to us610000;
grant select on v_table1 to us710001; grant select on v_table2 to us710001; grant select on v_table3 to us710001; grant select on v_table4 to us710001; grant select on v_table5 to us710001; grant select on v_table6 to us710001; |
使用copy命令导出时需要赋予用户超户权限(must be system admin to COPY to or from a file)。
--使用copy命令操作前,需要赋予区划用户例如us610000超户权限 GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES TO us610000;
--使用区划用户导出对应数据文件 copy (select * from public.v_table1) to '/srv/BigData/mppdb/data1/copy_table1_us610000.csv' with(format 'csv',header 'on',encoding 'gbk');
--使用区划用户导入对应数据文件 copy public.table1 from '/srv/BigData/mppdb/data1/copy_table1_us610000.csv' with(format 'csv',header 'on',encoding 'gbk');
--完成copy命令导出导入后,回收超户权限 REVOKE ALL PRIVILEGES FROM us610000; |
--有区划属性的视图批量创建 \o /srv/BigData/mppdb/data1/create_view_command_province.sql select 'create view '||n.nspname||'.v_'||c.relname||' as select * from '|| c.relname||' where province=substr(current_user,3);' as create_view_command from pgxc_class x left join pg_class c on c.oid = x.pcrelid left join pg_namespace n on n.oid = c.relnamespace where c.oid in (select attrelid from pg_attribute where attname = 'province'); \o
--没有区划属性的视图批量创建 \o /srv/BigData/mppdb/data1/create_view_command_noprovince.sql select 'create view '||n.nspname||'.v_'||c.relname||' as select * from '|| c.relname||';' as create_view_command from pgxc_class x left join pg_class c on c.oid = x.pcrelid left join pg_namespace n on n.oid = c.relnamespace where c.oid not in (select attrelid from pg_attribute where attname = 'province'); \o
--区划用户使用copy命令批量导出 \o /srv/BigData/mppdb/data1/copy_out_command.sql select 'copy (select * from '||vw.schemaname||'.'||vw.viewname|| ' where province = '''||substr(current_user,3)|| ''') to '||'''/srv/BigData/mppdb/data1/'||substr(current_user,3)||'/copy_'|| vw.viewname||'.csv'''||' with(format '||'''csv'''||',header '||'''on'''||',encoding '|| '''gbk'''||');' as as copy_out_command from pg_views vw where vw.schemaname='public' and vw.viewname ~ '^v_.'; \o
--区划用户使用copy命令批量导入 \o /srv/BigData/mppdb/data1/copy_in_command.sql select 'copy '||tb.schemaname||'.'||tb.tablename|| ' from '||'''/srv/BigData/mppdb/data1/'||substr(current_user,3)||'/copy_v_'|| tb.tablename||'.csv'''||' with(format '||'''csv'''||',header '||'''on'''||',encoding '||'''gbk'''|| ');' as copy_in_command from pg_tables tb where tb.schemaname='public'; \o
--赋予区划用户的批量权限 \o /srv/BigData/mppdb/data1/grant_privileges.sql select 'grant select on v_'||tb.tablename||' to '||us.usename||';' as grant_privileges from pg_tables tb,(select usename from pg_user where usename ~ '^us.') us where tb.schemaname='public' order by us.usename,tb.tablename; \o
--回收区划用户的批量赋权 \o /srv/BigData/mppdb/data1/revoke_privileges.sql select 'revoke all privileges from '||us.usename||';' as grant_privileges from pg_user us where usename ~ '^us.'; \o |
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BrainSheng2020/12/31 00:07:331楼编辑删除举报