《软件架构理论与实践》 —3 参考文献
【摘要】 本节书摘来自华章计算机《软件架构理论与实践》一书中第3章,参考文献,作者是李必信 廖力 王璐璐 孔祥龙 周颖。
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[32] G P Gu, D C Petriu. From UML to LQN by XML algebra-based model transformations[C]. Proceedings of the 5th international workshop on Software and performance. ACM, 2005: 99-110.
[33] H Gomaa, D A Menascé. Design and performance modeling of component interconnection patterns for distributed software architectures[C]. Proceedings of the 2nd international workshop on Software and performance. ACM, 2000: 117-126.
[34] S Balsamo, M Marzolla. Performance evaluation of UML software architectures with multiclass Queueing Network models[C]. Proceedings of the 5th international workshop on Software and performance. ACM, 2005: 37-42.
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