--如果报错则使用pv_session_memory_detail ,或者 gs_session_memory_detail
select m.used_mem,pid,sessionid,datname,usename,application_name,client_addr,xact_start,query_start,(now() - xact_start)::text as xact_runtime,"query"
from gs_session_memory m
join pg_stat_activity a on(split_part(m.sessid, '.', 2) = a.sessionid)
where pid <> pg_backend_pid()
order by m.used_mem desc limit 20;
--1. 全局内存信息概况 MB
select * from gs_total_memory_detail;
--1.1 全局内存使用百分比
select t.*,decode(max1,null,null,0,'-',round(used/max1*100,2)||'%') pct
nodename,typename,max(memorytype) memorytype,
max(case when memorytype like '%max_%' then memorymbytes else null end ) max1,
max(case when memorytype not like '%max_%' and memorytype not like '%peak_%' then memorymbytes else null end ) used,
max(case when memorytype like '%peak_%' then memorymbytes else null end ) peak
(select nodename,memorytype,memorymbytes,replace(replace(replace(memorytype, 'used_', ''), 'max_', ''), 'peak_', '') as typename from pg_total_memory_detail)
group by
order by max1 desc nulls last, peak desc nulls last, used desc) t;
--2. 全局内存上下文内存使用详情
select * from gs_shared_memory_detail;
--2.1 按上下文统计
select contextname, sum(totalsize)/1024/1024 total_mb, sum(freesize)/1024/1024 free_mb, count(*) count from gs_shared_memory_detail group by contextname order by total_mb desc limit 10;
--3. 线程级内存上下文内存使用详情
select * from gs_thread_memory_context;
--3.1 按上下文统计
select contextname, sum(totalsize)/1024/1024 total_mb, sum(freesize)/1024/1024 free_mb, count(*) count from gs_thread_memory_context group by contextname order by total_mb desc limit 10;
--3.2 指定pid,按上下文统计
select contextname, sum(totalsize)/1024/1024 total_mb, sum(freesize)/1024/1024 free_mb, count(*) count from gs_thread_memory_context where split_part(threadid, '.', 2) = 140539511895808 group by contextname order by total_mb desc limit 10;
--4. session级内存上下文使用详情,仅在线程池模式开启时生效
select * from gs_session_memory_context;
-- 按照上下文,看seesion内存消耗高的点
select contextname, count(*), sum(totalsize)/1024/1024, sum(usedsize)/1024/1024 from gs_session_memory_detail group by 1 order by 3 desc limit 10;
--4.1 指定Session的上下文情况
select * from gs_session_memory_context where split_part(sessid, '.', 2)=797338;
--4.2 指定Session的上下文的详细消耗
select * from gs_session_memory_detail where split_part(sessid, '.', 2)=797338;
select * from gs_session_memory_detail where split_part(sessid, '.', 2)=797338 and contextname='CachedPlanQuery';
--4.3 指定session的上下文统计内存消耗情况,并计数,比如CachedPlanQuery的数量可以判断缓存了多少个查询
select contextname, pg_size_pretty(sum(totalsize)) total, pg_size_pretty(sum(freesize)) free, count(*) count
from gs_session_memory_detail
where split_part(sessid, '.', 2) = 605980
group by contextname order by sum(totalsize) desc limit 10;
select * from gs_get_session_memctx_detail('CachedPlanQuery');
2. 历史内存消耗情况
select * from gs_get_history_memory_detail(NULL) order by memory_info desc limit 10;
select * from gs_get_history_memory_detail('mem_log-2023-03-10_205125.log');
3. WDR报告
select * from snapshot.snapshot;
select generate_wdr_report(772, 774, 'all', 'cluster',null);
4. 针对Gauss Session 维度 SQL执行计划缓存的进一步讨论
想要确定当前连接已经缓存的SQL 多少以及多大 可通过 查看: select count(1),sum(totalsize)/1024/1024 total, sum(usedsize)/1024/1024 used from gs_session_memory_detail where split_part(sessid, '.', 2)=815216 and contextname='CachedPlanQuery';
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