【摘要】 收集有关出售产品数量的统计数据,并对产品进行分类。分类规则如下select b.item,,casewhen total<800 then 'cold'when total>=800 and total <1000 then 'warm'else 'hot'end as sort from(select item,sum(num) total from(select item0...
select b.item,,case
when total<800 then 'cold'
when total>=800 and total <1000 then 'warm'
else 'hot'
end as sort from(
select item,sum(num) total from(
select item01 as item,count(item01)as num from item group by item01
union all
select item02 as item,count(item02) as num from item group by item02
union all
select item03 as item,count(item03) as num from item group by item03
union all
select item04 as item,count(item04) as num from item group by item04) a group by item) b;
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