BDSNP Module——用于改善CMAQ模型中土壤氮氧化物(NO)排放估计的模块

此星光明 发表于 2025/02/17 14:05:50 2025/02/17
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【摘要】 ​ BDSNP Module for Improved Soil NO Emission Estimates for CMAQ Model, Conterminous USA简介该数据集是一个用于改善CMAQ模型中土壤氮氧化物(NO)排放估计的BDSNP模块,涵盖了美国本土的范围。该数据集提供了详细的土壤氮氧化物排放估计,有助于提高对大气中NO浓度和分布的预测精度。数据集包括土壤类型、土壤p...

 BDSNP Module for Improved Soil NO Emission Estimates for CMAQ Model, Conterminous USA





Spatial Coverage: CMAQ model domain for Continental United States and portions of northern Mexico and southern Canada

Spatial Resolution: 12- by 12-km grid

Temporal Coverage: Input fertilizer data: 20110101 - 20120101; Outputs: 20110621 - 20110622

Temporal Resolution: Hourly

Study Area:


Site Westernmost Longitude Easternmost Longitude Northernmost Latitude Southernmost Latitude
CONUS -129.79 -65.00 51.76 22.75

Table 1. Fortran source files



BDSNP_MOD_EPIC.F Gives soil NO parameterization as given by Hudman et al. (2012) with options of enhancement in terms of 'new' soil biome (NLCD40 for 2006) and dynamic fertilizer nitrogen pool from EPIC (Cooter et al., 2012; see Data Acquisition, Materials, and Methods)
canopy_nox_mod.F Source code for incorporating canopy reduction of soil NO as proposed by Hudman et al. (2012)
cldproc_acm.F and vdiffacm2.F Two source code files for obtaining total mass of nitrogen per unit area deposited to the ground from the atmosphere through wet (cldproc_acm.F) and dry (vdiffacm2.F) deposition.
tmpbeis.F Source code to create model-ready biogenic emissions from gridded land use data with emissions inputs in moles/second; in this implementation, tmpbeis.F has been modified to give the option to calculate soil NO emission either from Yienger and Levy (1995) parameterization or from BDSNP (see Data Acquisition, Materials, and Methods)

Table 2. Data variables in soil biome type maps

Variable Description Units
LANDFRAC Biome classification *
TFLAG Timestep **
x Synthesized coordinate from XORIG XCELL *** km
y Synthesized coordinate from YORIG YCELL ***


Table 3. Data variables for NetCDF inputs for soil biome type

Variable Description Units
TFLAG * Timestep *
Synthesized coordinate from XORIG XCELL ** km
Synthesized coordinate from YORIG YCELL ** km
Arid Arid land climate *** 0/1
NonArid NonArid land climate *** 0/1

* No data for this variable. All values are 0.

** See BDSNPmodule_UserGuide_GMD_Supplement.pdf companion file for model grid description. 

*** Arid and NonArid variables only exist in their respective NetCDF files listed above.

Table 4. Data variables for

Variable Description Units
FERTDAY(001-366) Nitrogen from manure and fertilizer for day ### * ng N/m2
TFLAG  Timestep **
Synthesized coordinate from XORIG XCELL *** km
Synthesized coordinate from YORIG YCELL *** km

* 366 variables give the daily fertilizer nitrogen inputs for 20110101 - 20120101.

** No data for this variable. All values are 0.

*** See BDSNPmodule_UserGuide_GMD_Supplement.pdf companion file for model grid description. 

Table 5. Data variables for

Variable Description Units
T1_EPIC Fertilizer nitrogen from EPIC  ng N/m2
TFLAG Timestep *
x Synthesized coordinate from XORIG XCELL ** km
y Synthesized coordinate from YORIG YCELL ** km

* No data for this variable. All values are 0.

** See BDSNPmodule_UserGuide_GMD_Supplement.pdf companion file for model grid description. 

able 6. Data variables for soil instate/soilout restart files.

Variable Description Units
PFACTOR NO emission current pulse factor 0-1
DRYPERIOD Length of the dry period hr
NDEPRES Soil N reservoir from deposition Ng/m2
SOILMPREV Soil moisture ratio for previous time step m3/m3
THETA_DIAG  Moisture water-filled pore space * 0-1
WET_TERM_DIAG Moisture scale factor * 0-1
TEMP_DIAG Temperature in last simulation hour *  K
A_DIAG Base emission factor from soil biome type * 0-1
NRES_FERT_DIAG NRES fertilizer only * 0-1
AFERT_DIAG Fertilizer emission factor * 0-1
NDEPRATE_DIAG Daily average N deposition rate * gm/s
CRFAVG Daily average canopy reduction factor * 0-1
PULSEAVG Daily average pulse factor * 0-1

* Diagnostic parameters

able 7. Data variables for sample output files. Units are grams per second for a 12- by 12-km grid cell.




ALD2 Acetaldehyde gm/s
ALDX Propionaldehyde and higher aldehydes gm/s
CO Carbon monoxide gm/s
ETH Ethene gm/s
ETHA Ethane gm/s
ETOH Ethanol gm/s
FORM Formaldehyde gm/s
IOLE Internal olefin carbon bond (R-C=C-R) gm/s
ISOP Isoprene gm/s
MEOH Methanol gm/s


Nitric oxide


OLE Terminal olefin carbon bond (R-C=C) gm/s
PAR Paraffin carbon bond (C-C) gm/s
SESQ Sesquiterpene gm/s
TERP Terpene gm/s
time synthesized coordinate from SDATE, STIME, STEP seconds since 2011-06-21 01:00:00 UTC
x synthesized coordinate from XORIG XCELL km
y synthesized coordinate from YORIG YCELL km

Fig 1. Soil nitric oxide emissions (tonnes/day) from three CMAQ parameterizations (from Rasool et al., 2016)


!pip install leafmap
!pip install pandas
!pip install folium
!pip install matplotlib
!pip install mapclassify
import pandas as pd
import leafmap
url = ""
df = pd.read_csv(url, sep="\t")
results, gdf = leafmap.nasa_data_search(
    bounding_box=(-129.79, 22.75, -65.0, 51.76),
    temporal=("1950-01-01", "2016-11-16"),
    count=-1,  # use -1 to return all datasets
#leafmap.nasa_data_download(results[:5], out_dir="data")


Rasool, Q.Z., R. Zhang, D.S. Cohan, E.J. Cooter, L.N. Lamsal, J.O. Bash, and B. Lash. 2016. BDSNP Module for Improved Soil NO Emission Estimates for CMAQ Model, Conterminous USA. ORNL DAAC, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, USA. BDSNP Module for Improved Soil NO Emission Estimates for CMAQ Model, Conterminous USA, 




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