【摘要】 DWS不同存储格式建表参考
存储格式 | 数据类型 | 分区类型 | 持久化类型 | 分布方式 | 列约束类型 | 索引类型 | storage_parameter |
行存 | 数值类型:integer/bigint/smallint/decimal/numeric/real/double precision/smallserial/serial/bigserial 字符串类型:character varying(n)/varchar(n)//character(n)/char(n)/text/nvarchar2(n) 时间类型:timestamp with time zone/timestamp without time zone/date/time without time zone/time with time zone/interval 布尔类型:BOOLEAN 复合类型:json/jsonb |
非分区表 range分区 list分区 自增分区 |
普通表 global temp table local temp table volatile temp table unlogged table |
hash roundrobin replication |
null/not null check default value unique primary key |
btree gin gist |
orientation: row compression: no/low/middle/high |
列存 | 数值类型:integer/bigint/smallint/decimal/numeric/real/double precision/smallserial/serial/bigserial 字符串类型:character varying(n)/varchar(n)//character(n)/char(n)/text/nvarchar2(n) 时间类型:timestamp with time zone/timestamp without time zone/date/time without time zone/time with time zone/interval 布尔类型:BOOLEAN 复合类型:json/jsonb |
非分区表 range分区 list分区 自增分区 |
普通表 global temp table local temp table volatile temp table unlogged table |
hash roundrobin replication |
null/not null default value unique primary key partial cluster key |
psort cgin cbtree |
orientation: column colversion: 2.0/3.0 enable_turbo_store: on/off enable_delta: on/off compression: no/low/middle/high |
hstore-opt | 数值类型:integer/bigint/smallint/decimal/numeric/real/double precision/smallserial/serial/bigserial 字符串类型:character varying(n)/varchar(n)//character(n)/char(n)/text/nvarchar2(n) 时间类型:timestamp with time zone/timestamp without time zone/date/time without time zone/time with time zone/interval 布尔类型:BOOLEAN 复合类型:json/jsonb |
非分区表 range分区 list分区 自增分区 |
普通表 global temp table local temp table volatile temp table unlogged table |
hash roundrobin replication |
null/not null default value unique primary key partial cluster key |
psort cgin cbtree |
orientation: column enable_hstore_opt: on enable_turbo_store: on/off colversion: 2.0/3.0 bitmap_columns='列名' secondary_part_column='列名' compression: no/low/middle/high |
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