
愚公搬代码 发表于 2024/10/31 23:08:36 2024/10/31
【摘要】 标题详情作者简介愚公搬代码头衔华为云特约编辑,华为云云享专家,华为开发者专家,华为产品云测专家,CSDN博客专家,CSDN商业化专家,阿里云专家博主,阿里云签约作者,腾讯云优秀博主,腾讯云内容共创官,掘金优秀博主,亚马逊技领云博主,51CTO博客专家等。近期荣誉2022年度博客之星TOP2,2023年度博客之星TOP2,2022年华为云十佳博主,2023年华为云十佳博主等。博客内容.NET、...
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作者简介 愚公搬代码
头衔 华为云特约编辑,华为云云享专家,华为开发者专家,华为产品云测专家,CSDN博客专家,CSDN商业化专家,阿里云专家博主,阿里云签约作者,腾讯云优秀博主,腾讯云内容共创官,掘金优秀博主,亚马逊技领云博主,51CTO博客专家等。
近期荣誉 2022年度博客之星TOP2,2023年度博客之星TOP2,2022年华为云十佳博主,2023年华为云十佳博主等。
博客内容 .NET、Java、Python、Go、Node、前端、IOS、Android、鸿蒙、Linux、物联网、网络安全、大数据、人工智能、U3D游戏、小程序等相关领域知识。
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为了能够快速了解全球AI发展,车库团队每天会使用 ChatGPT Plus 的 NewsPilot 和 AINewsRoundup 插件检索全球 AI 资讯。我们将这种工作方式推荐给身边的许多朋友,但由于种种原因,很多人没有 ChatGPT Plus 的权限。因此,我们尝试了使用 ChatGPT-3.5+ Web Access 浏览器插件的方法,达到了类似的效果。


安装浏览器插件 Web Access,并创建一个新的 Web Access 提示词。这是一个可选步骤,默认提示词也能很好地输出。但在多次尝试后,我发现使用 JSON 格式可以使 ChatGPT-3.5 的表现更加可控。以下是我自己编写的一个 Web Access 提示词,供参考:

**提示词:** 今天几号,现在几点?  
**AI 回答:** {current date}

**提示词:** {query}  
**AI 回答:**  
{web results}

**提示词:** 以上新闻的 JSON 格式是什么?  
**AI 回答:** 以下代码框中的内容,包含了标题、内容、来源媒体名称、URL 和发布时间的 JSON 格式:

🔎2.查新闻(并获取 JSON)

What are the news in Al today?

As of my knowledge cutoff in October 2023, here are some of the latest developments and news in the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI):

1. **Advancements in Generative AI Models**: The development of generative AI models continues to accelerate. OpenAI's GPT-4 has been widely adopted for its improved capabilities in understanding context and generating human-like text. These models are being utilized in various applications, including content creation, programming assistance, and complex problem-solving.

2. **AI in Healthcare**: AI is making significant strides in healthcare. Machine learning algorithms are enhancing diagnostic accuracy, predicting patient outcomes, and personalizing treatment plans. AI-powered tools are being used to analyze medical images, detect diseases earlier, and assist in drug discovery.

3. **Ethical and Regulatory Developments**: There is a growing focus on the ethical implications of AI. Governments and organizations worldwide are working on establishing regulations to ensure AI systems are transparent, fair, and accountable. The European Union has been progressing with its AI Act, aiming to set a global standard for AI regulation.

4. **AI for Climate Change and Sustainability**: AI technologies are being leveraged to tackle environmental challenges. From optimizing energy consumption in smart grids to monitoring deforestation and predicting natural disasters, AI is playing a crucial role in sustainability efforts.

5. **Autonomous Vehicles and AI**: Companies like Tesla, Waymo, and others are advancing their autonomous driving technologies. AI systems are being refined to improve safety features, decision-making processes, and navigation in self-driving cars.

6. **Natural Language Processing (NLP) Improvements**: Research in NLP has led to more sophisticated language models that can understand and generate text more coherently. These advancements are enhancing virtual assistants, customer service chatbots, and language translation services.

7. **AI in Education**: Educational platforms are incorporating AI to personalize learning experiences. AI tutors and adaptive learning systems are helping to identify student needs and tailor educational content accordingly.

8. **AI Hardware Developments**: There's a surge in the development of specialized AI hardware. Companies are investing in AI chips and processors designed to handle complex AI computations more efficiently, which is critical for edge computing and deploying AI applications on devices like smartphones and IoT devices.

9. **Collaborations Between Industry and Academia**: Partnerships are forming between tech companies and academic institutions to foster AI research and address challenges such as data privacy, bias in AI models, and the development of general AI.

10. **AI in Finance**: Financial institutions are adopting AI for fraud detection, algorithmic trading, and personalized banking services. AI algorithms are improving risk assessment and compliance management.

11. **Advancements in Computer Vision**: AI models are achieving higher accuracy in image and video recognition tasks. These improvements are impacting fields like surveillance, security, and even creative industries through applications like deepfake technology and augmented reality.

12. **AI Accessibility**: Efforts are being made to make AI technologies more accessible to developers and businesses of all sizes. Cloud-based AI services and open-source frameworks are lowering the barrier to entry.

Please note that developments in AI are rapid, and there may have been new breakthroughs or news after October 2023. For the most recent updates, I recommend checking the latest articles from reputable tech news outlets, official announcements from AI research organizations, and recent publications in scientific journals.




1. **生成式AI模型的进步**:生成式AI模型的发展持续加速。OpenAI的GPT-4因其在理解上下文和生成类人文本方面的改进能力而被广泛采用。这些模型被用于各种应用,包括内容创作、编程辅助和复杂问题解决。

2. **AI在医疗保健领域**:AI在医疗保健领域取得了重大进展。机器学习算法正在提高诊断准确性、预测患者结果并个性化治疗方案。AI驱动的工具用于分析医学影像、早期检测疾病,并协助药物研发。

3. **伦理和监管发展**:人们越来越关注AI的伦理影响。全球各国政府和组织正在制定法规,确保AI系统具有透明度、公平性和责任性。欧盟正在推进其《AI法案》,旨在为AI监管设定全球标准。

4. **AI应对气候变化和可持续性**:AI技术被用于解决环境挑战。从优化智能电网的能源消耗到监测森林砍伐和预测自然灾害,AI在可持续发展努力中发挥着关键作用。

5. **自主车辆与AI**:特斯拉、Waymo等公司正在推进其自主驾驶技术。AI系统正在被优化,以改进自驾车的安全功能、决策过程和导航能力。

6. **自然语言处理(NLP)的改进**:NLP研究促成了更为复杂的语言模型,这些模型能够更连贯地理解和生成文本。这些进步正在提升虚拟助手、客户服务聊天机器人和语言翻译服务的效果。

7. **AI在教育领域**:教育平台正在整合AI以个性化学习体验。AI导师和自适应学习系统正在帮助识别学生需求,并相应地定制教育内容。

8. **AI硬件的发展**:专用AI硬件的开发激增。各公司正在投资设计用于更高效处理复杂AI计算的AI芯片和处理器,这对于边缘计算和在智能手机、物联网设备上部署AI应用至关重要。

9. **产业与学术界的合作**:科技公司与学术机构之间正在形成合作关系,以促进AI研究并应对数据隐私、AI模型偏见和通用AI开发等挑战。

10. **AI在金融领域**:金融机构正在采用AI进行欺诈检测、算法交易和个性化银行服务。AI算法正在改进风险评估和合规管理。

11. **计算机视觉的进步**:AI模型在图像和视频识别任务中达到更高的准确性。这些改进影响了监控、安全,以及通过深度伪造技术和增强现实等应用的创意产业。

12. **AI的可及性**:人们正努力使AI技术对各类开发者和企业更为可及。基于云的AI服务和开源框架正在降低进入门槛。



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