
此星光明 发表于 2024/09/15 15:01:11 2024/09/15
【摘要】 ​简介碳抵消项目的界限*基于自然的气候解决方案(NBS)已成为旨在减少大气中二氧化碳含量和减缓气候变化影响的战略的重要组成部分。 碳补偿已成为最广泛实施的 NBS 战略之一,但这些项目也因夸大补偿而受到批评。 由于缺乏现成的地理空间边界数据,验证自然补偿项目的碳补偿效果变得十分复杂。 在此,我们详细介绍了相关方法,并展示了基于自然的碳补偿项目边界数据库。 该数据库提供了分布在 55 个国家的...



基于自然的气候解决方案(NBS)已成为旨在减少大气中二氧化碳含量和减缓气候变化影响的战略的重要组成部分。 碳补偿已成为最广泛实施的 NBS 战略之一,但这些项目也因夸大补偿而受到批评。 由于缺乏现成的地理空间边界数据,验证自然补偿项目的碳补偿效果变得十分复杂。 在此,我们详细介绍了相关方法,并展示了基于自然的碳补偿项目边界数据库。 该数据库提供了分布在 55 个国家的 575 个自然补偿项目的位置。 地理空间边界是通过从碳项目登记处(n=433,占 75.3%)以及人工地理参照和数字化(n=127,占 22.1%)中收集数据汇总而成的。 数据库条目包括三类碳项目:避免毁林、植树造林、重新造林和植被恢复,以及改善森林管理。 对地理坐标和数字化过程的准确性评估表明,准确度很高(交叉点与结合点之和为 0.98 ± 0.015)。


用户必须根据具体分析要求仔细区分项目总体区域和项目核算区域:项目区域是指项目参与方实施减少毁林活动的地理区域。 项目核算区域是指用于计算碳汇发放的项目地理区域。

本数据库并不代表对自然碳项目的普查,也不包含自然碳项目的所有种类。 用户应核实任何地理参照的不准确性不会对其分析产生重大影响。 数据库中包含的边界反映了访问时注册表中可用的数据,一些项目会定期更新其信息。 我们注意到,我们无法评估根据线性特征或开发商提供的协议构建的边界的准确性。


Attribute Description
Project Name The name of the carbon project as given in the documentation.
ProjectID A combination of the registry abbreviation and project number.
Registry Name The name of the registry where project information is hosted. Possible values are: American Carbon Registry, BioCarbon Registry, Climate Action Reserve, EcoRegistry, Gold Standard, Verra.
Methodology The name of the methodology used for the project’s implementation.
Project Type The type of forestry carbon offset program. One of the following: ARR, AD, IFM.
Country The country where the project is located.
Project Developer Name Name of the entity or individual organizing, proposing, or advocating a particular carbon offset project. In case of multiple entities/individuals, only the first name is recorded here.
Project Start Date Date of the start of the crediting period (mm/dd/yyyy).
Project End Date Date of the end of the crediting period (mm/dd/yyyy).
Date of Entry Date when the project information was added to the database (mm/dd/yyyy).
Processing Approach One of four possible values: Official, Georeferenced, Linear, or Method. Official if the canonical boundary was obtained from a registry or the project developer. Georeferenced if the boundary data was obtained via georeferencing and digitizing maps obtained from the project documents. Linear if the boundary data were distributed as linear features that were processed into geometries. Method if a developer specified protocol was followed to obtain the boundary data.
PD Declined to Provide One of: Yes, No, N/A. Yes if the project developer was contacted for the project geometry but declined to provide the necessary information. No if the project developer provided the geometries or sufficient information to create the project geometry. N/A if the geometry was available from a registry and the developer was not contacted.
Geometry Type One of: Point or Polygon. Indicates if the geometry in the database is a point or a polygon.
Project Area The well-known text (WKT) representation of the geographical area where the project participants implement activities to reduce deforestation.
Project Accounting Area The WKT representation of the geographical area of the project which was used to calculate carbon credits. If the project area is the same as the project accounting area, then the project accounting area is not defined.
Project Reference Region The well-known text (WKT) representation of the geographical area of the project from where historical and current deforestation and forest degradation quantities and trends are obtained. This is not always defined.
Comment Notes about how manual referencing was carried out or other relevant information.



var carbonoffsetscol = ee.FeatureCollection('projects/sat-io/open-datasets/CARBON-OFFSET-PROJECTS-GLOBAL');

var visParams = {
    palette: ['#9ab555'],
    min: 0.0,
    max: 1550000.0,
    opacity: 0.8,
var carbonoffsets = ee.Image().float().paint(carbonoffsetscol, 'REP_AREA');

Map.addLayer(carbonoffsets, visParams, 'Existing carbon projects area');


Karnik, Akshata, John Kilbride, Tristan Goodbody, Rachael Ross, and Elias Ayrey. "An open-access database of nature-based carbon offset project
boundarie." (2024).

Karnik, A., Kilbride, J., Goodbody, T., Rachel, R., & Ayrey, E. (2024). A global database of nature-based carbon offset project boundaries [Data set]. Zenodo. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.11459391


A global database of nature-based carbon offset project boundaries




本数据集采用知识共享署名 4.0 国际许可协议。

关键词: 碳、碳抵消、NBS、气候变化、基于自然的气候解决方案、碳抵消、地理空间边界、地理参照、森林碳 在 GEE 中进行编辑:

最后更新 : 2024-09-07






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