加拿大卫星森林资源调查 (SBFI)森林覆盖、干扰恢复、结构、物种、林分年龄以及 1985-2020 年林分替代干扰的信息
加拿大卫星森林资源调查 (SBFI)
卫星森林资源清查(SBFI)提供了 2020 年加拿大森林覆盖、干扰恢复、结构、物种、林分年龄以及 1985-2020 年林分替代干扰的信息。 SBFI 多边形代表了与战略森林资源清查中划定的林分相似的同质森林状况。 使用多分辨率分割算法对 2020 年大地遥感卫星表面反射 BAP 复合影像(30 米空间分辨率)、火灾年份和采伐年份图层进行了划分,这些图层是使用 C2C 方法从大地遥感卫星上获取的。 最小地图单位为 0.45 公顷(5 像素),用于定义多边形。 整个加拿大的森林生态系统都使用相同的数据、属性和时间表示方法进行测绘,从而形成了加拿大约 6.5 亿公顷森林生态系统的通用植被清查系统。 鉴于加拿大森林面积大且种类繁多,SBFI 的优势在于使用一致的数据源和方法,跨越管辖边界、管理和非管理林区,从而能够一致地生成综合、空间明确的信息输出。 此处包含的数据基于免费开放的卫星数据和信息产品,并遵循既定的交流方法。
为便于使用,瓦片数据集被合并为一个单一的特征集合。 网格文件保留原样,以便用户了解网格是如何创建的。
Group | Field | Description | Units |
ID | ID | Unique polygon identifier | |
TILE | Tile identifier | ||
Geometry | AREA_HA | Area of the polygon | ha |
PERIMETER_M | Length of polygon’s boundary | m | |
Stratification | JURSDICTION | Most represented province/territory | |
ECOZONE | Most represented terrestrial ecozone as defined by Ecological Stratification Working Group (1996) | ||
ECOPROVINCE | Most represented ecoprovince as defined by Ecological Stratification Working Group (1996) | ||
ECOREGION | Most represented ecoregion as defined by Ecological Stratification Working Group (1996) | ||
MANAGEMENT | Most represented land status from the forest management classification from Stinson et al_ (2019) | ||
Land cover | LC_WATER | Area covered by water | % of polygon area |
LC_SNOW_ICE | Area covered by snow/ice | % of polygon area | |
LC_ROCK_RUBBLE | Area covered by rock/rubble | % of polygon area | |
LC_EXPOSED_BARREN | Area covered by exposed/barren land | % of polygon area | |
LC_BRYOIDS | Area covered by bryoids | % of polygon area | |
LC_SHRUBS | Area covered by shrubs | % of polygon area | |
LC_WETLAND | Area covered by wetland | % of polygon area | |
LC_WETLAND-TREED | Area covered by wetland-treed | % of polygon area | |
LC_HERBS | Area covered by herbs | % of polygon area | |
LC_CONIFEROUS | Area covered by coniferous | % of polygon area | |
LC_BROADLEAF | Area covered by broadleaf | % of polygon area | |
LC_MIXEDWOOD | Area covered by mixedwood | % of polygon area | |
LC_TREED | Area covered by treed vegetation derived from combining the land cover classes | % of polygon area | |
LC_FAO_FOREST | Area covered by forest consistent with FAO definitions (Wulder et al_ 2020) | % of polygon area | |
LC_WETLAND_VEGETATION | Area covered by wetlands derived from combining the land cover classes | % of polygon area | |
Disturbances | DISTURB_FIRE_PERC | Area impacted by fire disturbances | % of polygon area |
DISTURB_FIRE_YEAR | Modal year of fire disturbances | years | |
DISTURB_FIRE_MAGNITUDE_MIN | Minimum value of fire magnitude | dNBR | |
DISTURB_FIRE_MAGNITUDE_MAX | Maximum value of fire magnitude | dNBR | |
DISTURB_FIRE_MAGNITUDE_AVG | Average value of fire magnitude | dNBR | |
DISTURB_FIRE_MAGNITUDE_SD | Standard deviation of fire magnitude | dNBR | |
DISTURB_FIRE_MAGNITUDE_MED | Median value of fire magnitude | dNBR | |
DISTURB_HARVEST_PERC | Area impacted by harvesting disturbances | % of polygon area | |
DISTURB_HARVEST_YEAR | Modal year of harvesting disturbances | years | |
Recovery | RECOVERY_FIRE_MIN | Minimum value of spectral recovery for fire disturbances | % of pre-disturbance |
RECOVERY_FIRE_MAX | Maximum value of spectral recovery for fire disturbances | % of pre-disturbance | |
RECOVERY_FIRE_AVG | Average value of spectral recovery for fire disturbances | % of pre-disturbance | |
RECOVERY_FIRE_SD | Standard deviation of spectral recovery for fire disturbances | % of pre-disturbance | |
RECOVERY_FIRE_MED | Median value of spectral recovery for fire disturbances | % of pre-disturbance | |
RECOVERY_HARVEST_MIN | Minimum value of spectral recovery for harvesting disturbances | % of pre-disturbance | |
RECOVERY_HARVEST_MAX | Maximum value of spectral recovery for harvesting disturbances | % of pre-disturbance | |
RECOVERY_HARVEST_AVG | Average value of spectral recovery for harvesting disturbances | % of pre-disturbance | |
RECOVERY_HARVEST_SD | Standard deviation of spectral recovery for harvesting disturbances | % of pre-disturbance | |
RECOVERY_HARVEST_MED | Median value of spectral recovery for harvesting disturbances | % of pre-disturbance | |
Age | AGE_MIN | Minimum forest age | years |
AGE_MAX | Maximum forest age | years | |
AGE_AVG | Average forest age | years | |
AGE_SD | Standard deviation of forest age | years | |
AGE_MED | Median forest age | years | |
AGE_0_10, AGE_10_20, AGE_20_30, AGE_30_40, AGE_40_50, AGE_50_60, AGE_60_70, AGE_70_80, AGE_80_90, AGE_90_100, AGE_100_110, AGE_110_120, AGE_120_130, AGE_130_140, AGE_140_150, AGE_GT_150 | Ten-year age class frequency distribution | % of treed area in polygon | |
Forest structure | STRUCTURE_CANOPY_HEIGHT_MIN | Minimum canopy height | m |
STRUCTURE_CANOPY_HEIGHT_MAX | Maximum canopy height | m | |
STRUCTURE_CANOPY_HEIGHT_AVG | Average canopy height | m | |
STRUCTURE_CANOPY_HEIGHT_SD | Standard deviation of canopy height | m | |
STRUCTURE_CANOPY_HEIGHT_MED | Median canopy height | m | |
STRUCTURE_CANOPY_COVER_MIN | Minimum canopy cover | % | |
STRUCTURE_CANOPY_COVER_MAX | Maximum canopy cover | % | |
STRUCTURE_CANOPY_COVER_AVG | Average canopy cover | % | |
STRUCTURE_CANOPY_COVER_SD | Standard deviation of canopy cover | % | |
STRUCTURE_CANOPY_COVER_MED | Median canopy cover | % | |
STRUCTURE_LOREYS_HEIGHT_MIN | Minimum Lorey’s height | m | |
STRUCTURE_LOREYS_HEIGHT_MAX | Maximum Lorey’s height | m | |
STRUCTURE_LOREYS_HEIGHT_AVG | Average Lorey’s height | m | |
STRUCTURE_LOREYS_HEIGHT_SD | Standard deviation of Lorey’s height | m | |
STRUCTURE_LOREYS_HEIGHT_MED | Median Lorey’s height | m | |
STRUCTURE_BASAL_AREA_MIN | Minimum basal area | m2 ha−1 | |
STRUCTURE_BASAL_AREA_MAX | Maximum basal area | m2 ha−1 | |
STRUCTURE_BASAL_AREA_AVG | Average basal area | m2 ha−1 | |
STRUCTURE_BASAL_AREA_SD | Standard deviation of basal area | m2 ha−1 | |
STRUCTURE_BASAL_AREA_MED | Median basal area | m2 ha−1 | |
STRUCTURE_BASAL_AREA_TOTAL | Total basal area in polygon | m2 | |
STRUCTURE_AGB_MIN | Minimum aboveground biomass | t ha−1 | |
STRUCTURE_AGB_MAX | Maximum aboveground biomass | t ha−1 | |
STRUCTURE_AGB_AVG | Average aboveground biomass | t ha−1 | |
STRUCTURE_AGB_SD | Standard deviation of aboveground biomass | t ha−1 | |
STRUCTURE_AGB_MED | Median aboveground biomass | t ha−1 | |
STRUCTURE_AGB_TOTAL | Total aboveground biomass in polygon | t | |
STRUCTURE_VOLUME_MIN | Minimum gross stem volume | m3 ha−1 | |
STRUCTURE_VOLUME_MAX | Maximum gross stem volume | m3 ha−1 | |
STRUCTURE_VOLUME_AVG | Average gross stem volume | m3 ha−1 | |
STRUCTURE_VOLUME_SD | Standard deviation of gross stem volume | m3 ha−1 | |
STRUCTURE_VOLUME_MED | Median gross stem volume | m3 ha−1 | |
STRUCTURE_VOLUME_TOTAL | Total gross stem volume in polygon | m3 | |
Tree species | SPECIES_NUMBER | ||
SPECIES_1 | Name of the 1st most common leading tree species representing a percentage of treed area in polygon >2_5% | ||
SPECIES_2 | Name of the 2nd most common leading tree species representing a percentage of treed area in polygon >2_5% | ||
SPECIES_3 | Name of the 3rd most common leading tree species representing a percentage of treed area in polygon >2_5% | ||
SPECIES_4 | Name of the 4th most common leading tree species representing a percentage of treed area in polygon >2_5% | ||
SPECIES_5 | Name of the 5th most common leading tree species representing a percentage of treed area in polygon >2_5% | ||
SPECIES_1_PERC | Area covered by the 1st most common leading tree species | % of treed area in polygon | |
SPECIES_2_PERC | Area covered by the 2nd most common leading tree species | % of treed area in polygon | |
SPECIES_3_PERC | Area covered by the 3rd most common leading tree species | % of treed area in polygon | |
SPECIES_5_PERC | Area covered by the 5th most common leading tree species | % of treed area in polygon | |
SPECIES_CONIFEROUS_PERC | Area covered by coniferous tree species | % of treed area in polygon | |
SPECIES_CML1 | Name of the 1st most common tree species based on the class membership likelihood values | ||
SPECIES_CML2 | Name of the 2nd most common tree species based on the class membership likelihood values | ||
SPECIES_CML3 | Name of the 3rd most common tree species based on the class membership likelihood values | ||
SPECIES_CML4 | Name of the 4th most common tree species based on the class membership likelihood values | ||
SPECIES_CML5 | Name of the 5th most common tree species based on the class membership likelihood values | ||
SPECIES_CML1_PERC | Distribution of the class membership likelihood values of the 1st most common tree species | % of class membership likelihood from treed pixels in polygon | |
SPECIES_CML2_PERC | Distribution of the class membership likelihood values of the 2nd most common tree species | % of class membership likelihood from treed pixels in polygon | |
SPECIES_CML3_PERC | Distribution of the class membership likelihood values of the 3rd most common tree species | % of class membership likelihood from treed pixels in polygon | |
SPECIES_CML4_PERC | Distribution of the class membership likelihood values of the 4th most common tree species | % of class membership likelihood from treed pixels in polygon | |
SPECIES_CML5_PERC | Distribution of the class membership likelihood values of the 5th most common tree species | % of class membership likelihood from treed pixels in polygon | |
SPECIES_CML_CONIFEROUS_PERC | Proportion of class membership likelihood values of coniferous tree species | % of class membership likelihood from treed pixels in polygon | |
SPECIES_CML_ASSEMBLAGES | Name of the tree species conforming an assemblage | ||
SPECIES_CML_ASSEMBLAGES_PERC | Proportion of class membership likelihood values conforming the assemblage | % of class membership likelihood from treed pixels in polygon | |
Symbology | SYMB_LAND_BASE_LEVEL | Land base level classification based on the NFI land cover hierarchy (Wulder et al_ 2008) | |
SYMB_LAND_COVER_LEVEL | Land cover level classification based on the NFI land cover hierarchy (Wulder et al_ 2008) | ||
SYMB_VEGETATION_LEVEL | Vegetation level classification based on the NFI land cover hierarchy (Wulder et al_ 2008) | ||
SYMB_DISTURBANCE | Simplified coding for disturbance type and year | ||
SYMB_RECOVERY | Simplified coding for spectral recovery | ||
SYMB_AGE | Simplified coding for forest age |
Wulder, Michael A., Txomin Hermosilla, Joanne C. White, Christopher W. Bater, Geordie Hobart, and Spencer C. Bronson. "Development and
implementation of a stand-level satellite-based forest inventory for Canada." Forestry: An International Journal of Forest Research (2024): cpad065.
Wulder, M.A., Hermosilla, T., White, J.C., Bater, C.W., Hobart, G., Bronson, S.C., 2024. Development and implementation of a stand-level
satellite-based forest inventory for Canada. Forestry: An International Journal of Forest Research. https://doi.org/10.1093/forestry/cpad065
本作品采用加拿大开放式政府许可协议(Open Government Licence - Canada)进行许可,并向公众免费开放。 创作者:Wulder et al: Wulder et al. 2024 在 GEE 中策划: : Samapriya Roy 主要作品: 大地遥感卫星、土地覆盖、变化探测、森林结构、生物量;NFI 在 GEE 中的最新更新时间: 2024-08-29
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