
此星光明 发表于 2024/09/02 00:28:11 2024/09/02
【摘要】 ​ 简介国家结构清单国家结构清单(NSI)是一个数据库系统,其中包含不同质量和空间覆盖范围的结构清单。 NSI 数据库的目的是促进存储和共享用于评估和分析自然灾害的点式结构清单。 洪水风险是主要用途,但每个结构都有足够的数据来计算其他危害类型造成的损失和生命安全风险。 本文件介绍了国家结构清单数据结构以及生成 2022 年国家结构清单基础数据的过程。 国家结构清单基础图层由美国陆军工程兵部队...



国家结构清单(NSI)是一个数据库系统,其中包含不同质量和空间覆盖范围的结构清单。 NSI 数据库的目的是促进存储和共享用于评估和分析自然灾害的点式结构清单。 洪水风险是主要用途,但每个结构都有足够的数据来计算其他危害类型造成的损失和生命安全风险。 本文件介绍了国家结构清单数据结构以及生成 2022 年国家结构清单基础数据的过程。 国家结构清单基础图层由美国陆军工程兵部队(USACE)创建和维护。 创建美国陆军工程兵部队基础数据层是为了简化美国陆军工程兵部队建模制图和后果中心的 GIS 预处理工作流程,但该数据已在美国陆军工程兵部队、联邦紧急事务管理局和其他机构的各种应用中得到使用。 NSI 是一个具有结构化 RESTful API 服务的点结构清单存储库,清单包含一系列描述清单中每个点的必备属性或字段。



国家结构清单(NSI)涉及管理和分析结构的几个关键过程:结构定位和聚合: 最初,结构位置是基于源数据(如地块中心点或企业地址)确定的。 NSI 生成器通过将建筑物与同一地块内的建筑物脚印对齐来完善这些位置。 原地块外的商业建筑将根据距离和使用代码的相似性进行重新定位。 在所有占地面积匹配之前,将建筑物放置在未匹配的占地面积内。 堆叠结构根据其占用类型进行部分或全部合并,如果是堆叠结构,则将住宅单元合并为多户结构。 商业建筑只有在具有相同的占用类型和相似的特征(如层数和建筑材料)时才会被合并。 人口分布: NSI-2022 利用 2010 年街区信息和 2020 年县数据估算出 2020 年的人口水平。 这些人口根据住房单元和街区估算值分配到各建筑中。 对于商业建筑,工人人口估计数来自美国人口普查局的 LEHD 数据库。 建筑估值: 结构的折旧重置价值根据每平方英尺一美元的标准估算,前 20 年的折旧率为每年 1%。 内含价值是根据与占用类型相关的特定比率计算得出的。


Field Name Description Attribute Type Limits
fd_id A number that should be unique for all structures. Integer
bid A building ID, represented as the centroid (in grid reference system format) and four cardinal extents. String
x X coordinate of each structure in the Geographic Coordinate System (GCS) WGS84. Double
y Y coordinate of each structure in GCS WGS84. Double
cbfips Census Block that contains the structure. Currently, the NSI refers to 2010 census blocks. String 15 Characters
st_damcat Damage category of the structure. Aggregated categories include Residential, Commercial, Industrial, or Public. String
occtype Damage Function or Occupancy Type of the structure, related to depth-damage relationships. String
bldgtype Building type of the structure (e.g., Masonry, Wood, Manufactured, Steel). String
source The source of the initial iteration of the structure (e.g., Parcel, ESRI, HIFLD). String
sqft Estimated square footage of the structure. Double
ftprntid Identifier of the building footprint record used for estimating fields such as sqft and num_story. String
ftprntsrc The source of the utilized footprint (e.g., Bing, Oak Ridge National Labs, NGA). String
found_type Type of foundation (e.g., Crawl, Basement, Slab, Pier). String
found_ht Foundation height of the structure in feet from the ground elevation. Double
num_story The number of stories of the structure. Double
val_struct Value in dollars of the structure. The base NSI estimates depreciated replacement value. Double
val_cont Value in dollars of the contents of the structure. Double
val_vehic Value in dollars of the cars at the structure. Double
med_yr_blt Median year built of structures within the Census Block. Integer
pop2amu65 Population at night for people under the age of 65. Integer
pop2amo65 Population at night for people over the age of 65. Integer
pop2pmu65 Population during the day for people under the age of 65. Integer
pop2pmo65 Population during the day for people over the age of 65. Integer
students Number of students attending the school as estimated by NCES data. Integer
o65disable Percent of the county population over the age of 65 with an ambulatory disability. Double
u65siable Percent of the county population under the age of 65 with an ambulatory disability. Double
firmzone Estimated 2021 flood zone for the structure. String
grnd_elv_m Ground elevation (in meters, NAVD88) at the structure. Double
ground_elv Ground elevation (in feet, NAVD88) at the structure. Double


占用类型有助于确定结构估值和损坏标准。 它们是根据联邦紧急事务管理局的定义进一步分类的。 

Damage Category Occupancy Type Name Description Content to Structure Value Ratio
Residential RES1-1SNB Single Family Residential, 1 story, no basement 0.5
Residential RES1-1SWB Single Family Residential, 1 story, with basement 0.5
Residential RES1-2SNB Single Family Residential, 2 story, no basement 0.5
Residential RES1-2SWB Single Family Residential, 2 story, with basement 0.5
Residential RES1-3SNB Single Family Residential, 3 story, no basement 0.5
Residential RES1-3SWB Single Family Residential, 3 story, with basement 0.5
Residential RES1-SLNB Single Family Residential, split-level, no basement 0.5
Residential RES1-SLWB Single Family Residential, split-level, with basement 0.5
Residential RES2 Manufactured Home 0.5
Residential RES3A Multi-Family housing 2 units 0.5
Residential RES3B Multi-Family housing 3-4 units 0.5
Residential RES3C Multi-Family housing 5-10 units 0.5
Residential RES3D Multi-Family housing 10-19 units 0.5
Residential RES3E Multi-Family housing 20-50 units 0.5
Residential RES3F Multi-Family housing 50 plus units 0.5
Commercial COM1 Light Commercial, Office, Retail 1.0
Commercial COM2 General Commercial 1.0
Commercial COM3 Heavy Commercial, Manufacturing 1.0
Commercial COM4 Industrial 1.0
Public PUB1 Institutional 1.0
Public PUB2 Education 1.0
Public PUB3 Healthcare 1.0
Public PUB4 Government 1.0


Source Database Dataset Description
HAZUS Bndrygbs.mdb hzCensusBlock Provides the structure building schemes and block type.
flSchemeCoastal, flSchemeRiverine, flSchemeGLakes Provides information on foundation type and height.
MSH.mdb flGenBldgScheme Provides the construction type distributions and NFIP entry year for structures.
USACE NSI 2015 Base layer Used in any Census Block that lacks ESRI or CoreLogic data.
Homeland Infrastructure Foundation-Level Data Lightbox County Level Data Parcel polygons and associated data tables; used for initial spatial location and occupancy type, and may influence structure attributes (square feet, foundation type, etc) of single-family structures.
Nursing Home Point data indicating the presence of a nursing home and its number of beds.
Hospital Point data indicating the presence of a hospital and its number of beds.
Mobile Home Point data indicating the presence of a mobile home park and the number of units associated with the park (either exact units, or a range).
Map Building Layer Nationwide building footprint parcel. Largely restricted to central business districts. Often indicating the height of the building to the nearest meter. Used to improve structure locations, square foot estimates and number of stories estimates.
Esri Business Layer InfoGroup Provides initial structure location; NAICS code informs occupancy type and the number of employee field influences population weighting and square footage estimates.
Microsoft Building Footprints State level polygons Paired with parcel polygons to improve structure location and to inform structure aggregation and square footage estimates.
FEMA Geospatial Resource Center USA Structures State level polygons Includes both ORNL and NGA generated footprint polygons. Paired with parcel polygons to improve structure location and to inform structure aggregation and square footage estimates. NGA based footprints include heights in meters and help inform number of stories estimates.
U.S. Census Bureau American Community Survey Population, Demographics Informs population growth estimates, disability rates, and age distribution.
Characteristics of New Housing Annual, Various Provides structure characteristic data such as number of stories and square feet.
Longitudinal Employer-Household Dynamic Database Population Data Contains worker counts by origin and destination census blocks. Used to decrease residential populations (primarily in the day) and to create a population pool for commercial workers.
NCES Schools Database School Data Contains the locations of schools, number of teachers and students per school.
U.S. Geological Survey National Elevation Dataset 10 Meter Dataset Provides raster ground elevation data


var nsi_wy = ee.FeatureCollection('projects/sat-io/open-datasets/NSI/nsi_2022_WY');





U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Year). National Structure Inventory (NSI) Base Data. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. URL or DOI.


美国陆军工程兵部队 (USACE) 的国家结构清单 (NSI) 具有允许公众访问其主要字段的许可证结构,因为这些字段经过精心策划,具有限制性较小的许可证协议。 由: USACE 在 GEE 中的策划:Samapriya Roy Samapriya Roy 关键词 建筑物, 结构清单, 美国 最后更新: 2024-08-07






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