2015 年全球红树林冠层高度图 12 米分辨率

此星光明 发表于 2024/08/02 21:51:03 2024/08/02
【摘要】 ​ 从 TanDEM-X 导出的全球红树林树冠高度图简介这篇论文目前正在接受《自然-科学数据》杂志的审查,一旦论文发表,引用信息将会更新。 请在使用本数据集时注意这一点 本数据集提供了 2015 年全球红树林冠层高度图,分辨率为 12 米。 树冠高度估计值来自 TanDEM-X 数字表面模型,并通过 GEDI 激光雷达数据进行了校准和验证。 数据集涵盖北纬 34 度至南纬 39 度的环赤道带...

 从 TanDEM-X 导出的全球红树林树冠高度图


这篇论文目前正在接受《自然-科学数据》杂志的审查,一旦论文发表,引用信息将会更新。 请在使用本数据集时注意这一点 本数据集提供了 2015 年全球红树林冠层高度图,分辨率为 12 米。 树冠高度估计值来自 TanDEM-X 数字表面模型,并通过 GEDI 激光雷达数据进行了校准和验证。 数据集涵盖北纬 34 度至南纬 39 度的环赤道带,涵盖全球大部分红树林生态系统。 该数据集包括 1443 个 GeoTIFF 文件,其中包含全球红树林树冠高度图,按 1°×1° 分块排列。 每个 GeoTIFF 文件代表一个瓦片,命名如下: TDM1_DEM__10_Y##X###_DEM_EGM08_GMW314_2015_WM_hcap_cal.tif,其中 Y##X#### 表示瓦片西南角的纬度(Y ="N "或 "S")和经度(X ="W "或 "E")坐标。 这些冠层高度图有助于评估调节红树林生态系统森林结构和碳循环动态的局部尺度地球物理和环境条件。 这些树冠高度图有助于评估调节红树林生态系统中森林结构和碳循环动态的当地尺度地球物理和环境条件。


数据获取与材料¶ 在数据获取与材料方面,数据来源包括德国航空航天中心(DLR)TanDEM-X 任务提供的数字高程模型(DEM)数据,Rizzoli 等人在 2017 年对此进行了报道。 全球红树林观察(GMW)地图提供了全球红树林范围地图,Bunting 等人在 2022 年对此进行了详细介绍。 此外,还使用了全球生态系统动态调查 (GEDI) L2A 数据,Dubayah 等人在 2020 年对此进行了记录。


haracteristic Description
Spatial Coverage Circum-equatorial band from 34° N to 39° S
Spatial Resolution 12 m
Temporal Coverage Mangrove height maps: 2015; GEDI L2A mangrove heights: 2019-04-18 to 2022-05-22
Temporal Resolution One-time estimates for nominal year 2015 of maximum canopy height. GEDI data were collected between April 2019 and May 2022.
Data File Formats Cloud optimized GeoTIFF (.tif) and CSV (*.csv)
Number of Files 1443 GeoTIFF files and 1 CSV file

GeoTIFF Characteristics

  • Coordinate system: geographic coordinates using WGS 1984 datum with elevation (EPSG: 4979)
  • Pixel resolution: 0.000111 degrees (~12 m)
  • Number of bands: one
  • Pixel values: maximum canopy height in meters
  • No data value: All pixels are valid, but pixels without mangroves have a value of zero.

GEDI_MANGROVE_HT 图层包含用于生成 GeoTIFF 文件的各个 GEDI L2A 图块的红树林高度。 

Variable GEDI L2A variable name Units Description
GEDI_file_name - - Name of the GEDI file
beam Beam ID - Beam number (0-11)
delta_time delta_time YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.SSSSSS+00:00 Transmit time of the shot
shot_number shot_number 1 Unique shot ID
lat_lowestmode lat_lowestmode degrees Latitude of center of lowest mode
lon_lowestmode lon_lowestmode degrees Longitude of center of lowest mode
channel channel 1 Channel number (0-7)
degrade_flag degrade_flag flag Non-zero values indicate the shot occurred during a degraded period
digital_elevation_model digital_elevation_model m Digital elevation model height above the WGS84 ellipsoid. Interpolated at latitude_bin0 and longitude_bin0 from the TandemX 90m product.
digital_elevation_model_srtm digital_elevation_model_srtm m Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) elevation at GEDI footprint location
elev_highestreturn elev_highestreturn m Elevation of highest detected return relative to reference ellipsoid
elev_lowestmode elev_lowestmode m Elevation of lowest mode
elevation_bias_flag elevation_bias_flag flag Elevations potentially affected by 4bin (~60 cm) ranging error
energy_total energy_total 1 Integrated counts in the return waveform relative to the mean nise level
landsat_treecover landsat_treecover percent Tree cover in the year 2010, defined as canopy closure for all L2A vegetation taller than 5 m in height (Hansen et al., 2013). Encoded as a percentage per output grid cell.
landsat_water_persistence landsat_water_persistence percent The percent UMD GLAD Landsat observations with classified Derived surface water between 2018 and 2019. Values >80 usually represent permanent water, while values <10 represent permanent land.
urban_proportion urban_proportion percent The percentage proportion of land area within a focal area surrounding each shot that is urban land cover. Urban land cover is derived from the DLR 12 m resolution TanDEM-X Global Urban Footprint Product.
mean_sea_surface mean_sea_surface m Mean sea surface height above the WGS84 ellipsoid, includes the geoid. Interpolated at latitude_bin0 and longitude_bin0 from DTU15.
num_detectedmodes num_detectedmodes 1 Number of detected modes in rxwaveform
quality_flag quality_flag flag Flag simplifying selection of most useful data
rh rh m Relative height metrics at 98% interval
rx_energy rx_energy 1 total energy f rxwaveform, mean noise removed
selected_algorithm selected_algorithm - ID of algorithm selected as identifying the lowest non-noise mode
sensitivity sensitivity degrees Maximum canopy cover that can be penetrated considering th NR of the waveform
solar_elevation solar_elevation degrees The elevation of the sun position vector from the laser bounce point position in the local ENU frame. The angle is measured from the East-North plane and is positive Up.
surface_flag surface_flag flag Indicates elev_lowestmode is within 300 m of DEM or MSS
egm_08 m Elevation over the EGM 2008 geoid
tdx_max m Maximum TanDEM-X DEM value from the pixels overlapping the GEDI footprint
tdx_std m Standard deviation of TanDEM-X DEM values from the pixels overlapping the GEDI footprint
tdx_mean m Mean TanDEM-X DEM value from the pixels overlapping the GEDI footprint
tdx_min m Minimum TanDEM-X DEM value from the pixels overlapping the GEDI footprint
pixel_count 1 Number of TanDEM-X pixels overlapping the GEDI footprint



var mangrove_tandemx_12 = ee.ImageCollection("projects/sat-io/open-datasets/GLOBAL_MANGROVE_HT_TANDEMX");
var mangrove_gedi = ee.FeatureCollection("projects/space-geographer/assets/GEDI_MANGROVE_HT");




CMS: Global Mangrove Canopy Height Maps Derived from TanDEM-X, 2015, https://doi.org/10.3334/ORNLDAAC/2251


Simard, M., L. Fatoyinbo, N.M. Thomas, A.E. Stovall, A. Parra, A. Barenblitt, P. Bunting, and I. Hajnsek. 2024. A new global mangrove height map with a 12-meter spatial resolution. In review 2024, Nature Scientific Data.

Simard, M., L. Fatoyinbo, N. Thomas, A. Stovall, A. Parra, M.W. Denbina, D. Lagomasino, and I. Hajnsek. 2024. CMS: Global Mangrove Canopy Height
Maps Derived from TanDEM-X, 2015. ORNL DAAC, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, USA. https://doi.org/10.3334/ORNLDAAC/2251


根据 NASA 地球科学计划数据和信息政策,ORNL DAAC 托管的数据不受限制地开放共享: Simard et al 2024 在 GEE 中的策划:Samapriya Roy Samapriya Roy 关键词 红树林、Tandem-X、树冠高度、GEDI 最后更新 : 2024-07-26






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