美国网格化国家土壤调查地理数据库(100 多年经实地验证的详细土壤制图数据)

此星光明 发表于 2024/08/02 21:08:47 2024/08/02
【摘要】 ​  简介gNATSGO(网格化国家土壤调查地理数据库)由于图像收集的范围和规模,该数据集将分批更新。 在摄取和测试过程中,这些数据集将主要在内部人员专用数据集中提供。 gNATSGO(网格化国家土壤调查地理数据库)数据库是一个综合数据库,完整覆盖了美国所有地区和岛屿领土的最佳可用土壤信息。 本数据集仅提供栅格数据。 由于数据的原始格式为专有格式,因此源 COG 数据来源于 Planetar...



由于图像收集的范围和规模,该数据集将分批更新。 在摄取和测试过程中,这些数据集将主要在内部人员专用数据集中提供。 gNATSGO(网格化国家土壤调查地理数据库)数据库是一个综合数据库,完整覆盖了美国所有地区和岛屿领土的最佳可用土壤信息。 本数据集仅提供栅格数据。 由于数据的原始格式为专有格式,因此源 COG 数据来源于 Planetary Computer STAC 目录。 gNATSGO 数据库由三个来源的数据组合而成:土壤调查地理数据库 (SSURGO)、州土壤地理数据库 (STATSGO2) 和栅格土壤调查数据库 (RSS)。 SSURGO 是 USDA-NRCS 土壤与植物科学部 (SPSD) 的旗舰土壤数据库,拥有 100 多年经实地验证的详细土壤制图数据。 SSURGO 包含美国 90% 以上地区和岛屿领土的土壤信息,但仍有未绘制地图的土地。 STATSGO2 是一个普通土壤地图,包含美国所有地区和岛屿领土的土壤数据,但数据不如 SSURGO 数据详细。 栅格土壤调查(RSS)是利用先进的数字土壤制图方法开发的下一代土壤调查数据库。 gNATSGO 数据库主要由 SSURGO 数据组成,STATSGO2 数据用于填补空白。 在合并 SSURGO 和 STATSGO2 数据后,RSS 被并入 gNATSGO。 目前,RSS 的范围相对有限,但预计在未来几年会有所增加。 要使用 mukey 栅格资产中包含的地图单位值,您需要连接到 gNATSGO 表集合中表示为 "项 "的表。 许多项目的常用值已在其他栅格资产中编码。



Titles STAC Key Roles Description
Aws0_5 aws0_5 Data Available water storage estimate (AWS) in a standard zone 1 (0-5 cm depth), expressed in mm. The volume of plant available water that the soil can store in this layer based on all map unit components (weighted average). NULL values are presented where data are incomplete or not available.
Aws0_20 aws0_20 Data Available water storage estimate (AWS) in standard zone 2 (0-20 cm depth), expressed in mm. The volume of plant available water that the soil can store in this zone based on all map unit components (weighted average). NULL values are presented where data are incomplete or not available.
Aws0_30 aws0_30 Data Available water storage estimate (AWS) in standard zone 3 (0-30 cm depth), expressed in mm. The volume of plant available water that the soil can store in this zone based on all map unit components (weighted average). NULL values are presented where data are incomplete or not available.
Aws0_100 aws0_100 Data Available water storage estimate (AWS) in standard zone 4 (0-100 cm depth), expressed in mm. The volume of plant available water that the soil can store in this zone based on all map unit components (weighted average). NULL values are presented where data are incomplete or not available.
Aws0_150 aws0_150 Data Available water storage estimate (AWS) in standard zone 5 (0-150 cm depth), expressed in mm. The volume of plant available water that the soil can store in this zone based on all map unit components (weighted average). NULL values are presented where data are incomplete or not available.
Aws0_999 aws0_999 Data Available water storage estimate (AWS) in total soil profile (0 cm to the reported depth of the soil profile), expressed in mm. The volume of plant available water that the soil can store in this layer based on all map unit components (weighted average). NULL values are presented where data are incomplete or not available.
Aws5_20 aws5_20 Data Available water storage estimate (AWS) in standard layer 2 (5-20 cm depth), expressed in mm. The volume of plant available water that the soil can store in this layer based on all map unit components (weighted average). NULL values are presented where data are incomplete or not available.
Aws20_50 aws20_50 Data Available water storage estimate (AWS) in standard layer 3 (20-50 cm depth), expressed in mm. The volume of plant available water that the soil can store in this layer based on all map unit components (weighted average). NULL values are presented where data are incomplete or not available.
Aws50_100 aws50_100 Data Available water storage estimate (AWS) in standard layer 4 (50-100 cm depth), expressed in mm. The volume of plant available water that the soil can store in this layer based on all map unit components (weighted average). NULL values are presented where data are incomplete or not available.
Aws100_150 aws100_150 Data Available water storage estimate (AWS) in standard layer 5 (100-150 cm depth), expressed in mm. The volume of plant available water that the soil can store in this layer based on all map unit components (weighted average). NULL values are presented where data are incomplete or not available.
Aws150_999 aws150_999 Data Available water storage estimate (AWS) in standard layer 6 (150 cm to the reported depth of the soil profile), expressed in mm. The volume of plant available water that the soil can store in this layer based on all map unit components (weighted average). NULL values are presented where data are incomplete or not available.
Mukey mukey Data Map unit key is the unique identifier of a record in the Mapunit table. Use this column to join the Component table to the Map Unit table and the Valu1 table to the MapUnitRaster_10m raster map layer to map valu1 themes.


var aws0_100 = ee.ImageCollection('projects/sat-io/open-datasets/gNATSGO/raster/aws0_100');
var aws0_150 = ee.ImageCollection('projects/sat-io/open-datasets/gNATSGO/raster/aws0_150');
var aws0_20 = ee.ImageCollection('projects/sat-io/open-datasets/gNATSGO/raster/aws0_20');
var aws0_30 = ee.ImageCollection('projects/sat-io/open-datasets/gNATSGO/raster/aws0_30');
var aws0_5 = ee.ImageCollection('projects/sat-io/open-datasets/gNATSGO/raster/aws0_5');
var aws0_999 = ee.ImageCollection('projects/sat-io/open-datasets/gNATSGO/raster/aws0_999');
var aws100_150 = ee.ImageCollection('projects/sat-io/open-datasets/gNATSGO/raster/aws100_150');
var aws150_999 = ee.ImageCollection('projects/sat-io/open-datasets/gNATSGO/raster/aws150_999');
var aws20_50 = ee.ImageCollection('projects/sat-io/open-datasets/gNATSGO/raster/aws20_50');
var aws50_100 = ee.ImageCollection('projects/sat-io/open-datasets/gNATSGO/raster/aws50_100');
var aws5_20 = ee.ImageCollection('projects/sat-io/open-datasets/gNATSGO/raster/aws5_20');
var mukey = ee.ImageCollection('projects/sat-io/open-datasets/gNATSGO/raster/mukey');




由美国农业部自然资源保护局 (NRCS) 提供的网格化国家土壤调查地理数据库 (gNATSGO) 中的数据以公共领域许可证(CC0 1.0 通用公共领域专用)提供。 提供者:美国农业部自然资源保护局: 美国农业部自然资源保护局 主持:Microsoft 微软 在 GEE 中的策划: Samapriya Roy Samapriya Roy 关键词 土壤调查, USDA, NRCS, , 栅格数据, 格栅数据 最后更新: 2024-08-01






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