NASA数据:水瓶座官方发布第 2 级海面盐度和风速数据 V5.0
Aquarius Official Release Level 2 Sea Surface Salinity & Wind Speed Data V5.0
水瓶座官方发布第 2 级海面盐度和风速数据 V5.0
5.0 版宝瓶座 2 级产品是 AQUARIUS/SAC-D 任务轨道/扫描数据的第三次正式发布。宝瓶座 2 级数据集包含由 3 个不同辐射计和星载散射计得出的海面盐度(SSS)和风速数据。二级数据还包括每个辐射计的水平和垂直亮度温度(TH 和 TV)、辅助数据、标志、转换后的遥测和导航数据。每个数据文件涵盖一个 98 分钟的轨道。水瓶座 "仪器搭载在 "AQUARIUS/SAC-D "卫星上,该卫星由美国航天局和阿根廷国家空间活动委员会(CONAE)合作研制。该仪器由三个辐射计组成,采用推帚式排列,相对于轨道阴影面的入射角分别为 29 度、38 度和 46 度。光束足迹为 76千米(沿轨道)x 94千米(跨轨道)、84千米x 120千米和96千米x 156千米,总跨轨道扫描范围为370千米。辐射计以各自的水平和垂直极化(TH 和 TV)测量 1.413 千兆赫的亮度温度。1.26 千兆赫的散射计测量每个足迹的海洋反向散射,用于盐度估算中的表面粗糙度校正。散射计的扫描范围约为 390 公里。与 4.0 版相比,5.0 版 2 级数据的改进包括:改进了盐度检索地球物理模型以消除 SST 偏差,估计了 SSS 的不确定性(系统和随机部分),并纳入了一个新的辣度变量。
地区: 全球
北边界坐标: 90 度
南边界坐标:-90 度
西边界坐标: -180度
东边界坐标: -180度 180 度
时间跨度:2011 年 8 月 25 日至 2015 年 6 月 7 日
颗粒时间跨度:2011 年 8 月 25 日至 2015 年 6 月 07 日
扫描带宽:390 千米
数据接入 | |
Browse Granule Listing | |
Search Granules | |
Name | Long Name | Unit |
/Aquarius_Data/anc_cwat | Cloud Water | kg m-2 |
/Aquarius_Data/anc_sm | Soil Moisture | fraction |
/Aquarius_Data/anc_SSS_argo | Sea surface salinity (ARGO) | PSU |
/Aquarius_Data/anc_SSS_hycom | Sea surface salinity (HYCOM) | PSU |
/Aquarius_Data/anc_subsurf_temp | Sub-Surface Temperature | Kelvin |
/Aquarius_Data/anc_surface_pressure | Surface Pressure | Pascals |
/Aquarius_Data/anc_surface_temp | Surface Temperature | Kelvin |
/Aquarius_Data/anc_surface_temp_err | Estimated systematic error in ancillary sea surface temperature input | Kelvin |
/Aquarius_Data/anc_surface_temp_SSS_sens | Estimated SSS retrieval sensitivity to ancillary sea surface temperature input | PSU |
/Aquarius_Data/anc_swe | Snow Water Equivalent | kg/m^2 |
/Aquarius_Data/anc_swh | Significant wave height | meters |
/Aquarius_Data/anc_Tb_dw | Downwelling atmospheric brightness temperature | Kelvin |
/Aquarius_Data/anc_Tb_up | Upwelling atmospheric brightness temperature | Kelvin |
/Aquarius_Data/anc_trans | Atmospheric Transmittance | |
/Aquarius_Data/anc_wind_dir | Ancillary Wind Direction 10m above surface | degrees |
/Aquarius_Data/anc_wind_speed | Ancillary Wind Speed 10m above surface | meters/sec |
/Aquarius_Data/density | Derived Surface Density based on TEOS-10 | kg/m^3 |
/Aquarius_Data/EIA_err | Estimated random error in boresight Earth Incidence Angle | Degress |
/Aquarius_Data/EIA_SSS_sens | Estimated SSS retrieval sensitivity to boresight Earth Incidence Angle random error | PSU |
/Aquarius_Data/IU_coupling_err | Estimated systematic error in computing first (I) and third (U) stokes coupling | Kelvin |
/Aquarius_Data/IU_coupling_SSS_sens | Estimated SSS retrieval sensitivity to IU coupling correction | PSU |
/Aquarius_Data/Kpc_HH_ant | Kpc statistical uncertainty for ANT HH NRCS | |
/Aquarius_Data/Kpc_HH_toa | Kpc statistical uncertainty for TOA HH NRCS | |
/Aquarius_Data/Kpc_HV_ant | Kpc statistical uncertainty for ANT HV NRCS | |
/Aquarius_Data/Kpc_HV_toa | Kpc statistical uncertainty for TOA HV NRCS | |
/Aquarius_Data/Kpc_total | Statistical uncertainty for total power NRCS | |
/Aquarius_Data/Kpc_VH_ant | Kpc statistical uncertainty for ANT VH NRCS | |
/Aquarius_Data/Kpc_VH_toa | Kpc statistical uncertainty for TOA VH NRCS | |
/Aquarius_Data/Kpc_VV_ant | Kpc statistical uncertainty for ANT VV NRCS | |
/Aquarius_Data/Kpc_VV_toa | Kpc statistical uncertainty for TOA VV NRCS | |
/Aquarius_Data/NEDT_3_err | Estimated radiometer NEDT random error (3rd Stokes) | Kelvin |
/Aquarius_Data/NEDT_3_SSS_sens | Estimated SSS retrieval sensitivity to radiometer NEDT input (3rd Stokes) | PSU |
/Aquarius_Data/NEDT_H_err | Estimated radiometer NEDT random error (H pol) | Kelvin |
/Aquarius_Data/NEDT_H_SSS_sens | Estimated SSS retrieval sensitivity to radiometer NEDT input (H pol) | PSU |
/Aquarius_Data/NEDT_V_err | Estimated radiometer NEDT random error (V pol) | Kelvin |
/Aquarius_Data/NEDT_V_SSS_sens | Estimated SSS retrieval sensitivity to radiometer NEDT input (V pol) | PSU |
/Aquarius_Data/rad_dtb_sst_wspd_H | Radiometer SST bias emissivity correction H | Kelvin |
/Aquarius_Data/rad_dtb_sst_wspd_V | Radiometer SST bias emissivity correction V | Kelvin |
/Aquarius_Data/rad_exp_Ta3 | Radiometer Ta 3rd Stokes (expected) | Kelvin |
/Aquarius_Data/rad_exp_Ta3_hhh | Radiometer Ta 3rd Stokes (expected/HHH winds) | Kelvin |
/Aquarius_Data/rad_exp_TaH | Radiometer Ta H (expected) | Kelvin |
/Aquarius_Data/rad_exp_TaH_hhh | Radiometer Ta H (expected/HHH winds) | Kelvin |
/Aquarius_Data/rad_exp_TaV | Radiometer Ta V (expected) | Kelvin |
/Aquarius_Data/rad_exp_TaV_hhh | Radiometer Ta V (expected/HHH winds) | Kelvin |
/Aquarius_Data/rad_exp_TbH | Radiometer Tb H (expected) | Kelvin |
/Aquarius_Data/rad_exp_TbH0 | Radiometer Tb H (expected smooth) | Kelvin |
/Aquarius_Data/rad_exp_TbV | Radiometer Tb V (expected) | Kelvin |
/Aquarius_Data/rad_exp_TbV0 | Radiometer Tb V (expected smooth) | Kelvin |
/Aquarius_Data/rad_far_rot_ang | Radiometer Faraday Rotation Angle | Degrees |
/Aquarius_Data/rad_galact_dTa_H | Empirical Gal Reflect Adj H polar | Kelvin |
/Aquarius_Data/rad_galact_dTa_V | Empirical Gal Reflect Adj V polar | Kelvin |
/Aquarius_Data/rad_galact_Ta_dir_3 | Radiometer Galactic Direct Corr 3rd Stokes | Kelvin |
/Aquarius_Data/rad_galact_Ta_dir_H | Radiometer Galactic Direct Corr H polar | Kelvin |
/Aquarius_Data/rad_galact_Ta_dir_V | Radiometer Galactic Direct Corr V polar | Kelvin |
/Aquarius_Data/rad_galact_Ta_err | Estimated systematic error in galactic effects (I/2) | Kelvin |
/Aquarius_Data/rad_galact_Ta_ref_3 | Radiometer Galactic Reflect Corr 3rd Stokes | Kelvin |
/Aquarius_Data/rad_galact_Ta_ref_GO_H | Radiometer Gal Reflect Corr H polar (GO) | Kelvin |
/Aquarius_Data/rad_galact_Ta_ref_GO_V | Radiometer Gal Reflect Corr V polar (GO) | Kelvin |
/Aquarius_Data/rad_galact_Ta_ref_H | Radiometer Galactic Reflect Corr H polar | Kelvin |
/Aquarius_Data/rad_galact_Ta_ref_V | Radiometer Galactic Reflect Corr V polar | Kelvin |
/Aquarius_Data/rad_galact_Ta_SSS_sens | Estimated SSS retrieval sensitivity to galactic effects (I/2) | PSU |
/Aquarius_Data/rad_geo_rot_ang | Radiometer Geometric Rotation Angle | Degrees |
/Aquarius_Data/rad_hh_wind_speed | Radiometer HH wind speed | meters/sec |
/Aquarius_Data/rad_hhh_wind_speed | Radiometer HHH wind speed | meters/sec |
/Aquarius_Data/rad_ice_frac | Fraction of ice contamination (radiometer) | |
/Aquarius_Data/rad_land_frac | Fraction of land contamination (radiometer) | |
/Aquarius_Data/rad_moon_Ta_err | Estimated systematic error in lunar effects (I/2) | Kelvin |
/Aquarius_Data/rad_moon_Ta_ref_3 | Radiometer Lunar Reflect Corr 3rd Stokes | Kelvin |
/Aquarius_Data/rad_moon_Ta_ref_H | Radiometer Lunar Reflect Corr H polar | Kelvin |
/Aquarius_Data/rad_moon_Ta_ref_V | Radiometer Lunar Reflect Corr V polar | Kelvin |
/Aquarius_Data/rad_moon_Ta_SSS_sens | Estimated SSS retrieval sensitivity to lunar effects (I/2) | PSU |
/Aquarius_Data/rad_pol_rot_ang | Radiometer Polarization Rotation Angle | Degrees |
/Aquarius_Data/rad_solar_Ta_bak_3 | Radiometer Solar Back Scattered 3rd Stokes | Kelvin |
/Aquarius_Data/rad_solar_Ta_bak_H | Radiometer Solar Back Scattered H polar | Kelvin |
/Aquarius_Data/rad_solar_Ta_bak_V | Radiometer Solar Back Scattered V polar | Kelvin |
/Aquarius_Data/rad_solar_Ta_dir_3 | Radiometer Solar Direct Corr 3rd Stokes | Kelvin |
/Aquarius_Data/rad_solar_Ta_dir_H | Radiometer Solar Direct Corr H polar | Kelvin |
/Aquarius_Data/rad_solar_Ta_dir_V | Radiometer Solar Direct Corr V polar | Kelvin |
/Aquarius_Data/rad_solar_Ta_ref_3 | Radiometer Solar Reflect Corr 3rd Stokes | Kelvin |
/Aquarius_Data/rad_solar_Ta_ref_H | Radiometer Solar Reflect Corr H polar | Kelvin |
/Aquarius_Data/rad_solar_Ta_ref_V | Radiometer Solar Reflect Corr V polar | Kelvin |
/Aquarius_Data/rad_Ta3 | Radiometer Ta 3rd Stokes | Kelvin |
/Aquarius_Data/rad_Ta30 | Radiometer Ta 3rd Stokes (no exp drift) | Kelvin |
/Aquarius_Data/rad_TaH | Radiometer Ta H polarization | Kelvin |
/Aquarius_Data/rad_TaH0 | Radiometer Ta H polar (no exp drift) | Kelvin |
/Aquarius_Data/rad_TaV | Radiometer Ta V polarization | Kelvin |
/Aquarius_Data/rad_TaV0 | Radiometer Ta V polar (no exp drift) | Kelvin |
/Aquarius_Data/rad_Tb_consistency | Tb consistency check | Kelvin |
/Aquarius_Data/rad_Tb_consistency_nolc | Tb consistency check (nolc) | Kelvin |
/Aquarius_Data/rad_TbH | Tb H polarization (no rough corr) | Kelvin |
/Aquarius_Data/rad_TbH_nolc | Earth surface Tb H polarization (nolc) | Kelvin |
/Aquarius_Data/rad_TbH_rc | Tb H polarization (rough corr) | Kelvin |
/Aquarius_Data/rad_TbH_rc_nolc | Tb H polarization (roughness corr, nolc) | Kelvin |
/Aquarius_Data/rad_TbV | Tb V polarization (no rough corr) | Kelvin |
/Aquarius_Data/rad_TbV_ice_contam_err | Estimated systematic error in ocean surface Tb sea-ice contamination calculation | Kelvin |
/Aquarius_Data/rad_TbV_ice_contam_SSS_sens | Estimated SSS retrieval sensitivity to ocean surface Tb sea-ice contamination correction | PSU |
/Aquarius_Data/rad_TbV_land_contam_err | Estimated systematic error in ocean surface Tb land contamination calculation | Kelvin |
/Aquarius_Data/rad_TbV_land_contam_SSS_sens | Estimated SSS retrieval sensitivity to ocean surface Tb land contamination correction | PSU |
/Aquarius_Data/rad_TbV_nolc | Earth surface Tb V polarization (no lc) | Kelvin |
/Aquarius_Data/rad_TbV_rc | Tb V polarization (rough corr) | Kelvin |
/Aquarius_Data/rad_TbV_rc_nolc | Tb V polarization (roughness corr, nolc) | Kelvin |
/Aquarius_Data/rad_Tf3 | Radiometer Ta 3rd Stokes (rfi filtered) | Kelvin |
/Aquarius_Data/rad_Tf30 | Radiometer Ta 3 (rfi filtered/no exp drift) | Kelvin |
/Aquarius_Data/rad_TfH | Radiometer Ta H polarization (rfi filtered) | Kelvin |
/Aquarius_Data/rad_TfH0 | Radiometer Ta H (rfi filtered/no exp drift) | Kelvin |
/Aquarius_Data/rad_TfV | Radiometer Ta V polarization (rfi filtered) | Kelvin |
/Aquarius_Data/rad_TfV0 | Radiometer Ta V (rfi filtered/no exp drift) | Kelvin |
/Aquarius_Data/rad_toa_H | Radiometer TOA Tb H polarization | Kelvin |
/Aquarius_Data/rad_toa_H_nolc | Radiometer TOA Tb H polarization (nolc) | Kelvin |
/Aquarius_Data/rad_toa_V | Radiometer TOA Tb V polarization | Kelvin |
/Aquarius_Data/rad_toa_V_nolc | Radiometer TOA Tb V polarization (nolc) | Kelvin |
/Aquarius_Data/rad_toi_3 | Radiometer TOI Tb 3rd Stokes | Kelvin |
/Aquarius_Data/rad_toi_H | Radiometer TOI Tb H polarization | Kelvin |
/Aquarius_Data/rad_toi_V | Radiometer TOI Tb V polarization | Kelvin |
/Aquarius_Data/rad_wind_dir_rand_err | Estimated random error in radiometer derived wind direction | degrees |
/Aquarius_Data/rad_wind_dir_rand_SSS_sens | Estimated SSS retrieval sensitivity to random error in wind direction | PSU |
/Aquarius_Data/rad_wind_speed_rand_err | Estimated random error in radiometer derived wind speed | meters/sec |
/Aquarius_Data/rad_wind_speed_rand_SSS_sens | Estimated SSS retrieval sensitivity to random error in wind speed | PSU |
/Aquarius_Data/rad_wind_speed_syst_err | Estimated systematic error in radiometer derived wind speed | meters/sec |
/Aquarius_Data/rad_wind_speed_syst_SSS_sens | Estimated SSS retrieval sensitivity to systematic error in wind speed | PSU |
/Aquarius_Data/RFI_level_err | Estimated systematic error in RFI level calculation | PSU |
/Aquarius_Data/RFI_level_SSS_sens | Estimated SSS retrieval sensitivity to RFI level | |
/Aquarius_Data/rim_anom | Sea Surface Salinity Anomoly (RIM) | |
/Aquarius_Data/rim_anom1 | Sea Surface Salinity Anomoly (RIM) 1m | |
/Aquarius_Data/rim_anom3 | Sea Surface Salinity (RIM) Anomoly 3m | |
/Aquarius_Data/rim_anom5 | Sea Surface Salinity (RIM) Anomoly 5m | |
/Aquarius_Data/rim_bf_irr | Rain Beam Fill Fraction (IRR) | |
/Aquarius_Data/rim_irr | Instantaneous Rain Rate (RIM) | millimeter/hour |
/Aquarius_Data/rim_pss | Probablility of Salinity Stratification | |
/Aquarius_Data/rim_sss | Sea Surface Salinity (RIM) | |
/Aquarius_Data/scat_esurf_H | excess surface scatterometer emissivity (H pol) | Kelvin |
/Aquarius_Data/scat_esurf_H_uncertainty | Uncertainty in surface emmissivity (H-pol) | Kelvin |
/Aquarius_Data/scat_esurf_V | excess surface scatterometer emissivity (V pol) | Kelvin |
/Aquarius_Data/scat_esurf_V_uncertainty | Uncertainty in surface emmissivity (V-pol) | Kelvin |
/Aquarius_Data/scat_HH_ant | ANT Scatterometer NRCS for HH polarization | db |
/Aquarius_Data/scat_HH_exp | Expected Sigma0 for HH polarization | db |
/Aquarius_Data/scat_HH_toa | TOA Scatterometer NRCS for HH polarization | db |
/Aquarius_Data/scat_HV_ant | ANT Scatterometer NRCS for HV polarization | db |
/Aquarius_Data/scat_HV_exp | Expected Sigma0 for HV polarization | db |
/Aquarius_Data/scat_HV_toa | TOA Scatterometer NRCS for HV polarization | db |
/Aquarius_Data/scat_ice_frac | Fraction of ice contamination (scatterometer) | |
/Aquarius_Data/scat_land_frac | Fraction of land contamination (scatterometer) | |
/Aquarius_Data/scat_tot_toa | TOA Scatterometer (Total) | db |
/Aquarius_Data/scat_VH_ant | ANT Scatterometer NRCS for VH polarization | db |
/Aquarius_Data/scat_VH_exp | Expected Sigma0 for VH polarization | db |
/Aquarius_Data/scat_VH_toa | TOA Scatterometer NRCS for VH polarization | db |
/Aquarius_Data/scat_VV_ant | ANT Scatterometer NRCS for VV polarization | db |
/Aquarius_Data/scat_VV_exp | Expected Sigma0 for VV polarization | db |
/Aquarius_Data/scat_VV_toa | TOA Scatterometer NRCS for VV polarization | db |
/Aquarius_Data/scat_wind_speed | Scatterometer Wind Speed | meters/sec |
/Aquarius_Data/spiciness | Derived Surface Spiciness based on TEOS-10 | kg/m^3 |
/Aquarius_Data/SSS | Sea Surface Salinity | PSU |
/Aquarius_Data/SSS_matchup | Sea Surface Salinity matchup value | PSU |
/Aquarius_Data/SSS_nolc | Sea Surface Salinity (nolc) | PSU |
/Aquarius_Data/SSS_unc | Estimated total uncertainty in SSS including random and systematic components | PSU |
/Aquarius_Data/SSS_unc_EIA | Estimated SSS retrieval uncertainty due to boresight Earth Incidence Angle random error | PSU |
/Aquarius_Data/SSS_unc_galact_Ta | Estimated SSS retrieval uncertainty due to galactic effect systematic error | PSU |
/Aquarius_Data/SSS_unc_IU_coupling | Estimated SSS retrieval uncertainty due to IU coupling systematic error | PSU |
/Aquarius_Data/SSS_unc_moon_Ta | Estimated SSS retrieval uncertainty due to lunar effect systematic error | PSU |
/Aquarius_Data/SSS_unc_NEDT_3 | Estimated SSS retrieval sensitivity to radiometer NEDT random error (3rd Stokes) | PSU |
/Aquarius_Data/SSS_unc_NEDT_H | Estimated SSS retrieval sensitivity to radiometer NEDT random error (H pol) | PSU |
/Aquarius_Data/SSS_unc_NEDT_V | Estimated SSS retrieval sensitivity to radiometer NEDT random error (V pol) | PSU |
/Aquarius_Data/SSS_unc_ran | Estimated random component of uncertainty in SSS | PSU |
/Aquarius_Data/SSS_unc_RFI_level | Estimated SSS retrieval uncertainty due to RFI level systematic error | PSU |
/Aquarius_Data/SSS_unc_surface_temp | Estimated SSS retrieval uncertainty due to sea surface temperature systematic error | PSU |
/Aquarius_Data/SSS_unc_sys | Estimated systematic component of uncertainty in SSS | PSU |
/Aquarius_Data/SSS_unc_TbV_ice_contam | Estimated SSS retrieval uncertainty due to ocean surface Tb sea-ice contamination systematic error | PSU |
/Aquarius_Data/SSS_unc_TbV_land_contam | Estimated SSS retrieval uncertainty due to ocean surface Tb land contamination systematic error | PSU |
/Aquarius_Data/SSS_unc_wind_dir_rand | Estimated SSS retrieval uncertainty due to wind direction random error | PSU |
/Aquarius_Data/SSS_unc_wind_speed_rand | Estimated SSS retrieval uncertainty due to wind speed random error | PSU |
/Aquarius_Data/SSS_unc_wind_speed_syst | Estimated SSS retrieval uncertainty due to wind speed systematic error | PSU |
/Aquarius_Data/wind_uncertainty | Estimated wind speed error | meters/sec |
/Aquarius_Flags/rad_rfi_flags | Radiometer RFI flags | |
/Aquarius_Flags/radiometer_flags | Radiometer data quality flags | |
/Aquarius_Flags/rim_status_flag | RIM processing status | |
/Aquarius_Flags/scat_rfi_flags | Scatterometer RFI flags | |
/Aquarius_Flags/scatterometer_flags | Scatterometer data quality flags | |
/Block_Attributes/rad_samples | Number of radiometer samples per average | |
/Block_Attributes/scat_samples | Number of scatterometer samples per average | |
/Block_Attributes/sec | Block time, seconds of day | seconds |
/Block_Attributes/secGPS | Block time, GPS time | seconds |
/Block_Attributes/solar xray flux | Solar xray flux (0.1 - 0.8 nanometers) | watts/m2 |
/Converted_Telemetry/rad_caltemps | Radiometer calibration temperatures | |
/Converted_Telemetry/rad_ghh | Radiometer HH gain | |
/Converted_Telemetry/rad_gmm | Radiometer MM gain | |
/Converted_Telemetry/rad_gpp | Radiometer PP gain | |
/Converted_Telemetry/rad_gvv | Radiometer VV gain | |
/Converted_Telemetry/rad_oh | Radiometer H offset | |
/Converted_Telemetry/rad_om | Radiometer M offset | |
/Converted_Telemetry/rad_op | Radiometer P offset | |
/Converted_Telemetry/rad_ov | Radiometer V offset | |
/Navigation/acs_mode | ACS Control Mode | |
/Navigation/att_ang | Spacecraft roll, pitch, yaw | degrees |
/Navigation/beam_clat | Beam Center Latitude | degrees |
/Navigation/beam_clon | Beam Center Longitude | degrees |
/Navigation/cellatfoot | Geodectic Latitudes (3 dB) | degrees |
/Navigation/cellonfoot | East Longitudes (3 dB) | degrees |
/Navigation/celphi | Boresight Earth Azimuth Angle | degrees |
/Navigation/celtht | Boresight Earth Incidence Angle | degrees |
/Navigation/glxlat | Galaxy Declination (J2000) | degrees |
/Navigation/glxlon | Galaxy Right Ascention (J2000) | degrees |
/Navigation/moond | Earth-to-Moon unit vector (eci) | |
/Navigation/moonglt | Moon Glint Angle | degrees |
/Navigation/orb_pos | Orbital position vector | meters |
/Navigation/orb_vel | Orbital velocity vector | meters per second |
/Navigation/scalt | Spacecraft altitude | meters |
/Navigation/scat_beam_clat | Scatterometer Beam Center Latitude | degrees |
/Navigation/scat_beam_clon | Scatterometer Beam Center Longitude | degrees |
/Navigation/scat_latfoot | Scatterometer Latitude Footprint | degrees |
/Navigation/scat_lonfoot | Scatterometer Longitude Footprint | degrees |
/Navigation/scat_polarization_roll | Scatterometer Polarization Roll Angle | degrees |
/Navigation/sclat | Spacecraft nadir point latitude | degrees |
/Navigation/sclon | Spacecraft nadir point longitude | degrees |
/Navigation/sund | Earth-to-Sun unit vector (eci) | |
/Navigation/sunglt | Sun Glint Angle | degrees |
/Navigation/sunphi | Sun Vector Earth Azimuth Angle | degrees |
/Navigation/sunr | Sun reflection unit vector (eci) | |
/Navigation/suntht | Sun Vector Earth Incidence Angle | degrees |
/Navigation/zang | Intra-Orbit Angle | degrees |
NASA Aquarius project. 2017. Aquarius Sea Surface Salinity Products. Ver. 5.0. PO.DAAC, CA, USA. Dataset accessed [YYYY-MM-DD] at
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