
此星光明 发表于 2024/04/03 18:26:50 2024/04/03
【摘要】 ​ ABoVE: Thaw Depth at Selected Unburned and Burned Sites Across Alaska简介文件修订日期:2024-02-06数据集版本: 1.0摘要该数据集提供了 2016 年 8 月、2017 年 6 月和 9 月以及 2018 年 7 月至 8 月期间在阿拉斯加七个地点进行的解冻深度测量。其中三个地点是成对的未烧毁-烧毁地点。在每个...

 ABoVE: Thaw Depth at Selected Unburned and Burned Sites Across Alaska



数据集版本: 1.0


该数据集提供了 2016 年 8 月、2017 年 6 月和 9 月以及 2018 年 7 月至 8 月期间在阿拉斯加七个地点进行的解冻深度测量。其中三个地点是成对的未烧毁-烧毁地点。在每个地点,建立了三个 30 米的横断面,并使用 1.15 米的 T 型解冻深度探头沿每个横断面以 1 米为单位测量解冻深度。所选地点旨在调查火灾干扰,跨越从连续到零星的永久冻土区域范围,并涵盖阿拉斯加各地的北方森林、草丛苔原、高地柳树/草本灌丛以及低地沼泽和湿润苔原等植被类型。数据以逗号分隔值 (CSV) 格式提供。

解冻深度测量点的位置。其中五个地点是成对的未焚烧地点和 IMNH & IMNL 地点,这些地点非常靠近,因此显示为一个符号。 

北极-北方脆弱性实验(ABoVE)是美国国家航空航天局(NASA)陆地生态计划的一项野外活动,从 2015 年开始在阿拉斯加和加拿大西部进行,为期 8 到 10 年。ABoVE 的研究将基于实地的过程级研究与机载和卫星传感器获得的地理空间数据产品联系起来,为提高分析和建模能力奠定了基础,这些能力是了解和预测北极和北方地区生态系统对气候变化的反应及其对社会的影响所必需的。


空间覆盖范围:  阿拉斯加州

上图 参考地点:

     域:核心 ABoVE
     州/地区: 阿拉斯加州阿拉斯加州
     网格单元:Ahh1Avv0Bh1Bv4, Ahh1Avv0Bh0Bv5, Ahh0Avv1Bh1Bv5Ahh0, Avv0Bh1Bv5, Ahh1Avv0Bh2Bv3, Ahh0Avv0Bh2Bv3

空间分辨率:沿三个 30 米横断面以 1 米间隔分布多个点

时间覆盖范围:2016-08-09 至 2018-08-28



Site Westernmost Longitude Easternmost Longitude Northernmost Latitude Southernmost Latitude
Alaska -163.2388 -146.5575 68.9911 61.2699



该文件包含在阿拉斯加不同地点沿三个 30 米横断面以 1 米间隔测量的解冻深度。每个 30 米横断面的起点和终点都记录了坐标。

缺失数据记录为 -9999。

数据文件 thaw_depth.csv 中的变量


Column Name Units/format Description
date YYYY-MM-DD Measurement date
site_name - Name of site where measurements were made
site_code - Abbreviated site name. See Table 2.
latitude degrees north Latitude in decimal degrees at the beginning and end of each sampling transect. Values only given for sample_location with values of 0 and 30. Other sample_location values are -9999.
longitude degrees east Longitude in decimal degrees at the beginning and end of each sampling transect. Values only given for sample_location with values of 0 and 30. Other sample_location values are -9999.
transect - Transect number, 1-3
sample_location m Measurement location along the 30-m transect, 0 to 30. There are 31 measurements per transect.
thaw_depth cm Measurement of thaw depth taken with probe
notes - Notes recorded during measurements. When a “rock” was encountered, thaw_depth was set to -9999. Other notes may describe surface features (e.g., tussock, tree well) that may indicate that the recorded value is not representative of the site transect. For some of the measurements, the depth exceeded the length of the probe.


Site Name / Code Latitude Longitude
Hess Creek Unburned (HCU) 65.5674 -148.9251
Hess Creek Burned (HCB) 65.5688 -148.9234
Nome Creek Unburned – Old (NCU-OLD) 65.2856 -146.5600
Nome Creek Burned – Old (NCB-OLD) 65.3401 -146.9100
Eight Mile Lake (EML) 63.8801 -149.2560
Bonanza Creek (BNZ) 64.6960 -148.3257
I-Minus Low (IMNL) 68.5593 -149.5160
I-Minus High (IMNH) 68.5571 -149.5329
YK Delta Unburned (YKDU) 61.2703 -163.2410
YK Delta Burned (YKDB) 61.2705 -163.2356
Anaktuvuk Unburned (AKU) 68.9299 -150.2798
Anaktuvuk Burned (AKB) 68.9908 -150.2702
Nome Creek Burned – New (NCB-NEW) 65.2860 -146.5583






在 13 个地点各建立了三个 30 米的横断面(参见表 3)。每个地点的横断面间距约为 10-30 米。记录 0 米和 30 米端点位置的坐标。使用 1.15 米长的 T 型解冻深度探头,沿每个横断面以 1 米为单位测量和记录解冻深度。按照 ABoVE 解冻深度规程,如果存在苔藓层,则从苔藓层顶部开始测量解冻深度。大部分地点的测量时间为 2016 年 8 月、2017 年 6 月和 9 月以及 2018 年 7 月和 8 月(表 3)。


Site Name 2016 Sampling Dates 2017 Sampling Dates 2018 Sampling Dates Description
Hess Creek Unburned August 9 June 10, September 10 & 15 July 5, August 27 The site is located just off the Dalton Highway between mile 11 and 12 within an unburned boreal black spruce forest. 
Hess Creek Burned NA June 10, September 15 July 5, August 27 The site is located just off the Dalton Highway between mile 11 and 12 within a burned boreal black spruce forest (1995).
Nome Creek Unburned – Old August 10 June 13, September 18 NA The site is located within the White Mountain Recreation Area on a south facing slope characterized by willow/herbaceous scrub vegetation.
Nome Creek Burned – Old NA June 13 NA The site is located within the White Mountain Recreation Area on a south facing slope characterized by willow/herbaceous scrub vegetation which had been previously burned (2004).
Eight Mile Lake August 11 June 9, September 20 July 4, August 26 The site is located off the Stampede Trail in Healy. The area is characterized by moist tundra and sedge/shrub vegetation.
Bonanza Creek August 23 June 6, September 17 July 6, August 26 The site is located near the Bonanza Creek LTER Site within a boreal black spruce stand.
I-Minus Low August 21 June 15, September 11 NA The site is located approximately 1-km off the Dalton Highway, a few miles south of Toolik Field Station. The station is in a lowland, wet sedge fen area (Riparian). Day of sampling not provided for June 2017. Date set to June 15, 2017.
I-Minus High August 21 June 15, September 11 NA The site is located approximately 1-km off the Dalton Highway a few miles south of Toolik Field Station. The station is located on top of a hillside, and is characterized by tussock tundra. Day of sampling not provided for June 2017. Date set to June 15, 2017.
YK Delta Unburned NA September 24 NA The site is located on the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta characterized by wet tundra vegetation.
YK Delta Burned NA September 24 NA The site is located on the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta characterized by wet tundra vegetation. The area has been previously burned (2015).
Anaktuvuk Unburned NA NA July 11 Located in an undisturbed area near the Anaktuvuk river north of Toolik field station. The vegetation at the site is characterized by moss and tussock tundra.
Anaktuvuk Burned NA NA July 11 Located near the Anaktuvuk river north of Toolik field station within the severely burned area of the 2007 Anaktuvuk river fire. The vegetation is characterized by moss and tussock tundra.
Nome Creek Burned – New NA NA July 7, August 28 Located less than a 1 km off the Steese Highway near mile 63. The station is in a burned area (2004), and the vegetation is characterized by willow/herbaceous scrub.


!pip install leafmap
!pip install pandas
!pip install folium
!pip install matplotlib
!pip install mapclassify
import pandas as pd
import leafmap
url = "https://github.com/opengeos/NASA-Earth-Data/raw/main/nasa_earth_data.tsv"
df = pd.read_csv(url, sep="\t")
results, gdf = leafmap.nasa_data_search(
    bounding_box=(-165.68, 34.59, -98.1, 71.28),
    temporal=("2017-07-20", "2017-08-08"),
    count=-1,  # use -1 to return all datasets
#leafmap.nasa_data_download(results[:5], out_dir="data")


Natali, S., S. Ludwig, C. Minions, and J.D. Watts. 2023. ABoVE: Thaw Depth at Selected Unburned and Burned Sites Across Alaska. ORNL DAAC, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, USA. ABoVE: Thaw Depth at Selected Unburned and Burned Sites Across Alaska, https://doi.org/10.3334/ORNLDAAC/1579






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