美国阿拉斯加和加拿大西部 74 个研究地点采集的 UAVSAR P 波段合成孔径雷达仪器的 1 (L1) 级极坐标雷达后向散射系

此星光明 发表于 2024/03/23 12:05:51 2024/03/23
【摘要】 ​ABoVE: L1 S-0 Polarimetric Data from UAVSAR P-band SAR, Alaska and Canada, 2017简介文件修订日期:2021-04-03数据集版本: 1摘要本数据集提供了在美国阿拉斯加和加拿大西部 74 个研究地点采集的 UAVSAR P 波段合成孔径雷达仪器的 1 (L1) 级极坐标雷达后向散射系数(Sigma-0 或 S-0)...

ABoVE: L1 S-0 Polarimetric Data from UAVSAR P-band SAR, Alaska and Canada, 2017



数据集版本: 1


本数据集提供了在美国阿拉斯加和加拿大西部 74 个研究地点采集的 UAVSAR P 波段合成孔径雷达仪器的 1 (L1) 级极坐标雷达后向散射系数(Sigma-0 或 S-0)、多视角复合、极坐标校准和地理参照数据产品。该雷达仪器是全偏振 P 波段(超高频)合成孔径雷达,工作频段为 420-440 兆赫。飞行活动于 2017 年 5 月至 8 月在美国国家航空航天局湾流-III 型飞机上定期进行。每组产品均由无人机合成孔径雷达 P 波段雷达仪器的一次数据采集(即获取)生成,一次数据采集相当于在一个地点上空飞行一条航线。每个站点需要 2 到 4 次数据采集,但有些站点只提供一次或六次数据采集。对 74 个站点共进行了 139 次数据采集。
无人机合成孔径雷达 P 波段雷达仪器最初是为空中微波次冠层和次表层观测站 (AirMOSS)活动开发的,用于测量根区土壤湿度。这些数据可用于次表层和次冠层成像应用,如监测土壤、森林和永久冻土的变化,以及探测地下结构和次表层变化。

139 种数据中每种数据的产品都在一个单独的目录中提供。每个目录包含 38 种不同类型的数据产品,共计 5,282 个数据文件。数据产品有两种分辨率,分别为 0.5 弧秒(约 15 米)和 3.0 弧秒(约 90 米),在每个文件名中均有标注。

UAVSAR P 波段合成孔径雷达扫描美国阿拉斯加和加拿大西部的研究地点,用于 2017 年 ABoVE 活动。

 北极-北方脆弱性实验(ABoVE)是美国国家航空航天局(NASA)陆地生态计划的一项实地活动,于2016年至2021年期间在阿拉斯加和加拿大西部进行。ABoVE 的研究将基于实地的过程级研究与机载和卫星传感器获得的地理空间数据产品联系起来,为提高分析和建模能力奠定了基础,而分析和建模能力是了解和预测生态系统反应及社会影响所必需的。

空间分辨率:0.5 弧秒和 3.0 弧秒

时间覆盖范围2017 年 5 月至 2017 年 8 月的定期飞行。



Sites Westernmost Longitude Easternmost Longitude Northernmost Latitude Southernmost Latitude
Alaska and western Canada -114.052479 -104.183584 71.464621 52.077702


139 个数据中的每一个都有 38 个数据产品(多种格式),共计 5 282 个数据文件。数据产品有两种分辨率,分别为 0.5 弧秒(约 15 米)和 3.0 弧秒(约 90 米)。

扩展名为 .ann、.h5、hgt、.inc、.jpg、.kmz、.png 和 .slope 的文件命名为 ssssss_LLLLL_FFFFF_CCC_YYMMDD_PL090fffww_gg_CX_vv.ext (例如,tukhwy_01812_17057_014_170606_PL09043020_05_CX_01.ann)。

扩展名为 .grd 和 .mlc 的文件命名为 ssssss_LLLLL_FFFFF_CCC_YYMMDD_PL090fffww_ggpppp_CX_vv.ext (例如,tukhwy_01812_17057_014_170606_PL09043020_30HVV_CX_01.mlc)。

Element Short Name Example Value Description
ssssss Site name padelE 6-character alphanumeric identifier assigned to each ABoVE flight line
For sites with a single flight line, the 6 characters identify the site, whereas sites with multiple flight lines have 5 characters to identify the flight line followed by a letter (N, S, E, W, A, B, C, D) that identifies the flight line within the site 
LLLLL Flight line ID 00026 5-character flight line identifier, where the first 3 characters are the aircraft heading in integer degrees (range 000–359) and the last 2 characters are from an alphanumeric counter to ensure uniqueness
FFFFF Flight ID 17051 5-digit flight identifier, where the first 2 digits are the last 2 digits of the flight year and the following 3 digits are from a numeric counter to ensure uniqueness
CCC Data take counter 009 3-digit data take counter for the flight (range 0-9); a first digit of 0 indicates that the data take was collected using automatic mode, while a first digit of 1 indicates that it was collected using manual mode; usually, the data take counter starts at 000 for the first science data take of a flight and is incremented by 1 for each successive science data take; since the radar system may reinitialize the counter if a system reset occurs during flight, the data take counter may not be unique for a flight
YYMMDD Flight date 170522 UTC date at the start of the data take, where YY is the last two digits of the flight year, MM is the month of the year, and DD is the day of the month
PL09043020 Radar mode 10-character alphanumeric identifier; see Table 3 for the naming convention
gg Spatial resolution 30 2-digit grid spacing in integer units of 0.1 arcseconds, where 05 represents 0.5" and 30 represents 3.0"
pppp Cross product abbreviation HHHV Formed from the subscripts of the two factors of the cross products as read from left to right (e.g., the abbreviation for the cross product SHHS'*HV is HHHV), where values are HHHH, HHHV, HHVV, HVHV, HVVV, and VVVV
CX Crosstalk removal status CX 2-character crosstalk removal status; the value is CX when crosstalk has been removed and XX when crosstalk has not been removed; ABoVE L1-S-0 data products use the value CX only
vv Version number 01 2-digit product version number starting at 01; the version number is incremented by 1 when a product is redelivered
ext Extension ann File format extension

Table 2. Six-letter abbreviations for study sites. Some sites contain subsites (identified in parentheses) and multiple data takes.

Site Abbreviation Site Name
aklavi Aklavik Ice Road, NT, Canada
ambler Ambler permafrost borehole site, AK, USA
anakt (E,W) Anaktuvuk Pass, AK, USA
atqasu Atqasuk permafrost borehole site, AK, USA
barrow Barrow permafrost borehole site, AK, USA
behcho Behchoko, NT, Canada
berms (A,B,C,D) Boreal Ecosystem Research and Monitoring Sites (BERMS), SK, Canada
chevak Chevak, AK, USA
coldfo Coldfoot permafrost borehole site, AK, USA
counci NGEE Arctic site, Council, AK, USA
daring Daring Lake, NT, Canada
deltj (A,B,C) Delta Junction, AK, USA
dhorse Deadhorse permafrost borehole site, AK, USA
djNEON Delta Junction NEON site, AK, USA
faberl Faber Lake, NT, Canada
fliard Fort Liard, NT, Canada
fsmit (N,S) Fort Smith, NT, Canada
ftmacm Fort McMurray, AB, Canada
ftres (N,S) Fort Resolution, NT, Canada
ftyuko Fort Yukon, AK, USA
gdhope Fort Good Hope, NT, Canada
huslia Huslia permafrost borehole site, AK, USA
inigok Circumpolar Active Layer Monitoring (CALM) site, Inigok, AK, USA
innoko Innoko River, AK, USA
ivotuk Ivotuk permafrost borehole site, AK, USA
kakis (A,B) Kakisa Lake, NT, Canada
katma (A,B,C) Katmai National Park and Preserve, AK, USA
kluan (A,B) Kluane National Park and Reserve, YT, Canada
kougar Kougarok permafrost borehole site, AK, USA
koyukk Koyuk permafrost borehole site, AK, USA
lclark Lake Clark National Park and Preserve, AK, USA
lloydE East of Lloydminster, SK, Canada (also AirSWOT study site)
lloydW West of Lloydminster, AB, Canada (also AirSWOT study site)
mcpher Fort McPherson, NT, Canada
noatak Noatak National Preserve, AK, USA
nwells Norman Wells, NT, Canada
oldcr (A,B) Old Crow, YT, Canada
padel (E,W) Peace–Athabasca Delta, AB, Canada
poorma Poorman, AK, USA
provid Fort Providence, NT, Canada
redber Redberry, SK, Canada (also AirSWOT study site)
saska (N,S) Saskatoon, SK, Canada (also AirSWOT study site)
scoaoi Sambaa K’e (formerly Trout Lake), NT, Canada
scotty Scotty Creek, NT, Canada
snagyk Snag, YT, Canada
snarer Snare River, NT, Canada
sriver Stony River, AK, USA
teller Teller NGEE Arctic site, AK, USA
toolik Toolik Lake and Field Station, AK, USA
tukhwy Inuvik–Tuktoyaktuk Highway, NT, Canada
watson Watson Lake, YT, Canada
wolfcr Wolf Creek Trail, YT, Canada
wrigl (N,S) Wrigley, NT, Canada
yellow Yellowknife, NT, Canada
yflat (E,W) Yukon Flats National Wildlife Refuge, AK, USA
ykdel (A,B) Yukon Delta National Wildlife Refuge, AK, USA

Table 3. Radar mode naming convention elements.

Element Short Name Description
P Radar band Radar band; 1-character fixed value P for these products
L Radar look direction Left-looking radar relative to the direction of flight; 1-character fixed value L for these products
090 Squint angle Squint angle in integer degrees; 3-digit fixed value 090 for these products
430 Chirp frequency Chirp center frequency in MHz; 3-digit fixed value 430 for these products
20 Chirp bandwidth Chirp bandwidth in MHz; 2-digit fixed value of 20 for these products; the value has been rounded for use in the filenames, while the true value is provided in the Bandwidth field of the associated ANN files

Table 4. Data product file extensions. See Section 5 for additional information.

Element Number of Files per Data Take Description
ann 2 files: 1 for the 0.5 arcsecond grid spacing and 1 for 3.0 arcsecond Annotation (text) files containing metadata including filenames, file dimensions, grid coordinates, and radar processing parameters
grd 12 files: 6 for the 0.5 arcsecond grid spacing and 6 for 3.0 arcsecond Georeferenced/gridded data (GRD) generated by projecting (slant-range) single-look complex data to ground range using the backward projection method
h5 2 files: 1 for the 0.5 arcsecond grid spacing and 1 for 3.0 arcsecond Hierarchical Data Format Version 5 (HDF5) files containing copies of the DEM, GRD, INC, MLC, and SLOPE
hgt 2 files: 1 for the 0.5 arcsecond grid spacing and 1 for 3.0 arcsecond Digital elevation map (DEM) used during processing; co-registered to the GRD
inc 2 files: 1 for the 0.5 arcsecond grid spacing and 1 for 3.0 arcsecond Local incidence angle (INC); co-registered to the GRD
jpg 2 files: 1 for the 0.5 arcsecond grid spacing and 1 for 3.0 arcsecond Browse thumbnails in JPEG media format produced from the PNG
kmz 2 files: 1 for the 0.5 arcsecond grid spacing and 1 for 3.0 arcsecond Compressed Keyhole Markup Language (KMZ) files containing the GRD rendered as low-resolution color images for display in Google Earth
mlc 12 files: 6 for the 0.5 arcsecond grid spacing and 6 for 3.0 arcsecond Multi-looked complex (MLC) cross products
png 2 files: 1 for the 0.5 arcsecond grid spacing and 1 for 3.0 arcsecond Portable Network Graphics (PNG) images of the KMZ
slope 2 files: 1 for the 0.5 arcsecond grid spacing and 1 for 3.0 arcsecond Terrain slope (SLOPE) derived from the DEM in the east and north directions

雷达反向散射数据已利用部署在加利福尼亚州罗萨蒙德干湖的 2.4 米和 4.8 米三面角反射器以及噪声二极管内置测试(BIT)(Chapin 等人,2015 年)的接收器数据进行了辐射校准。2017 年,噪声二极管 BIT 数据被用于改进天线模式。使用噪声二极管 BIT 数据后,4.8 米角反射器残差(观测-预测雷达截面)的标准偏差从 0.867 dB 降至 0.543 dB(横积的 HH 因子),从 0.668 dB 降至 0.521 dB(横积的 VV 因子)。对于 2.4 米角反射镜残差,HH 和 VV 的标准偏差分别从 0.861 dB 和 0.564 dB 降至 0.564 dB 和 0.599 dB。

对于 2017 年开始获取的 P 波段数据,在每次数据采集之前和/或之后立即获取的噪声二极管 BIT 数据用于在处理过程中对数据进行辐射校正。在相位校准之前对数据进行了串扰消除(Fore 等人,2015 年)。自适应射频干扰消除根据需要应用于每次数据采集(Harcke 和 Le,2014 年)。其应用已记录在每个产品的相关 ANN 文件中。在相关 ANN 文件的注释字段中注明了该过程无法去除的 RFI。


!pip install leafmap
!pip install pandas
!pip install folium
!pip install matplotlib
!pip install mapclassify
import pandas as pd
import leafmap
url = "https://github.com/opengeos/NASA-Earth-Data/raw/main/nasa_earth_data.tsv"
df = pd.read_csv(url, sep="\t")
results, gdf = leafmap.nasa_data_search(
    bounding_box=(-166.61, 52.08, -104.18, 71.46),
    temporal=("2017-05-22", "2017-08-18"),
    count=-1,  # use -1 to return all datasets
#leafmap.nasa_data_download(results[:5], out_dir="data")


Shimada, J.G., Y. Lou, S. Hensley, B.P. Hawkins, L. Harcke, D.M. Lagoy, T.R. Michel, R.J. Muellerschoen, S. Flores, N. Pinto, C. Rains, W.W. Tung, and Y. Zheng. 2021. ABoVE: L1 S-0 Polarimetric Data from UAVSAR P-band SAR, Alaska and Canada, 2017. ORNL DAAC, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, USA. ABoVE: L1 S-0 Polarimetric Data from UAVSAR P-band SAR, Alaska and Canada, 2017, https://doi.org/10.3334/ORNLDAAC/1800







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