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【摘要】 ​ ABoVE: Vegetation Composition across Fire History Gradients on the Y-K Delta, Alaska简介文档修订日期:2020-05-15数据集版本: 1数据集摘要本数据集提供了 2017 年 7 月和 2018 年 7 月期间从阿拉斯加育空-库斯科金(Y-K)三角洲高地苔原火灾历史梯度的 43 个地块收集的生态野外数据...

 ABoVE: Vegetation Composition across Fire History Gradients on the Y-K Delta, Alaska


数据集版本: 1

本数据集提供了 2017 年 7 月和 2018 年 7 月期间从阿拉斯加育空-库斯科金(Y-K)三角洲高地苔原火灾历史梯度的 43 个地块收集的生态野外数据。地块级数据包括植被物种组成和结构、叶面积指数(LAI)、地形、解冻深度以及在 1971-1972 年、1985 年、2006-2007 年、2015 年烧毁的地块或未烧毁的对照地收集的土壤特性。采用植被点截距(VPI)取样方法沿横断面对植被物种进行取样,并通过三个植被覆盖度指标进行汇总:(1) 最高植被覆盖度;(2) 任何植被覆盖度;(3) 多重植被覆盖度。每个指标都是一个物种的总命中数除以样本点总数。VPI 任意命中覆盖度指标数据与 Landsat 图像相结合,绘制出高地苔原地区四种综合植物功能类型(PFTs)的任意命中覆盖度分数图;这四种植物功能类型是:苔藓植物、草本植物、地衣和灌木。植被横断面和土壤坑的照片作为配套文件提供。
这些数据描述了 Y-K 三角洲 Izaviknek 和 Kingaglia 高地在历史上发生大面积火灾后几十年的演替和景观变化。

共有 10 个主要数据集文件:2 个 *.csv 格式文件、4 个 GeoTIFF (*.tif) 格式文件、2 个 shapefiles (*.zip) 文件和 2 个 (*.kmz) 格式文件。还包括 244 个辅助文件:2 个 (*.csv) 格式的文件和 242 张联合摄影专家组 (*.jpg) 格式的地块照片。

将植被点截距(VPI)任意点覆盖度度量数据与大地遥感卫星图像相结合,绘制出阿拉斯加 Y-K 三角洲高地苔原地区四种植物功能类型(PFTs)的任意点覆盖度分数图,这四种植物功能类型分别为囊叶植物、草本植物、地衣和灌木。VPI 数据收集自 1971 年、1985 年、2005 年和 2015 年烧毁地区的地块。资料来源:Frost et al:Frost 等人,2020 年。 


空间覆盖范围:阿拉斯加州育空-库斯科克温三角洲(YKD)中部的 Izaviknek 和 Kingaglia 高地


 域:核心 ABoVE

 州/地区: 阿拉斯加州阿拉斯加州

 以上网格单元: Ah000v000 ;

Bh001v003, Bh002v003, Bh002v004;

Ch014v019, Ch013v019, Ch011v020, Ch012v020, Ch013v020, Ch014v020、
Ch015v020, Ch011v021, Ch012v021, Ch013v021, Ch014v021, Ch015v021、
Ch012v022, Ch013v022, Ch014v022, Ch015v022, Ch016v022, Ch012v023、
Ch013v023, Ch014v023, Ch015v023, Ch016v023, Ch013v024, Ch014v024

空间分辨率:各种地块测量,植被覆盖图 30 平方米

时间覆盖范围:地块植被测量 2017-07-20 至 2018-07-16



Site Westernmost Longitude Easternmost Longitude Northernmost Latitude Southernmost Latitude
Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta -164.688 -160.938 62.0883 60.3598


该数据集包括 10 个文件:2 个逗号分隔值 (*.csv) 格式的文件、4 个 GeoTIFF (*.tif) 格式的文件、2 个 shapefiles (*.zip) 文件和 2 个 Keyhole Markup Language Zipped (*.kmz) 格式的文件。

File Name Description
vegetation_cover.csv plot-level vegetation cover
plot_details.csv plot-level characterization data
bryophyte_any_hit_cover.tif Continuous cover map of bryophyte PFT, percentage of points where bryophyte species occurred combined with 60 spectral predictors derived from Landsat data. Included bryophyte species: acrocarpous mosses, liverworts, mosses, pleurocarpous mosses, and Sphagnum.
lichen_any_hit_cover.tif Continuous cover map of lichen PFT, percentage of points where lichen species occurred combined with 60 spectral predictors derived from Landsat data.

Continuous cover map of herbaceous PFT, percentage of points where herbaceous species occurred combined with 60 spectral predictors derived from Landsat data. Included herbaceous species: forbs, grasses, sedges, and rushes.

shrub_any_hit_cover.tif Continuous cover map of shrub PFT, percentage of points where shrub species occurred combined with 60 spectral predictors derived from Landsat data, including deciduous shrubs and evergreen shrubs.
plot_centers.zip locations of plots
bounding_rectangle.zip bounding rectangle around all plots
plot_centers.kmz locations of plots
bounding_rectangle.kmz bounding rectangle around all plots


对于 GeoTIFF 文件,数值是出现相应 PFT 的采样点的百分比,缺失值用 255 表示,每个文件包含 4,912 行和 4,583 列。

对于 CSV 文件,数字数据的缺失值用 -9999 表示,文本数据的缺失值用 NA 表示。

投影为 "Canada_Albers_Equal_Area_Conic",EPSG:102001。

表 2.文件 vegetation_cover.csv 中的变量名和说明,也包括配套文件 vegetation_cover_data_dictionary.csv。

Variable Name Description

Naming syntax:  region_burn status-epoch-unique plot ID_sample year, where:
    region: YKDE = Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta
    burn status: B = burned, UB = unburned
    epoch (last burn): 1971, 1985, 2005, 2015 (only for plots with "B" burn status)
    unique plot ID = KX-X or XX (burned plots), XXXX (unburned plots), where X is a digit (e.g., “K4-01” or “0672” within a region and burn status)
    sample year: YYYY

Examples: YKDE_B-2015-K3-01_2018 (burned), YKDE_UB-1026_2017 (unburned)

date date of data collection in YYYY-MM-DD format
longitude X coordinate of plot center in decimal degrees
latitude Y coordinate of plot center in decimal degrees
species vegetation taxon or ground cover type; vegetation nomenclature follows Viereck & Little (2010) for shrubs, Skinnner et al. (2012) for grasses, and Hulten (1969) for all other vascular taxa
modifier indicates standing dead (i.e., leaves and branches projecting above surface) or dead down (i.e., dead plant forms ground surface) status of vegetation; none = no modifier (i.e., live vegetation, detached litter, water, bare ground, etc.)
plant_functional_type categorical class for plant functional type; note that Equisetum spp. are treated as forbs in this classification
any_hit_cover the number of sample points where the species was intercepted ("hit") by a vertically mounted laser beam, divided by the total number of sample points (0-100%)
multi_hit_cover the number of times the species was intercepted ("hit") by a vertically mounted laser beam, divided by the total number of sample points (can exceed 100%)
top_hit_cover the number of sample points where the species was the first element intercepted ("hit") by a vertically mounted laser beam  (i.e., formed the top of the canopy), divided by the total number of sample points (0-100%)

表 3.plot_details.csv 文件中的变量名和说明,也包含在配套文件 plot_details_data_dictionary.csv 中。

Variable Name Description

Naming syntax:  region_burn status-epoch-unique plot ID_sample year, where:
    region: YKDE = Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta
    burn status: B = burned, UB = unburned
    epoch (last burn): 1971, 1985, 2005, 2015 (only for plots with "B" burn status)
    unique plot ID = KX-X or XX (burned plots), XXXX (unburned plots), where X is a digit (e.g., “K4-01” or “0672” within a region and burn status)
    sample year: YYYY

Examples: YKDE_B-2015-K3-01_2018 (burned), YKDE_UB-1026_2017 (unburned)
date date of data collection in YYYY-MM-DD format
longitude X coordinate of plot center in decimal degrees
latitude Y coordinate of plot center in decimal degrees
fire_year year of last fire; burn status determined from AICC database and review of satellite imagery (Landsat and/or DigitalGlobe)
years_since_fire number of years elapsed between last fire and field sampling
plot_radius radius of plot in meters
percent_burned percent of plot area that actually burned; visually estimated from post-fire DigitalGlobe imagery (where available; 2015 burn scars only)
mtbs_class dominant fire severity class in Monitoring Trends in Burn Severity (MTBS) classification for burn (where available; burns after 2005 only; data gaps exist for some burns); see Eidinshink et al. 2007
slope slope angle at plot center in degrees; measured using an inclinometer
aspect slope aspect at plot center in degrees; measured using a compass
pH soil pH; measured from free water in soil pit excavated near the center of each plot
elec_cond soil electrical conductivity in microsiemens; measured from free water in soil pit
surf_org_thick total thickness of surface organic material in soil profile in centimeters
water_depth water depth at the soil pit in centimeters; negative values indicate sub-surface
LAI_mean mean of leaf area index (LAI) measurements; measured at every fifth point along each transect using a LAI-2000 Plant Canopy Analyzer (LI-COR Biosciences, Lincoln NE, USA)
LAI_stderr standard error of mean LAI
LAI_n total number of LAI measurements at each plot; each measurement consisted of the mean of five LAI readings collected in an "X" pattern directly above each sample point and at four points 1 meter away
woody_ht_mean mean maximum shrub height in centimeters; measured within a 20 centimeter radius of every fifth point along each transect
woody_ht_stddev standard deviation of mean maximum shrub height in centimeters
woody_ht_n total number of maximum shrub height measurements at plot
thaw_depth_mean mean thaw depth in centimeters; measured at every fifth point along each transect
thaw_depth_stddev standard deviation of mean thaw depth in centimeters
thaw_depth_n total number of thaw depth measurements at plot
veg_pt_intercept_n total number of vegetation point-intercept sample points at plot
veg_class_AVC vegetation class for plot; adapted from Alaska Vegetation Classification (AVC), Level IV (Viereck et al. 1992) 
notes field notes

Companion Files


该数据集包括 244 个配套文件:2 个逗号分隔值 (*.csv) 格式的文件和 242 个联合摄影专家组 (*.jpg) 格式的文件。

242 个 *.jpg 格式的文件是地块照片,其命名规则与表 2 第一行中描述的 plot_ID 相似。


命名语法:region_burn status-last burn epoch-plot ID_sample year_photo info.jpg,其中:
    区域:YKDE = 育空-库斯科克温三角洲
    燃烧状态:B = 已燃烧,UB = 未燃烧
    年代(上次燃烧):1971、1985、2005、2015(仅适用于燃烧状态为 "B "的地块)
    地块 ID:KX-X 或 XX(已烧毁地块),XXXX(未烧毁地块),其中 X 为数字
    照片信息:横断面线 = 1-3,照片方向 = C(从中心)或 E(横断面末端朝向中心)



命名语法:region_burn status-last burn epoch-plot ID_sample year_photo info.jpg,其中:

    区域:YKDE = 育空-库斯科克温三角洲
    燃烧状态:B = 已燃烧,UB = 未燃烧
    年代(上次燃烧):1971、1985、2005、2015(仅适用于燃烧状态为 "B "的地块)
    地块 ID:KX-X 或 XX(已烧毁地块),XXXX(未烧毁地块),其中 X 为数字
    照片信息:  XXXX(唯一 ID)


表 4.  配套文件名称和说明

File Name Description
vegetation_cover_data_dictionary.csv column names and descriptions for file vegetation_cover.csv
plot_details_data_dictionary.csv column names and descriptions for file plot_details.csv
region_burn status-last burn epoch-plot ID_sample year_photo info.jpg 242 plot vegetation transect and soil pit photos

阿拉斯加的育空-库斯科克维姆三角洲(YKD)是北极苔原生物群落中最温暖的地区之一,苔原火灾在其高地地区很常见。自 1953 年以来,约 20% 的育空地区(789 平方公里)经历过火灾,其中约一半的火灾发生在 2015 年(AICC,2019 年)。

以下是 Frost 等人(2020 年)提供的方法和分析的简要概述。


采用分层随机方法在火灾梯度上选择小区位置,优先考虑 ABoVE 遥感飞行线内的点和 2015 年烧伤疤痕中的点(即火灾后 2-3 年采样)。


!pip install leafmap
!pip install pandas
!pip install folium
!pip install matplotlib
!pip install mapclassify
import pandas as pd
import leafmap
url = "https://github.com/opengeos/NASA-Earth-Data/raw/main/nasa_earth_data.tsv"
df = pd.read_csv(url, sep="\t")
results, gdf = leafmap.nasa_data_search(
    bounding_box=(-168.1, 49.54, -81.23, 75.0),
    temporal=("2017-07-20", "2018-07-16"),
    count=-1,  # use -1 to return all datasets
#leafmap.nasa_data_download(results[:5], out_dir="data")


Frost, G.V., R.A. Loehman, P.R. Nelson, and D.P. Paradis. 2020. ABoVE: Vegetation Composition across Fire History Gradients on the Y-K Delta, Alaska. ORNL DAAC, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, USA. https://doi.org/10.3334/ORNLDAAC/1772






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