OREL IT 's R&D efficiency Boosted Through CodeArts Integration
【摘要】 Orel IT is the first commercial use of HUAWEI CLOUD CodeArts outside China and the first successful case of migrating Azure pipelines to HUAWEI CLOUD CodeArts outside China.
Author:Lu Yifeng Huawei Cloud senior DTSE overseas
Abstract:Orel IT is the first commercial use of HUAWEI CLOUD CodeArts outside China and the first successful case of migrating Azure pipelines to HUAWEI CLOUD CodeArts outside China.
Developer's Questions:
The Orel Buy system of Orel IT needs to be migrated from Azure to HUAWEI CLOUD. Currently, Orel IT uses the Azure pipeline. Orel IT has three main issues:
- How to seamlessly migrate from Azure pipeline to HUAWEI CLOUD CodeArts, including code hosting, code check, code building, code deployment, and code testing?
- How does CodeArts work with other cloud services, such as ECS and CCE?
- How to use HUAWEI CLOUD CodeArts correctly?
Orel IT’s Pipleline Design and using issues and DTSE customize the pipeline:
The Orel Buy system code of Orel IT is on the Azure pipeline. There are XX microservices. The front end uses the TS language and is deployed on VMs. The backend also uses the TS language and is deployed on containers.
For commercial code migration, DTSE and Orel IT developers analyze the code release process of Orel Buy, including Boards, Repos, Pipelines, Test Plans, and Artifacts. There are many customized steps and commands in the Orel IT pipeline. For example, the Orel IT code has customized commands for code build, code check has customized rules, and code needs to be released to different environments using the same pipeline. DTSE configures CodeArts-based pipelines based on Orel IT requirements, including CodeArts check, build, and deploy commands. Finally, DTSE helped the customer configure the first pipeline, and after the customer's business code was migrated, the website initially failed to run. After debugging and log analysis by DTSE and the customer, it is found that the back-end port on the customer service side is not enabled. During the migration, customers also find that CodeArts products are easy to use. For example, CI/CD Pipelines can be directly configured on the CodeArts page, and SWR images can be pulled and run during container deployment.
Although Orel IT has many microservices, the overall architecture is very clear. The front end is deployed on VMs, and the back end is deployed on containers. DTSE and the customer analyze together and finally configure two pipelines: one is the front-end pipeline and the other is the back-end pipeline. The front-end pipeline uses the req, check, build, artifact, test, and deploy functions of CodeArts and works with ECSs to deploy the pipeline. The backend pipeline uses the req, check, build, artifact, test, and deploy functions of CodeArts and works with CCE to deploy the pipeline. The customer's commercial code successfully uses CodeArts pipelines and runs successfully.
In terms of how to use CodeArts correctly, DTSE empowered OREL Developers with CodeArts scenarios, including Req, Repo, Check, Build, Artifact, and Deploy, TestPlan, etc. Customers are familiar with Azure pipelines but do not know HUAWEI CLOUD CodeArts, especially some details, such as how to automatically package images and store them on HUAWEI CLOUD, how to customize code detection rules, and how to automatically deploy images on Kubernetes through pipelines. DTSE provides training before the migration, helps customers solve problems during the migration, and enables customers to migrate from Azure to HUAWEI CLOUD in a short time.
Customer voice:
Advantages: The overall experience is good, especially when deploying containers. Our CI/CD Pipeline can be directly configured on the CodeArts and SWR images can be pulled and run during container deployment automatically.
After completing the testing and proof of concept, the Commercial Production Deployment including all the Data Transfer from our existing Cloud to Huawei was extremely easy and fast using OMS for File Migration, CDM for Database Migration, and SMS for Compute Instance Migrations
Training picture:
Orel IT CEO shared their case based on huawei cloud at HDC:
Devops practice: https://support.huaweicloud.com/intl/en-us/bestpractice-devcloud/devcloud_practice_2000.html
User Guide: https://support.huaweicloud.com/intl/en-us/usermanual-devcloud/codearts_01_console.html
CCE: https://support.huaweicloud.com/intl/en-us/qs-cce/cce_qs_0001.html
Developer information:
Orel IT is a subsidiary of Orel corporation (Orel corporation owns the famous brand Orange Electric); Orel IT is the largest IT service and AI service provider in Sri Lanka. Orel IT are planning to migrate the Orel buy system froma competing public cloud provider to Huawei Cloud. The services involved in this project include IaaS, CCE, CodeArts, APIG and other services, which require extremely high capabilities of developer support personnel to educate OREL Developers, and requires support from Huawei Cloud Backend Teams also.
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