【摘要】 Landsat5_C2_SR数据集是经大气校正后的地表反射率数据,属于Collection2的二级数据产品,空间分辨率为30米,基于Landsat生态系统扰动自适应处理系统(LEDAPS)(版本3.4.0)生成。水汽、臭氧、大气高度、气溶胶光学厚度、数字高程与Landsat数据一起输入到太阳光谱(6S)辐射传输模型中对卫星信号进行二次模拟,生成大气顶部(TOA)反射率、表面反射率、TOA...
Landsat5_C2_SR是美国地球观测卫星Landsat 5在连续运行了28年后于2013年停止运作之前所获得的卫星数据。这个数据集包括了Landsat 5卫星运行期间拍摄的所有遥感影像数据,覆盖了全球的陆地和海洋区域。Landsat5_C2_SR是Landsat 5传感器SR(表面反射)级别数据,包括了各种像元的反射率、亮度温度和云量等信息。这个数据集对于地球科学研究、资源管理、环境监测、农业等领域具有极大的应用价值。
名称 | 单位 | 最小值 | 最大值 | 乘法比例因子 | 加性比例因子 | 波长范围(微米) | 描述 |
B1 | Reflectance | 1 | 65455 | 0.0000275 | -0.2 | 0.45-0.52 | Band 1 (blue) surface reflectance |
B2 | Reflectance | 1 | 65455 | 0.0000275 | -0.2 | 0.52-0.60 | Band 2 (green) surface reflectance |
B3 | Reflectance | 1 | 65455 | 0.0000275 | -0.2 | 0.63-0.69 | Band 3 (red) surface reflectance |
B4 | Reflectance | 1 | 65455 | 0.0000275 | -0.2 | 0.77-0.90 | Band 4 (near infrared) surface reflectance |
B5 | Reflectance | 1 | 65455 | 0.0000275 | -0.2 | 1.55-1.75 | Band 5 (shortwave infrared 1) surface reflectance |
B7 | Reflectance | 1 | 65455 | 0.0000275 | -0.2 | 2.08-2.35 | Band 7 (shortwave infrared 2) surface reflectance |
SR_ATMOS_OPACITY | Unitless | 0 | 10000 | 0.001 | A general interpretation of atmospheric opacity generated by LEDAPS and based on the radiance viewed over Dark Dense Vegetation (DDV) within the scene. A general interpretation of atmospheric opacity is that values (after scaling by 0.001 is applied) less than 0.1 are clear, 0.1-0.3 are average, and values greater than 0.3 indicate haze or other cloud situations. SR values from pixels with high atmospheric opacity will be less reliable, especially under high solar zenith angle conditions. The SR_ATMOS_OPACITY band is provided for advanced users and for product quality assessment and has not been validated. Most users are advised to instead use the QA_PIXEL band information for cloud discrimination. | ||
SR_CLOUD_QA | Bit index | 1 | 56 | Cloud Quality Assessment | |||
QA_PIXEL | Bit Index | 5440 | 16382 | Landsat Collection 2 QA Bitmask | |||
QA_RADSAT | Bit Index | 0 | 3829 | Radiometric saturation QA |
Landsat 数据集属于国际公开数据,可以在没有版权限制的情况下使用、传输或复制。有关USGS数据产品正确引用的更多详细信息,请参阅USGS Visual Identity System Guidance
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