目前支持将 TSFile(包括 TSFile 和相关数据文件)存储在本地文件系统和 Hadoop分布式文件系统 (HDFS) 中。配置TSFile的存储文件系统非常容易。
当您配置将 TSFile 存储在 HDFS 上时,您的数据文件将位于分布式存储中。系统架构如下:

如果要将 TSFile 和相关数据文件存储在 HDFS 中,步骤如下:
首先,从网站下载源版本或 git 克隆仓库,发布版本的标签是 release/x.x.x
通过以下方式构建服务器和Hadoop模块:mvn clean package -pl server,hadoop -am -Dmaven.test.skip=true
然后,将 Hadoop 模块的目标 jar 复制到服务器目标库文件夹中。hadoop-tsfile-0.10.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar
在 中编辑用户配置。相关配置包括:iotdb-engine.properties
Name |
tsfile_storage_fs |
Description |
The storage file system of Tsfile and related data files. Currently LOCAL file system and HDFS are supported. |
Type |
String |
Default |
Effective |
After restart system |
Name |
core_site_path |
Description |
Absolute file path of core-site.xml if Tsfile and related data files are stored in HDFS. |
Type |
String |
Default |
/etc/hadoop/conf/core-site.xml |
Effective |
After restart system |
Name |
hdfs_site_path |
Description |
Absolute file path of hdfs-site.xml if Tsfile and related data files are stored in HDFS. |
Type |
String |
Default |
/etc/hadoop/conf/hdfs-site.xml |
Effective |
After restart system |
Name |
hdfs_ip |
Description |
IP of HDFS if Tsfile and related data files are stored in HDFS. If there are more than one hdfs_ip in configuration, Hadoop HA is used. |
Type |
String |
Default |
localhost |
Effective |
After restart system |
Name |
hdfs_port |
Description |
Port of HDFS if Tsfile and related data files are stored in HDFS |
Type |
String |
Default |
9000 |
Effective |
After restart system |
Name |
hdfs_nameservices |
Description |
Nameservices of HDFS HA if using Hadoop HA |
Type |
String |
Default |
hdfsnamespace |
Effective |
After restart system |
Name |
hdfs_ha_namenodes |
Description |
Namenodes under DFS nameservices of HDFS HA if using Hadoop HA |
Type |
String |
Default |
nn1,nn2 |
Effective |
After restart system |
- dfs_ha_automatic_failover_enabled
Name |
dfs_ha_automatic_failover_enabled |
Description |
Whether using automatic failover if using Hadoop HA |
Type |
Boolean |
Default |
true |
Effective |
After restart system |
- dfs_client_failover_proxy_provider
Name |
dfs_client_failover_proxy_provider |
Description |
Proxy provider if using Hadoop HA and enabling automatic failover |
Type |
String |
Default |
org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.ha.ConfiguredFailoverProxyProvider |
Effective |
After restart system |
Name |
hdfs_use_kerberos |
Description |
Whether use kerberos to authenticate hdfs |
Type |
String |
Default |
false |
Effective |
After restart system |
- kerberos_keytab_file_path
Name |
kerberos_keytab_file_path |
Description |
Full path of kerberos keytab file |
Type |
String |
Default |
/path |
Effective |
After restart system |
Name |
kerberos_principal |
Description |
Kerberos pricipal |
Type |
String |
Default |
your principal |
Effective |
After restart system |
如果要将存储文件系统重置为本地,只需将配置编辑为 。在这种情况下,如果已经在HDFS上有一些数据文件,应该将它们下载到本地并移动到你的配置数据文件夹(默认),或者重新启动你的进程并将数据导入到IoTDB。tsfile_storage_fsLOCAL../server/target/iotdb-server-0.10.0/data/data
ERROR org.apache.iotdb.tsfile.fileSystem.fsFactory.HDFSFactory:62 - Failed to get Hadoop file system. Please check your dependency of Hadoop module.
构建Hadoop模块:mvn clean package -pl hadoop -am -Dmaven.test.skip=true
将 Hadoop 模块的目标 jar 复制到服务器目标库文件夹中。hadoop-tsfile-0.10.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar.../server/target/iotdb-server-0.10.0/lib