最强英语论文辅助神奇wordvice ai帮你轻松搞定
还在为英语不好无法发表英文文献吗?还在想着请人润色将中文文章如何转化为英文吗?还在为投稿期刊对你文章提出的英文语法问题而烦恼吗?今天给大家推荐一款在线英语语法检查和改写神器:Wordvice AI
为什么我选择使用Wordvice AI?
选择使用Wordvice AI,可以高效改善英文文本的可读性。无论是在语法、拼写和标点符号,还是在整体语句的措词语气和风格等基本语句上可以得到更专业的纠正,它可以为你高效快速的实现正篇文章的专业修改和润色。与此同时,在修改过程中还会提供为什么需要修改的原因。
Wordvice AI提供了多种在线英文写作工具分别为:AI 英文校对、AI 改写润色、AI 摘要总结和AI 在线翻译等功能。Wordvice AI提供了网页端和微软word插件两种调用方式方。
Wordvice AI主要有以下特点:
- 语法和拼写 线上检查与修改 快速提高语言准确度
- 超越基础 注重改善措词造句 提升文章整体流畅度
- 实时高效反馈 精进英文写作品质 助您达成目标
Wordvice AI免费英语语法检查器,能自动检测学术论文、留学申请文书、电子邮件、求职简历、商业商务文件等各类英文文本内的语言表达错误,在线即时完成英语语法、拼写、标点符号和语气风格方面的修改任务,同时还将为您呈现修改缘由注释,帮助您逐步提高英文写作能力!
修改建议:This noun appears to be awkward or incorrect. Consider using a different noun in this context.这个名词看起来很别扭或不正确。考虑在这种情况下使用另一个名词。
“Intensive”模式修改后:“Here, we can observe that every document we have edited can be viewed in "My Files," enabling us to effectively locate our historical records of English modifications.”
修改建议:This word or phrase makes the meaning unclear. Consider removing or changing for clarity..这个词或短语使意思不明确。请考虑删除或更改,使其更加清晰。
“Concise”模式修改后:“Here we can see that every document we have edited can be viewed in "My Files," allowing us to easily find our English editing history.”
修改建议:This word or phrase makes the meaning unclear. Consider removing or changing for clarity..这个词或短语使意思不明确。请考虑删除或修改,使之更加清晰。
此外,在不同的模式下,给出的修改意见也不同,并且最终修改的后的结果也不同。你可以根据自己的需求选择相应的结果。除了以上的模式外,Wordvice AI还提供了6种不同的文件类型,以提供不同模式和文本形态的语法修改。
文本类型 |
适用场景 |
General (一般) |
对语气、格式没有特别要求的各类型杂文写作 |
Academic (学术) |
研究论文、SCI期刊论文、学校作业、硕博士学位论文、英文摘要等其他学术性文章写作 |
Admissions (留学/求职) |
英文求职信、自荐信、套磁信、推荐信、英文简历、个人陈述等国外院校入学申请文书或是企业应聘所需英文文件材料写作 |
Business (商业) |
商业报告、宣传册、营销文案、销售邮件、新闻稿等其他商业和企业文件写作 |
Creative (创意) |
虚构和非虚构作品,传记/自传,杂志文章,个人散文和其他创意写作 |
Web (网页) |
网上独家发布的各种写作:博客文章,社交媒体内容,视频描述,创作者内容写作 |
Wordvice AI 在线改写润色工具 (Paraphrasing Tool),适用任意类型文本,可在不改变原意的前提下,调整文本的结构句式,用自己的话重新表达文本的含义,改善词汇、风格和语气,也可帮助规避抄袭问题。它不单单只是使用同义词替换,而是会逐句检查句子结构、词汇和词序等诸多问题,创造出充分符合文本原意的原创性表述。在英文改写过程中我们可以选择5种不同的模式‘Fluent’、‘Academic’、‘Professional - formal’、‘Professional - friendly’和‘Creative’六种模式。
改写模式 |
每种改写模式的特点是什么? |
Fluent |
该模式可改善文本的流畅性和可读性,使其更清晰,更容易理解。 |
Academic |
该模式可以提升你的语言水平,帮助改善措辞表达的自然度,非常适合研究论文等学术性文章。 |
Professional (formal) |
该模式可提升文本的正式性和专业度,适用于商业报告或向重要客户或上级发送电子邮件的场景下。 |
Professional (friendly) |
该模式可让文本在保留原意的同时,语气显得不那么正式,变得轻松友好起来,适用于大多数情景下的电子邮件和信息发送。 |
Creative |
该模式可以增强写作中的创造性元素,变得有趣,吸引读者,非常适用于小说作品、个人散文、剧本或其他创造性的写作场景。 |
“The authors sincerely thank the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and United States Geological Survey (USGS) for providing the Landsat and DEM data. The authors thank the European Space Agency (ESA) for providing Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 data. We would like to express our gratitude to Google Earth Engine for offering free cloud computing services. The authors thank the anonymous reviewers for their valuable comments.”
“The authors would like to express their gratitude to NASA and USGS for providing the Landsat and DEM data. They also thank ESA for providing Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 data. The authors are thankful to Google Earth Engine for offering free cloud computing services. Lastly, they appreciate the valuable comments from the anonymous reviewers.”
“The authors would like to express their sincere gratitude to the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and the United States Geological Survey (USGS) for generously providing the Landsat and DEM data. Additionally, the authors extend their thanks to the European Space Agency (ESA) for providing the Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 data. Furthermore, the authors would like to acknowledge Google Earth Engine for their provision of free cloud computing services. Lastly, the authors would like to express their appreciation to the anonymous reviewers for their valuable comments.”
Professional - formal’模式:
“The authors would like to extend their sincere appreciation to the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and the United States Geological Survey (USGS) for generously providing the Landsat and DEM data. Additionally, the authors express their gratitude to the European Space Agency (ESA) for the provision of Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 data. Furthermore, the authors would like to acknowledge Google Earth Engine for their invaluable contribution of free cloud computing services. Lastly, the authors would like to express their gratitude to the anonymous reviewers for their insightful comments.”
Professional - friendly’模式:
“We would like to extend our sincere gratitude to the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and United States Geological Survey (USGS) for generously providing us with the Landsat and DEM data. Additionally, we would like to express our appreciation to the European Space Agency (ESA) for their contribution of the Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 data. We are also grateful to Google Earth Engine for their provision of free cloud computing services. Lastly, we would like to thank the anonymous reviewers for their valuable comments, which greatly contributed to the improvement of our work.”
“The authors extend their heartfelt appreciation to the brilliant minds at the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and the United States Geological Survey (USGS) for generously bestowing upon them the remarkable Landsat and DEM data. A special shout-out goes to the European Space Agency (ESA) for their kind provision of the awe-inspiring Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 data. And let us not forget to raise a glass to the benevolent folks at Google Earth Engine, who graciously offer their cloud computing services free of charge. Last but certainly not least, the authors would like to send a warm thank you to the anonymous reviewers, whose invaluable comments have truly enriched this work.”
Wordvice AI文本摘要工具利用最新的人工智能技术,准确识别和提取任何类型的文本的关键要点。无论您需要总结一本书还是一篇文章,Wordvice AI都可以帮助您。通过使用人工智能技术和自然语言处理(NLP)任务,文本摘要工具帮助用户从各种类型的文本中提取核心思想,使读者能够在不实际阅读的情况下理解原始文本。立即尝试并体验“简洁形式,重新表述的文本”,以提高阅读效率。
将同样的语句进行概括总结后不仅非常简洁将一大段话直接用一句话进行了高度凝练和总结,同时却没有丢失了最关键的信息。概括后的结果:“The authors express their gratitude to NASA, USGS, ESA, and Google Earth Engine for providing data. They also thank the anonymous reviewers for their valuable comments.”
Wordvice AI 应用最新 AI 技术,免费提供语言翻译工具,支持简体中文、繁体中文、英语、日语、韩语5种语言之间的互译功能,提供即时准确快速的字词、短语、文本翻译服务。致力于将其发展为极为适合学生、科研人员和专业人士等对翻译专业度要求更高的使用者。
“The authors sincerely thank the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and United States Geological Survey (USGS) for providing the Landsat and DEM data. The authors thank the European Space Agency (ESA) for providing Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 data. We would like to express our gratitude to Google Earth Engine for offering free cloud computing services. The authors thank the anonymous reviewers for their valuable comments.”
“作者衷心感谢美国国家航空航天局(NASA)和美国地质调查局(USGS)提供的Landsat和DEM数据。作者感谢欧洲空间局(ESA)提供的Sentinel-1和Sentinel-2数据。我们要感谢Google Earth Engine提供免费的云计算服务。作者感谢匿名审稿人的宝贵意见。”
“作者对NASA、USGS、ESA和Google Earth Engine提供数据表示感谢。他们还感谢匿名审稿人的宝贵意见。”
五、论文查重器(Plagiarism checker)
查重报告的第二页则会给你相关的语句进行专业的分析,分析主要分为3个层次(IDENTICAL MINOR CHANGES PARAPHRASED),颜色越红表明这个重复度越高,反之亦然,报告中会给你提示出:“Your text is highlighted according to the plagiarism types that where found, as shown above.”所以这里大家可以根据提示进行有针对性的修改,这时候可以再次适用本软件的英文改写功能实现重写。
除了上述主要的功能外,wordvice AI官网还提供多种免费参考文献格式自动生成器,包含了APA、MLA、芝加哥和温哥华参考文献格式生成器。AI高级版专业润色以及私人定制的母语专家级英文润色功能。大家可以根据自己的需求来进行选购。值得称赞的一点是,你不用担心你之前翻译的结果丢失的问题,你可以在我的文件中找到按照你使用该软件过程中所有的文本信息,同时支持文件上传和下载功能。
wordvice AI整体的体验非常不错,如果你只是进行论文语法检查的话,那么就直接按照标准模式进行就好,如果选择高级模式,那么会有更加高级的词汇加入,有些似乎后并不特别适用于论文。此外,论文改写我同样建议适用Academic模式最适合学生论文的写作了,其他的模式会在此基础上进行不断的扩充,从而使本文更加详细。总之,这款英文语法检查、改写和查重工具你值得拥有。赶快来实现英文论文发表自由吧。链接再次提供给大家。
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