基于 Google 全球 Landsat 的 CCDC 细分(1999-2019)数据集
【摘要】 我们在谷歌地球引擎环境中开发了一个版本的连续变化检测和分类算法。它与20年的Landsat数据(1999-2019)一起使用,产生了一个新的、公开的、由预先计算的时间序列断点和谐波系数组成的全球数据集。我们展示了来自区域用例的结果,证明了用这个新的数据集进行分类和变化检测,并将其与其他时间合成技术进行了比较。我们的结果表明,使用CCDC的总体准确度的提高在年度基础上可能很小...
使用 10 个参数对巴拉圭森林地区的地上生物量进行预测不同的特征向量。 黑线显示按平均生物量缩放的森林面积参考数据的值
使用 CCDC 的计算成本很高,需要高度迭代的模型拟合在深度的时间序列图像堆栈上Pasquarella 等人,2022)。 这些费用有限制了 CCDC 在实际应用中的使用,特别是在发展中国家
迫切需要改进森林温室气体报告的环境。 我们有因此,在 Google Earth Engine 中实现了 CCDC 算法的一个版本环境(Gorelick et al., 2017)并报告了 20 年全球环境的处理情况
地卫星档案。 该数据集可作为 Google Earth Engine 上的公共资产使用:
描述这个数据集的处理和验证的手稿目前正在审查中,只对有限的测试者开放。如果你想尽早获得这个数据集,你可以发邮件到 earthengine@google.com,说明你的使用情况以及你将如何使用这些数据。
该数据集由Landsat 5、7和8 Collection-1,Tier-1,表面反射率时间序列创建,使用1999-01-01和2019-12-31之间的所有日间图像。每张图像都经过预处理,以屏蔽被识别为云、影或雪的像素(根据 "pixel_qa "波段)、饱和像素和大气不透明度大于300的像素(根据 "sr_atmos_opacity "和 "sr_aerosol "波段识别)。在南北场景重叠中重复的像素被删除。结果以2度瓦片的形式输出,适用于纬度-60°和+85°之间的所有陆地。这些图像适合于简单地镶嵌()成一个全局图像。
tmaskBands:['绿', '漩涡']
chiSquareProbability: 0.99
minNumOfYearsScaler: 1.33
lambda: 20
输出中的每个像素都是用可变长度的数组来编码的。每个数组的外部长度(轴0)对应于在该位置发现的断点数量。coefs带包含2-D数组,其中每个内数组包含线性谐波模型中8个项的缩放系数,顺序为::[offset, t, cos(ωt), sin(ωt), cos(2ωt), sin(2ωt), cos(3ωt), sin(3ωt)],其中ω=2Π。这些模型的尺度是:光学波段产生反射单位(0.0 - 1.0),热波段产生度(K)/100.0。
30 meters
Name | Description |
tStart |
1-D Array containing the date of the start of each segment (fractional year). |
tEnd |
1-D Array containing the date of the end of each segment (fractional year). |
tBreak |
1-D Array containing the date of the detected breakpoint of each segment (fractional year). |
numObs |
1-D Array containing the number of observations found in each segment. |
changeProb |
A pseudo-probability of the detected breakpoint being real. |
BLUE_coefs |
2-D array containing harmonic model coefficients for the blue band, for each segment. |
GREEN_coefs |
2-D array containing harmonic model coefficients for the green band, for each segment. |
RED_coefs |
2-D array containing harmonic model coefficients for the red band, for each segment. |
NIR_coefs |
2-D array containing harmonic model coefficients for the near-infrared band, for each segment. |
SWIR1_coefs |
2-D array containing harmonic model coefficients for the shortwave-infrared (1.55μm-1.75μm) band, for each segment. |
SWIR2_coefs |
2-D array containing harmonic model coefficients for the shortwave-infrared (2.09μm-2.35μm) band, for each segment. |
TEMP_coefs |
2-D array containing harmonic model coefficients for the thermal band, for each segment. |
BLUE_rmse |
1-D array containing the RMSE of the model for the blue band, for each segment. |
GREEN_rmse |
1-D array containing the RMSE of the model for the green band, for each segment. |
RED_rmse |
1-D array containing the RMSE of the model for the red band, for each segment. |
NIR_rmse |
1-D array containing the RMSE of the model for the near-infrared band, for each segment. |
SWIR1_rmse |
1-D array containing the RMSE of the model for the the shortwave-infrared (1.55μm-1.75μm) band, for each segment. |
SWIR2_rmse |
1-D array containing the RMSE of the model for the shortwave-infrared (2.09μm-2.35μm) band, for each segment. |
TEMP_rmse |
1-D array containing the RMSE of the model for the thermal band, for each segment. |
BLUE_magnitude |
1-D array containing the magnitude of the detected breakpoint for the blue band, for each segment. |
GREEN_magnitude |
1-D array containing the magnitude of the detected breakpoint for the green band, for each segment. |
RED_magnitude |
1-D array containing the magnitude of the detected breakpoint for the red band, for each segment. |
NIR_magnitude |
1-D array containing the magnitude of the detected breakpoint for the near-infrared band, for each segment. |
SWIR1_magnitude |
1-D array containing the magnitude of the detected breakpoint for the shortwave-infrared-1 (1.55μm-1.75μm) band, for each segment. |
SWIR2_magnitude |
1-D array containing the magnitude of the detected breakpoint for the shortwave-infrared-2 (2.09μm-2.35μm) band, for each segment. |
TEMP_magnitude |
1-D array containing the magnitude of the detected breakpoint for the thermal band, for each segment. |
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