【摘要】 存档的NRT FIRMS全球VIIRS和MODIS矢量数据可见光红外成像辐射仪套件(VIIRS)375米热异常/活动火情产品提供了来自NASA/NOAA索米国家极轨伙伴关系(索米NPP)和NOAA-20联合卫星上的VIIRS传感器的数据。375米数据是对中分辨率成像分光仪(MODIS)火灾探测的补充;它们在热点探测方面都显示出良好的一致性,但375米数据的空间分辨率提高,对相对较小区域的火...
VIIRS NRT 375米活动火灾产品来自:Suomi NPP(VNP14IMGTDL_NRT)和NOAA-20,正式称为JPSS-1,(VJ114IMGTDL_NRT)。
为了统一Suomi NPP的VIIRS文件名称,VIIRS NRT 375米产品的简称从VNP14IMGT改为VNP14IMGTDL_NRT(2016年4月18日)。
MODIS C61从2000年11月(针对Terra)和2002年7月(针对Aqua)至今都有。
VIIRS 375米的数据目前可从2012年1月20日到现在。
Attribute fields for NRT VIIRS 375 m active fire data distributed by FIRMS
Attribute | Short Description | Long Description |
Latitude | Latitude | Center of nominal 375 m fire pixel |
Longitude | Longitude | Center of nominal 375 m fire pixel |
Bright_ti4 | Brightness temperature I-4 | VIIRS I-4 channel brightness temperature of the fire pixel measured in Kelvin. |
Scan | Along Scan pixel size | The algorithm produces approximately 375 m pixels at nadir. Scan and track reflect actual pixel size. |
Track | Along Track pixel size | The algorithm produces approximately 375 m pixels at nadir. Scan and track reflect actual pixel size. |
Acq_Date | Acquisition Date | Date of VIIRS acquisition. |
Acq_Time | Acquisition Time | Time of acquisition/overpass of the satellite (in UTC). |
Satellite | Satellite | N= Suomi National Polar-orbiting Partnership (Suomi NPP), 1=NOAA-20 (designated JPSS-1 prior to launch) |
Confidence | Confidence | This value is based on a collection of intermediate algorithm quantities used in the detection process. It is intended to help users gauge the quality of individual hotspot/fire pixels. Confidence values are set to low, nominal and high. Low confidence daytime fire pixels are typically associated with areas of sun glint and lower relative temperature anomaly (<15K) in the mid-infrared channel I4. Nominal confidence pixels are those free of potential sun glint contamination during the day and marked by strong (>15K) temperature anomaly in either day or nighttime data. High confidence fire pixels are associated with day or nighttime saturated pixels. |
Version | Version (Collection and source) | Version identifies the collection (e.g. VIIRS Collection 1) and source of data processing: Near Real-Time (NRT suffix added to collection) or Standard Processing (collection only). "1.0NRT" - Collection 1 NRT processing, "1.0" - Collection 1 Standard processing |
Bright_ti5 | Brightness temperature I-5 | I-5 Channel brightness temperature of the fire pixel measured in Kelvin. |
FRP | Fire Radiative Power | FRP depicts the pixel-integrated fire radiative power in MW (megawatts). FRP depicts the pixel-integrated fire radiative power in MW (megawatts). Given the unique spatial and spectral resolution of the data, the VIIRS 375 m fire detection algorithm was customized and tuned in order to optimize its response over small fires while balancing the occurrence of false alarms. Frequent saturation of the mid-infrared I4 channel (3.55-3.93 µm) driving the detection of active fires requires additional tests and procedures to avoid pixel classification errors. As a result, sub-pixel fire characterization (e.g., fire radiative power [FRP] retrieval) is only viable across small and/or low-intensity fires. Systematic FRP retrievals are based on a hybrid approach combining 375 and 750 m data. In fact, starting in 2015 the algorithm incorporated additional VIIRS channel M13 (3.973-4.128 µm) 750 m data in both aggregated and unaggregated format. |
DayNight | Day or Night | D= Daytime fire, N= Nighttime fire |
Attribute fields for MCD14ML (standard quality) data active fire data distributed by FIRMS
Attribute | Short Description | Long Description |
Latitude | Latitude | Center of 1km fire pixel but not necessarily the actual location of the fire as one or more fires can be detected within the 1km pixel. |
Longitude | Longitude | Center of 1km fire pixel but not necessarily the actual location of the fire as one or more fires can be detected within the 1km pixel. |
Brightness | Brightness temperature 21 (Kelvin) | Channel 21/22 brightness temperature of the fire pixel measured in Kelvin. |
Scan | Along Scan pixel size | The algorithm produces 1km fire pixels but MODIS pixels get bigger toward the edge of scan. Scan and track reflect actual pixel size. |
Track | Along Track pixel size | The algorithm produces 1km fire pixels but MODIS pixels get bigger toward the edge of scan. Scan and track reflect actual pixel size. |
Acq_Date | Acquisition Date | Data of MODIS acquisition. |
Acq_Time | Acquisition Time | Time of acquisition/overpass of the satellite (in UTC). |
Satellite | Satellite | A = Aqua and T = Terra. |
Confidence | Confidence (0-100%) | This value is based on a collection of intermediate algorithm quantities used in the detection process. It is intended to help users gauge the quality of individual hotspot/fire pixels. Confidence estimates range between 0 and 100% and are assigned one of the three fire classes (low-confidence fire, nominal-confidence fire, or high-confidence fire). |
Version | Version (Collection and source) | Version identifies the collection (e.g. MODIS Collection 6) and source of data processing: Near Real-Time (NRT suffix added to collection) or Standard Processing (collection only). "6.1NRT" - Collection 61 NRT processing, "6.1" - Collection 61 Standard processing |
Bright_T31 | Brightness temperature 31 (Kelvin) | Channel 31 brightness temperature of the fire pixel measured in Kelvin. |
FRP | Fire Radiative Power (MW - megawatts) | Depicts the pixel-integrated fire radiative power in MW (megawatts). |
Type* | Inferred hot spot type | 0 = presumed vegetation fire,1 = active volcano, 2 = other static land source, 3 = offshore |
DayNight | Day or Night | D= Daytime fire, N= Nighttime fire |
Dataset structure
The MODIS and VIIRS yearly exports were ingested and names based on their years (MODIS 2000-2020) and (VIIRS 2012-2021)
MODIS Path: projects/sat-io/open-datasets/MODIS_MCD14DL/MCD14DL_YYYY Example Path: projects/sat-io/open-datasets/MODIS_MCD14DL/MCD14DL_2000
VIIRS Path: projects/sat-io/open-datasets/VIIRS/VNP14IMGTDL_NRT_YYYY Example Path: projects/sat-io/open-datasets/VIIRS/VNP14IMGTDL_NRT_2012
Earth Engine Snippet
Sample paths are provided for two years only change the year to get different years
Sample code:
The FIRMS data is distributed under a license similar to Public domain license and distributed by Land, Atmosphere Near real-time Capability for EOS (LANCE) for Fire Information for Resource Management System (FIRMS)
We acknowledge the use of data and/or imagery from NASA's Fire Information for Resource Management System (FIRMS) (
), part of NASA's Earth Observing System Data and Information System (EOSDIS).Created by: Land, Atmosphere Near real-time Capability for EOS (LANCE) for Fire Information for Resource Management System (FIRMS), NASA
Curated in GEE by : Samapriya Roy
Keywords: Archival fire, MODIS, VIIRS, Daytime, Nigh time, Thermal anomalies, FIRMS, LANCE, NASA, vector
Last updated: 2022-04-28
Last updated on GEE: 2022-04-28
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