
此星光明 发表于 2023/05/23 21:18:39 2023/05/23
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【摘要】 ​全球水泥生产资产数据库全球水泥生产资产数据库提供目前正在运行的全球水泥生产厂的信息。该数据库包含3117家有确切地理位置的水泥厂,并提供有关所有权、生产类型、工厂类型、产能和生产起始年(如有)的信息。水泥生产过程包括三个步骤:将石灰石与其他材料混合;加热石灰石混合物以生产熟料;将熟料与不同成分一起研磨以生产水泥。研磨过程可以在同时生产熟料的综合设施中进行,也可以在离终端市场较近的独立研磨设...




McCarten, M., Bayaraa, M., Caldecott, B., Christiaen, C., Foster, P., Hickey, C., Kampmann, D.,
Layman, C., Rossi, C., Scott, K., Tang, K., Tkachenko, N., and Yoken, D. 2021.
Global Database of Cement Production Assets. Spatial Finance Initiative

Additional Information about the Spatial Finance Initiative can be found here

SNo Field Field_Description GEE_Field
1 accuracy The accuracy of the latitude and longitude accuracy
2 capacity Total cement production capacity (millions of tons) cap
3 capacity_source Source used to obtain or estimate the capacity, either a link to reported capacity information or "Estimated." If "Estimated" then the capacity has been modelled based on annotated kiln and plant dimensions. cap_sr
4 city City in which the plant is located city
5 country Country in which the plant is located country
6 country_code Three-digit country code defined in ISO 3166-1 numeric country_code
7 iso3 Three-letter country code defined in ISO 3166-1 alpha 3 iso3
8 owner_name Name of the primary owner of the plant ow_name
9 owner_permid PermID of the primary owner of the plant* ow_pid
10 owner_source Source reporting the ownership link between the plant and owner ow_source
11 ownership_stake The percentage ownership attributed to the parent company if the plant is a joint venture. If the plant is majority owned by a single parent company then this column will be blank ow_stake
12 ownership_stake_2 The percentage ownership attributed to the 2nd parent company if the plant is a joint venture ow_stake2
13 parent_exchange The primary exchange for the ultimate parent, if the company is publicly traded pr_exc
14 parent_exchange_2 The primary exchange for the 2nd ultimate parent, if the company is publicly traded pr_exc2
15 parent_holding_status The holding status of the ultimate parent (Private or Public) pr_hstat
16 parent_holding_status_2 The holding status of the 2nd ultimate parent (Private or Public) pr_hstat_2
17 parent_lei Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) of the ultimate parent of the owner of the plant pr_lei
18 parent_lei_2 Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) of the 2nd ultimate parent pr_lei2
19 parent_name Name of the ultimate parent of the owner of the plant pr_name
20 parent_name_2 Name of the 2nd ultimate parent of the owner of the plant pr_name2
21 parent_permid PermID of the ultimate parent of the owner of the plant* pr_pid
22 parent_permid_2 PermID of the 2nd ultimate parent of the owner of the plant* pr_pid2
23 parent_ticker The primary ticker for the ultimate parent, if the company is publicly traded pr_tkr
24 parent_ticker_2 The primary ticker for the 2nd ultimate parent, if the company is publicly traded pr_tkr2
25 plant_type The type of cement plant (Integrated or Grinding) plant_type
26 production_type The production process used to produce the clinker at Integrated plants (Wet or Dry) prod_type
27 region Region in which the plant is located region
28 state State or province in which the plant is located state
29 status Current plant operating status status
30 sub_region Subregion in which the plant is located sub_region
31 uid Unique identifier for the cement plant uid
32 year Year the plant started production year

Earth Engine Snippet

var global_cement = ee.FeatureCollection("projects/sat-io/open-datasets/SFI/global_cement_database_20210701")

Sample Code: https://code.earthengine.google.com/?scriptPath=users/sat-io/awesome-gee-catalog-examples:global-utilities-assets-amenities/GLOBAL-CEMENT-PRODUCTION-ASSETS


Both databases have been developed by the Oxford Sustainable Finance Programme, Satellite Applications Catapult, and The Alan Turing Institute as part of the Spatial Finance Initiative ‘s GeoAsset Project. Project FAQ's can be found here


The Global Database of Cement Production Assets can be used by others and is available under a CC BY 4.0 license

Data download page: Download Request Form

Curated in GEE by: Samapriya Roy

Keywords: : GeoAsset Project, Oxford Sustainable Finance Programme, Satellite Applications Catapult, Alan Turing Institute, McCarten et al , cement , Global database

Last updated: 2021-07-16

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