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【摘要】 ​全球电厂数据库发布版本: 1.3, 发布日期: 2021-06-02¶全球电厂数据库是一个开源的开放性数据集,包括在世界各地运行的电网规模(1兆瓦及以上)发电设施。前言 – 床长人工智能教程该数据库目前包含167个国家的近35000个电厂,占世界发电量的72%。条目仅在设施层面,一般定义为单一的输电网络连接点。目前还没有发电单元层面的信息。创建数据集的方法在世界资源研究所的出版物《全球电厂...

发布版本: 1.3, 发布日期: 2021-06-02¶
全球电厂数据库是一个开源的开放性数据集,包括在世界各地运行的电网规模(1兆瓦及以上)发电设施。前言 – 床长人工智能教程



Estimating Power Plant Generation in the Global Power Plant Database | World Resources Institute

 Global Power Plant Database - Datasets - Data | World Resources Institute


Global Energy Observatory, Google, KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm, Enipedia,
World Resources Institute. 2019. Global Power Plant Database.
Published on Resource Watch and Google Earth Engine.

SNo Property Key GEE Property Key Field Description
1 country country 3 character country code corresponding to the ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 specification
2 country_long country_long longer form of the country designation
3 name name name or title of the power plant, generally in Romanized form
4 gppd_idnr gppd_idnr 10 or 12 character identifier for the power plant
5 capacity_mw capacity_mw electrical generating capacity in megawatts
6 primary_fuel primary_fuel energy source used in primary electricity generation or export
7 other_fuel1 other_fuel1 energy source used in electricity generation or export
8 other_fuel2 other_fuel2 energy source used in electricity generation or export
9 other_fuel3 other_fuel3 energy source used in electricity generation or export
10 commissioning_year cm_yr year of plant operation, weighted by unit-capacity when data is available
11 owner owner majority shareholder of the power plant, generally in Romanized form
12 source source entity reporting the data; could be an organization, report, or document, generally in Romanized form
13 url url web document corresponding to the source field
14 geolocation_source geo_source attribution for geolocation information
15 wepp_id wepp_id a reference to a unique plant identifier in the widely-used PLATTS-WEPP database.
16 year_of_capacity_data yr_capacity year the capacity information was reported
17 generation_gwh_2013 gen_gwh2013 electricity generation in gigawatt-hours reported for the year 2013
18 generation_gwh_2014 gen_gwh2014 electricity generation in gigawatt-hours reported for the year 2014
19 generation_gwh_2015 gen_gwh2015 electricity generation in gigawatt-hours reported for the year 2015
20 generation_gwh_2016 gen_gwh2016 electricity generation in gigawatt-hours reported for the year 2016
21 generation_gwh_2017 gen_gwh2017 electricity generation in gigawatt-hours reported for the year 2017
22 generation_gwh_2018 gen_gwh2018 electricity generation in gigawatt-hours reported for the year 2018
23 generation_gwh_2019 gen_gwh2019 electricity generation in gigawatt-hours reported for the year 2019
24 generation_data_source gen_dat_src attribution for the reported generation information
25 estimated_generation_gwh_2013 est_gen_gwh2013 estimated electricity generation in gigawatt-hours for the year 2013 (see [2])
26 estimated_generation_gwh_2014 est_gen_gwh2014 estimated electricity generation in gigawatt-hours for the year 2014 (see [2])
27 estimated_generation_gwh_2015 est_gen_gwh2015 estimated electricity generation in gigawatt-hours for the year 2015 (see [2])
28 estimated_generation_gwh_2016 est_gen_gwh2016 estimated electricity generation in gigawatt-hours for the year 2016 (see [2])
29 estimated_generation_gwh_2017 est_gen_gwh2017 estimated electricity generation in gigawatt-hours for the year 2017 (see [2])
30 estimated_generation_note_2013 est_gen_nt2013 label of the model/method used to estimate generation for the year 2013 (see section on this field below)
31 estimated_generation_note_2014 est_gen_nt2014 label of the model/method used to estimate generation for the year 2014 (see section on this field below)
32 estimated_generation_note_2015 est_gen_nt2015 label of the model/method used to estimate generation for the year 2015 (see section on this field below)
33 estimated_generation_note_2016 est_gen_nt2016 label of the model/method used to estimate generation for the year 2016 (see section on this field below)
34 estimated_generation_note_2017 est_gen_nt2017 label of the model/method used to estimate generation for the year 2017 (see section on this field below)

Earth Engine Snippet

var global_power_plants = ee.FeatureCollection("projects/sat-io/open-datasets/global_power_plant_DB_1-3")

Sample Code:


The Global Power Planet Database is available under a CC BY 4.0 license

Data download page: Download v1.3 from here

Dataset created by: World Resources Institute

Curated in GEE by: Samapriya Roy

Keywords: : infrastructure, energy, climate, power, power-plants, wri

Last updated: 2021-07-16

Note: Older version of this dataset is available in GEE and might be updated to reflect in the public catalog


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