
此星光明 发表于 2023/05/08 15:28:27 2023/05/08
【摘要】 ​全球农作物生产的耕作方式¶。免耕(NT)通常被认为是种植作物的一种手段,具有积极的环境外部效应,如增强碳固存、改善土壤质量、减少土壤侵蚀和增加生物多样性。然而,NT系统是否与依靠传统耕作(CT)的系统一样高产是一个有争议的问题,在时间和空间上充满了高度的变异性。在此,我们扩大了现有的数据集,包括最新的田间实验结果,并制作了一个全球数据集,比较了在CT和NT系统下获得的作物产量。除了作物产量...

免耕(NT)通常被认为是种植作物的一种手段,具有积极的环境外部效应,如增强碳固存、改善土壤质量、减少土壤侵蚀和增加生物多样性。然而,NT系统是否与依靠传统耕作(CT)的系统一样高产是一个有争议的问题,在时间和空间上充满了高度的变异性。在此,我们扩大了现有的数据集,包括最新的田间实验结果,并制作了一个全球数据集,比较了在CT和NT系统下获得的作物产量。除了作物产量,我们的数据集还报告了整个实验年度的作物生长季节、管理方法、土壤特征和关键气候参数等信息。最终的数据集包含了1980年至2017年期间50个国家8种主要主食作物的4403个成对产量观测值。该数据集有助于深入了解解释新技术生产力变化的主要驱动因素以及采用新技术对作物产量的影响。前言 – 床长人工智能教程


Data Citation

Su, Y., Gabrielle, B. & Makowski, D. A global dataset for crop production under conventional tillage and no tillage systems. figshare https://doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.12155553 (2020). v14

Paper Citation

Su, Y., Gabrielle, B. & Makowski, D. A global dataset for crop production under conventional tillage and no tillage systems. Scientific Data 8, 33 (2021).

Earth Engine Snippet

var tillage = ee.FeatureCollection("projects/sat-io/open-datasets/global_tillage_production");

print(tillage.size(),'Total observations')

// Get a color from crop types
var cropColor = ee.Dictionary({
  'maize': '000000',
  'barley.spring': '593704',
  'soybean': 'BC80BD',
  'wheat.winter': '0565A6',
  'cotton': 'E31A1C',
  'sorghum': 'FF7F00',
  'sunflower': '6A3D9A',
  'wheat_spring': '5CA2D1',

// List of crop types to add to the map
var crops = ['maize', 'barley.spring', 'soybean', 'wheat.winter', 'cotton', 'sorghum', 'sunflower',

function addStyle(pt) {
  var color = cropColor.get(pt.get('crop'));
  return pt.set('styleProperty', ee.Dictionary({'pointSize': 2, 'color': color}));

// Make a FeatureCollection out of the crop table
var pp = ee.FeatureCollection(tillage).map(addStyle);

 * Adds crop types to the map.
 * @param {string} fuel A fuel type
function addLayer(fuel) {
  Map.addLayer(pp.filter(ee.Filter.eq('crop', fuel)).style({styleProperty: 'styleProperty', neighborhood: 50}), {}, fuel, true, 0.65);

// Apply `addLayer` to each record in `fuels`

Sample Code: https://code.earthengine.google.com/?scriptPath=users/sat-io/awesome-gee-catalog-examples:agriculture-vegetation-forestry/GLOBAL-CROP-PRODUCTION-TILLAGE-PRACTICES

Property Mapping

Property GEE property
Author author
Journal journal
Year year
Site country site_country
Location location
Latitude latitude
Longitude longitude
Soil information recorded in the paper soil_from_paper
pH (surface layer) pH_surface_layer
Replications in experiment replications_exp
Crop crop
Initial year of NT practice ( or first year of experiment if missing) init_yr_nt
Sowing year sowing_year
Harvest year harvest_year
Years since NT started (yrs) yrs_from_nt
Crop growing season recorded in the paper cgsp
Crop rotation with at least 3 crops involved in CT crit
Crop rotation with at least 3 crops involved in NT crint
Crop sequence (details) c_seq
Cover crop before sowing cc_bf_sowing
Soil cover in CT soil_cover_ct
Soil cover in NT soil_cover_nt
Residue management of previous crop in CT (details) rm_ct
Residue management of previous crop in NT (details) rm_nt
Weed and pest control CT wp_ct
Weed and pest control NT wp_nt
Weed and pest control CT (details) wpc_ct
Weed and pest control NT (details) wpc_nt
Fertilization CT ft_ct
Fertilization NT ft_nt
N input n_inp
N input rates with the unit kg N ha-1 (details) n_inp_unit
Field fertilization (details) fft
Irrigation CT i_ct
Irrigation NT i_nt
Water applied in CT w_ct
Water applied in NT w_nt
Other information other
Yield of CT yield_ct
Yield of NT yield_nt
Relative yield change rel_yl_chg
Yield increase with NT yl_inc_nt
Outlier of CT outlier_ct
Outlier of NT outlier_nt
Sowing month sw_month
Harvesting month hv_month
Tave Tave
Tmax Tmax
Tmin Tmin


This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (Creative Commons — Attribution 4.0 International — CC BY 4.0 ). Users are free to use, copy, distribute, transmit, and adapt the work for commercial and non-commercial purposes, without restriction, as long as clear attribution of the source is provided.

Created by: Yang Su et al.

Curated by: Samapriya Roy

Keywords: Conservation agriculture, Conventional tillage, crop yield, No tillage, No-till

Last updated: 2021-08-30


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