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【摘要】 ​牧场分析平台牧场分析平台的数据产品以GEE资产的形式提供,并通过网络应用rangelands.app向公众提供分析。植被覆盖率:植被覆盖率:牧场分析平台(RAP)植被覆盖,3.0版包括美国大陆牧场植物功能群的网格化分数估算。1984年至今,每年的估计值都是以30米的空间分辨率产生的。六个植物功能组别是一年生草本和草类、多年生草本和草类、灌木、树木、垃圾和裸地。覆盖物的数值是以像素为单位的百...


植被覆盖率:植被覆盖率:牧场分析平台(RAP)植被覆盖,3.0版包括美国大陆牧场植物功能群的网格化分数估算。1984年至今,每年的估计值都是以30米的空间分辨率产生的。六个植物功能组别是一年生草本和草类、多年生草本和草类、灌木、树木、垃圾和裸地。覆盖物的数值是以像素为单位的百分比报告。这些估计值是通过一个时间卷积网络产生的,使用的是自然资源保护局自然资源目录(NRI)项目、土地管理局评估、库存和监测(AIM)项目以及国家公园管理局北科罗拉多高原网络(NCPN)收集的植物功能组的实地测量数据,以及来自Landsat TM、ETM+和OLI Collection 2的空间连续地球观测。前言 – 床长人工智能教程




Earth Engine Asset Snippets

// Vegetation Cover
var RAP_veg = ee.ImageCollection("projects/rap-data-365417/assets/vegetation-cover-v3")

// Net Primary Production (annual)
var RAP_npp = ee.ImageCollection("projects/rap-data-365417/assets/npp-partitioned-v3")

var cover = ee.ImageCollection("projects/rangeland-analysis-platform/vegetation-cover-v3"),
    geometry = 
    /* color: #d63000 */
    /* displayProperties: [
        "type": "rectangle"
    ] */
        [[[-116.86443824768067, 44.05062158819191],
          [-116.86443824768067, 40.608258948072795],
          [-113.26092262268067, 40.608258948072795],
          [-113.26092262268067, 44.05062158819191]]], null, false);
// Author: Eric Jensen and Matt Jones, Working Lands for Wildlife, University of Montana
// Contact: eric.jensen@mso.umt.edu
// Date: January 1, 2022
// Purpose of script: This script exports RAP Vegetation Cover raster data (TIF file format) from Google Earth Engine to your personal Google Drive
// Supporting article: https://support.rangelands.app/article/62-export-vegetation-cover-rasters
// ------------------------------------------------------------
// -------------- Variables for User to change ----------------
// ------------------------------------------------------------

// ---------- Define the bounding box ------------------------------
//  If bounding box was drawn on map below, no additional steps are needed.
//  If a shapefile was loaded - rename shapefile to 'geometry'.  To do this 
//  click the default shapefile name (likely 'table') in the Imports panel above,
//  and rename it 'geometry'

// ---------- Define the years that you want to export --------------
// ---------- End year is inclusive in this case  ------------------
var yearStart = 2010
var yearEnd = 2019

// -------------- Define the plant functional types (PFTs) that you want to export --------------
// PFTs are "AFGC" (Annual forb and grass cover), "BG" (bare ground), "LTR" (litter), 
// "PFGC" (perennial forb and grass cover), "SHR" (shrub cover), and "TREE" (tree cover)
var PFTs = ee.List(['AFG', 'BGR', 'LTR', 'PFG', 'SHR', 'TRE'])
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// -------------- Do not edit anything below this header ----------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------

// ------------- Select the PFTs for export as defined by User  --------------
var cover_toExport = cover.select(PFTs)

// ------------- Export images one-by-one for each year -------------

// Loop over year objects to export images year-by-year
for (var yr = yearStart; yr <= yearEnd; yr++){
  // Export the image, specifying scale and region.
    image: cover_toExport.filterDate(yr.toString(), (yr+1).toString()).first(),
    description: 'RAP_VegCover_' + yr,
    folder: 'RAP_exports',
    scale: 30,
    region: geometry.bounds(),
    maxPixels: 1e10

Code Snippets: https://code.earthengine.google.com/?scriptPath=users/sat-io/awesome-gee-catalog-examples:agriculture-vegetation-forestry/RANGELAND-ANALYSIS-PLATFORM-EXAMPLE


Jones, M.O., N.P. Robinson, D.E. Naugle, J.D. Maestas, M.C. Reeves, R.W.
Lankston, and B.W. Allred. 2020. Annual and 16-day rangeland production
estimates for the western United States. bioRxiv 2020.11.06.343038.

Robinson, N. P., M. O. Jones, A. Moreno, T. A. Erickson, D. E. Naugle, and B. W.
Allred. 2019. Rangeland productivity partitioned to sub-pixel plant functional
types. Remote Sensing 11:1427. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/rs11121427

Allred, B. W., B. T. Bestelmeyer, C. S. Boyd, C. Brown, K. W. Davies, L. M.
Ellsworth, T. A. Erickson, S. D. Fuhlendorf, T. V. Griffiths, V. Jansen, M. O.
Jones, J. Karl, J. D. Maestas, J. J. Maynard, S. E. McCord, D. E. Naugle, H. D.
Starns, D. Twidwell, and D. R. Uden. 2020. Improving Landsat predictions of
rangeland fractional cover with multitask learning and uncertainty.
bioRxiv:2020.06.10.142489. http://dx.doi.org/10.1101/2020.06.10.142489

Sample scripts are available on the RAP Support Site.

Extra Info: See any of the three herbaceous biomass scripts for the function to convert from net primary production to biomass.

Download Tool/Code snippets if any: Analysis can be performed on these datasets for your regions of interest through the GUI at rangelands.app

License Information

Public Domain-CC0

Curated by

Sarah McCord, Point of Contact, and Jeb Williamson, Agricultural Research Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture

Keywords: rangelands, vegetation, time-series, machine learning, landsat

Last updated: 2022-01-06


RAP v3 was released on 2022-01-01

Primary changes include:

  • Use of Landsat Collection 2
  • Addition of the National Park Service Northern Colorado Plateau Network (NCPN) monitoring data for cover training
  • Identify agriculture, development, and water
  • Addition of the eastern states

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