# [gn+ninja学习 0x06] gn构建文件的语言与语法

zhushy 发表于 2022/11/09 10:10:25 2022/11/09
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【摘要】 [gn+ninja学习 0x06] gn构建文件的语言与语法OpenHarmony使用gn+ninja来维护开源项目的构建。之前没有接触过gn+ninja,是时候系统性的来学习下了。边学边记录下学习过程,希望对同样需要学习gn+ninja的朋友有所帮助。GN参考文档GN Reference包含命令、target声明、可以构建文件中使用的函数、内置预定义的变量、可以在target中使用的变量...

[gn+ninja学习 0x06] gn构建文件的语言与语法


GN参考文档GN Reference包含命令、target声明、可以构建文件中使用的函数、内置预定义的变量、可以在target中使用的变量、以及其他帮助主题。由于内容非常多,学习起来非常耗费时间,可以先阅读掌握常用的命令、常用的target、常用的函数和变量等。其他内容可以在需要的时候再来查询学习。

这一篇,我们来学习下GN参考文档GN Reference中内容Language and grammar for GN build files,通过该文的学习来掌握编写GN构建文件的需要具备的知识。

1、 Tokens 标记

  GN build files are read as sequences of tokens.  While splitting the file
  into tokens, the next token is the longest sequence of characters that form a
  valid token.



White space and comments 空格和注释

  White space is comprised of spaces (U+0020), horizontal tabs (U+0009),
  carriage returns (U+000D), and newlines (U+000A).

  Comments start at the character "#" and stop at the next newline.

  White space and comments are ignored except that they may separate tokens
  that would otherwise combine into a single token.

构建文件中的空格包含空格符、制表符、回车和换行符。 注释以符号#开头,以换行结束。空格和注释会被忽略,除非用于分割标记。

Identifiers 标记符

  Identifiers name variables and functions.

      identifier = letter { letter | digit } .
      letter     = "A" ... "Z" | "a" ... "z" | "_" .
      digit      = "0" ... "9" .


Keywords 保留字

  The following keywords are reserved and may not be used as identifiers:

          else    false   if      true


Integer literals 整数文本

  An integer literal represents a decimal integer value.

      integer = [ "-" ] digit { digit } .

  Leading zeros and negative zero are disallowed.


String literals 字符串字面量

  A string literal represents a string value consisting of the quoted
  characters with possible escape sequences and variable expansions.

      string           = `"` { char | escape | expansion } `"` .
      escape           = `\` ( "$" | `"` | char ) .
      BracketExpansion = "{" ( identifier | ArrayAccess | ScopeAccess ) "}" .
      Hex              = "0x" [0-9A-Fa-f][0-9A-Fa-f]
      expansion        = "$" ( identifier | BracketExpansion | Hex ) .
      char             = /* any character except "$", `"`, or newline */ .

  After a backslash, certain sequences represent special characters:

          \"    U+0022    quotation mark
          \$    U+0024    dollar sign
          \\    U+005C    backslash

  All other backslashes represent themselves.

  To insert an arbitrary byte value, use $0xFF. For example, to insert a
  newline character: "Line one$0x0ALine two".

  An expansion will evaluate the variable following the '$' and insert a
  stringified version of it into the result. For example, to concat two path
  components with a slash separating them:
  Use the "${var_one}" format to be explicitly deliniate the variable for
  otherwise-ambiguous cases.


      字符串        =   双引号包含字符、转义符、扩展。
      转义          =   支持转义$、\ 和 "。
      花括号{扩展    =  {(标记符、数组访问、作用域访问)}等。
      16进制hex     =   0x开头,包含0-9数字和大小写字母a-f。
      扩展          =    $开头的,标记符、16进制、花括号扩展,
      字符          =    除了$、"、换行以外的字符


      \"    U+0022    双引号
      \$    U+0024    美元符号
      \\    U+005C    反斜线

为插入字节值,可以使用 $0xFF 这样的表示法,例如,为字符串中插入换行,可以使用:“Line one$0x0ALine two”。

变量扩展会评估解析 后的变量,然后插入字符化的版本到产生的结果字符串里。例如,连接两个使用斜线分割路径。使用“ 后的变量,然后插入字符化的版本到产生的结果字符串里。例如,连接两个使用斜线分割路径。使用“ {var_one}”格式显式标识变量全名,避免混淆。


Punctuation 标点符号

  The following character sequences represent punctuation:

          +       +=      ==      !=      (       )
          -       -=      <       <=      [       ]
          !       =       >       >=      {       }
                          &&      ||      .       ,


Grammar 语法

  The input tokens form a syntax tree following a context-free grammar:

      File = StatementList .                                         // 文件

      Statement     = Assignment | Call | Condition .                // 语句
      LValue        = identifier | ArrayAccess | ScopeAccess .       // 左值赋值
      Assignment    = LValue AssignOp Expr . // 赋值
      Call          = identifier "(" [ ExprList ] ")" [ Block ] .    // 函数调用
      Condition     = "if" "(" Expr ")" Block                        // 条件
                      [ "else" ( Condition | Block ) ] .
      Block         = "{" StatementList "}" .                        // 语句块
      StatementList = { Statement } .                               // 语句列表

      ArrayAccess = identifier "[" Expr "]" .                       // 数组下标访问
      ScopeAccess = identifier "." identifier .                     // 作用域访问
      Expr        = UnaryExpr | Expr BinaryOp Expr .               // 表达式
      UnaryExpr   = PrimaryExpr | UnaryOp UnaryExpr .              // 一元表达式
      PrimaryExpr = identifier | integer | string | Call            // 初等表达式、基本表达式
                  | ArrayAccess | ScopeAccess | Block
                  | "(" Expr ")"
                  | "[" [ ExprList [ "," ] ] "]" .
      ExprList    = Expr { "," Expr } .                             // 表达式列表

      AssignOp = "=" | "+=" | "-=" .        // 赋值操作
      UnaryOp  = "!" .                      // 一元操作符
      BinaryOp = "+" | "-"                  // highest priority  // 二元操作符 高优先级
               | "<" | "<=" | ">" | ">="
               | "==" | "!="
               | "&&"
               | "||" .                     // lowest priority  // 低优先级

  All binary operators are left-associative.


Types 类型

  The GN language is dynamically typed. The following types are used:

   - Boolean: Uses the keywords "true" and "false". There is no implicit
     conversion between booleans and integers.
   - Integers: All numbers in GN are signed 64-bit integers.

   - Strings: Strings are 8-bit with no enforced encoding. When a string is
     used to interact with other systems with particular encodings (like the
     Windows and Mac filesystems) it is assumed to be UTF-8. See "String
     literals" above for more.

   - Lists: Lists are arbitrary-length ordered lists of values. See "Lists"
     below for more.

   - Scopes: Scopes are like dictionaries that use variable names for keys. See
     "Scopes" below for more.


    - Boolean布尔类型: 使用关键字 "true" and "false". 不支持布尔和整数间的隐式转换.     

    - 整数: GN支持的整数为有符号64位整数.

    - 字符串: 8位未强制编码。当和其他系统进行字符串交互时,会假设字符串字符集编码为UTF-8- 列表: 任意长度的有序的值。

    - Scopes作用域: 类似变量名作为键值的字典。

Lists 列表

  Lists are created with [] and using commas to separate items:

       mylist = [ 0, 1, 2, "some string" ]

  A comma after the last item is optional. Lists are dereferenced using 0-based

       mylist[0] += 1
       var = mylist[2]

  Lists can be concatenated using the '+' and '+=' operators. Bare values can
  not be concatenated with lists, to add a single item, it must be put into a
  list of length one.

  Items can be removed from lists using the '-' and '-=' operators. This will
  remove all occurrences of every item in the right-hand list from the
  left-hand list. It is an error to remove an item not in the list. This is to
  prevent common typos and to detect dead code that is removing things that no
  longer apply.

  It is an error to use '=' to replace a nonempty list with another nonempty
  list. This is to prevent accidentally overwriting data when in most cases
  '+=' was intended. To overwrite a list on purpose, first assign it to the
  empty list:

    mylist = []
    mylist = otherlist


   mylist = [ 0, 1, 2, "some string" ]

列表支持连接操作,可以使用’+’ 和 '+='操作符。空值不能连接列表,为增加一个列表成员,列表长度至少为1。

列表还支持删除操作,可以使用’-’ 和 '-='操作符。删除操作会从左边的列表中删除右边的列表中的所有成员。删除不存在的成员时会报错,这会避免笔误,也能检测尝试删除不再使用成员的无用的代码。

使用’=’ 赋值一个非空列表给另外一个非空列表会报错,这可以避免覆盖数据,大多数场景可能打算使用的是连接操作’+=’。如需专门覆写数据,首先给个空列表:

  mylist = []
  mylist = otherlist

Scopes 作用域

  All execution happens in the context of a scope which holds the current state
  (like variables). With the exception of loops and conditions, '{' introduces
  a new scope.

  Most scopes have a parent reference to the old scope. Variable reads
  recursively search all parent scopes until the variable is found or there are
  no more scopes. Variable writes always go into the current scope. This means
  that after the closing '}' (again excepting loops and conditions), all local
  variables will be restored to the previous values.  This also means that "foo
  = foo" can do useful work by copying a variable into the current scope that
  was defined in a containing scope.

  大部分作用域拥有一个父级引用到老的作用域。变量读取会递归搜索所有的父级作用域,直至发现变量或者搜索到最顶级作用域;变量写入会写入当前的作用域。意味着,在右括号'}'后,所有的本地变量会恢复到之前的值。也意味着"foo = foo"可以用于从一个包含该值定义的作业域中复制值。

  Scopes can be assigned to variables. Examples of such scopes are the
  implicitly-created "invoker" when invoking a template (which refers to the
  variables set by the invoking code), scopes created by functions like
  exec_script, and scopes explicitly created like

    empty_scope = {}
    myvalues = {
      foo = 21
      bar = "something"

  In the case of explicitly created scopes and scopes created by functions like
  exec_script, there is no reference to the parent scope. Such scopes are fully
  self-contained and do not "inherit" values from their defining scope.


  Inside an explicit scope definition can be any GN code including conditionals
  and function calls. After the close of the scope, it will contain all
  variables explicitly set by the code contained inside it. After this, the
  values can be read, modified, or added to:

  在显式作用域定义内,可以是任何GN代码,包含条件和函数调用。在作业域设置后, 它包含全部显式设置的变量,然后变量值可以读取、修改或者添加:

    myvalues.foo += 2
    empty_scope.new_thing = [ 1, 2, 3 ]

  Scope equality is defined as single-level scopes identical within the current
  scope. That is, all values in the first scope must be present and identical
  within the second, and vice versa. Note that this means inherited scopes are
  always unequal by definition.





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