
建帅小伙儿 发表于 2022/09/25 01:11:54 2022/09/25
【摘要】 一:数据驱动 file_operate.py文件 # coding=utf-8""" @Project :pachong-master @File @Author :gaojs @Date :2022/7/1 23:00 @Blogs : ...



  1. # coding=utf-8
  2. """
  3. @Project :pachong-master
  4. @File
  5. @Author :gaojs
  6. @Date :2022/7/1 23:00
  7. @Blogs :
  8. """
  9. import openpyxl as xl
  10. import yaml
  11. def read_excel(filepath, sheet_name):
  12. """
  13. 读取数据,将其转换成所需格式
  14. :return:
  15. """
  16. # 得到整个excel文档对象
  17. wb = xl.load_workbook(filepath)
  18. # 获取某个sheet工作表数据
  19. sheet_data = wb[sheet_name]
  20. # 定义空列表,用来存储多行数据,每行数据都是一个列表
  21. data = []
  22. # 得到总行数
  23. lines_count = sheet_data.max_row
  24. # 得到总列数
  25. cols_count = sheet_data.max_column
  26. for li in range(2, lines_count+1):
  27. line = []
  28. for co in range(1, cols_count+1):
  29. cell = sheet_data.cell(li, co).value
  30. if cell is None:
  31. cell = ''
  32. line.append(cell)
  33. data.append(line)
  34. return data
  35. def write_excel(filepath, sheet_name, row, col, text):
  36. """
  37. 写入内容
  38. :return:
  39. """
  40. wb = xl.load_workbook(filepath)
  41. sheet_data = wb[sheet_name]
  42. # 写入数据
  43. sheet_data.cell(row=row, column=col, value=text)
  45. def read_yaml(filepath):
  46. """
  47. 读取yaml文件
  48. :return:
  49. """
  50. with open(filepath, mode='r', encoding='utf-8') as fin:
  51. content = yaml.load(fin, Loader=yaml.FullLoader)
  52. return content
  53. def write_yaml(filepath, text):
  54. """
  55. 写入文件内容
  56. :return:
  57. """
  58. with open(filepath, mode='w', encoding='utf-8') as fin:
  59. yaml.dump(text, fin, Dumper=yaml.Dumper)
  60. if __name__ == '__main__':
  61. # print(read_excel('./test_data.xlsx', '数据驱动数据'))
  62. # write_excel('./test_data.xlsx', '数据驱动数据', row=6, col=6, text='gaojianshuai')
  63. print(read_yaml('./test_data.yml').get('数据驱动数据'))
  64. write_yaml('./test_data1.yml', {'userName': 'gaojs', 'password': '1234'})


  1. # 数据驱动接口数据
  2. 数据驱动数据:
  3. - ['admin', 1234, 200, 0, 'success']
  4. - ['', 1234, 200, 1, '参数为空']
  5. - ['admin', '', 200, 1, '参数为空']



  1. # coding=utf-8
  2. """
  3. @Project :pachong-master
  4. @File
  5. @Author :gaojs
  6. @Date :2022/6/30 21:47
  7. @Blogs :
  8. """
  9. from typing import List
  10. import pytest
  11. import requests
  12. from 码同学.requests_study.cookie_study import login
  13. @pytest.fixture(scope='session', autouse=True)
  14. def login_and_logout():
  15. print('在conftest.py中定义fixture,自动执行')
  16. login(userName='admin', password='1234')
  17. print('在档次执行测试中只执行一次,因为作用域是session')
  18. yield
  19. print('在当前执行测试只执行一次后置动作,因为作用域是session')
  20. # 重写pytest的一个hook函数,处理pycharm插件界面显示的执行结果乱码
  21. def pytest_collection_modifyitems(items:List["item"]):
  22. for item in items:
  23. ="utf-8").decode("unicode-escape")
  24. item._nodeid = item._nodeid.encode("utf-8").decode("unicode-escape")
  25. @pytest.fixture(scope='module', autouse=True)
  26. def VPN0():
  27. print('在conftest.py中定义fixture,自动执行')
  28. login(userName='admin', password='1234')
  29. print('在当前每个用例执行一次,因为作用域是module')
  30. yield
  31. print('在当前每个用例执行后执行一次,因为作用域是module')



  1. [pytest]
  2. addopts = -sv -n auto --dist=loadfile
  3. testpaths = ./
  4. python_files = test*.py
  5. python_classes = Test*
  6. python_functions = test_*

  1. # coding=utf-8
  2. """
  3. @Project :pachong-master
  4. @File
  5. @Author :gaojs
  6. @Date :2022/6/30 22:44
  7. @Blogs :
  8. """
  9. import pytest
  10. import requests
  11. # 第一步:将测试数据转换成python中列表套列表的格式
  12. from 码同学.requests_study.cookie_study import login
  13. from 码同学.requests_study.put_api_study import post_update_phone_info
  14. # 第二:使用pytest装饰器,将其传递给测试用例函数
  15. brand = ['Apple', 'xiaomi', 'sanxing']
  16. color = ['red', 'yellow', 'black']
  17. memorySize = ['256G', '128G', '64G', '512G']
  18. cpuCore=['8核', '4核', '16核']
  19. expect_status_code = [200]
  20. expect_code = ['0']
  21. expect_message = ['更新成功']
  22. @pytest.mark.parametrize('brand', brand)
  23. @pytest.mark.parametrize('color', color)
  24. @pytest.mark.parametrize('memorySize', memorySize)
  25. @pytest.mark.parametrize('cpuCore', cpuCore)
  26. @pytest.mark.parametrize('expect_status_code', expect_status_code)
  27. @pytest.mark.parametrize('expect_code', expect_code)
  28. @pytest.mark.parametrize('expect_message', expect_message)
  29. def test_put(brand, color, memorySize, cpuCore, expect_status_code, expect_code, expect_message):
  30. """
  31. 笛卡尔积参数化
  32. :return:
  33. """
  34. resp = post_update_phone_info(brand=brand, color=color, memorySize=memorySize, cpuCore=cpuCore)
  35. status_code = resp.status_code
  36. assert status_code == expect_status_code
  37. # 断言code
  38. resp_json = resp.json()
  39. code = resp_json['code']
  40. assert code == expect_code
  41. # message断言
  42. result = resp_json['message']
  43. assert result == expect_message
  44. # 异常组合不适合笛卡尔积,只能对有效值多个值进行使用

  1. # coding=utf-8
  2. """
  3. @Project :pachong-master
  4. @File
  5. @Author :gaojs
  6. @Date :2022/6/30 22:44
  7. @Blogs :
  8. """
  9. import pytest
  10. import requests
  11. from ..datadriver.file_operate import read_yaml, read_excel
  12. # 第一步:将测试数据转换成python中列表套列表的格式
  13. from 码同学.requests_study.cookie_study import login
  14. # 第一种数据给定:指定在文件中
  15. # test_data = [
  16. # ['admin', '1234', 200, '0', 'success'],
  17. # ['', '1234', 200, '1', '参数为空'],
  18. # ['admin', '', 200, '1', '参数为空']
  19. # ]
  20. # 第二种,通过调用file_operate文件中的方法读取excel数据
  21. # test_data = read_excel(r'E:\爬虫\pachong-master\码同学\datadriver\test_data.xlsx', '数据驱动数据')
  22. test_data = read_yaml(r'E:\爬虫\pachong-master\码同学\datadriver\test_data.yml').get('数据驱动数据')
  23. print(test_data)
  24. @pytest.mark.parametrize('userName, password, expect_status_code, expect_code, expect_message', test_data)
  25. def test_login_param(userName, password, expect_status_code, expect_code, expect_message):
  26. """
  27. 数据驱动:登录测试
  28. :return:
  29. """
  30. resp = login(userName=userName, password=password)
  31. status_code = resp.status_code
  32. assert status_code == expect_status_code
  33. # 断言code
  34. resp_json = resp.json()
  35. code = resp_json['code']
  36. assert code == expect_code
  37. # message断言
  38. result = resp_json['message']
  39. assert result == expect_message

  1. # coding=utf-8
  2. """
  3. @Project :pachong-master
  4. @File
  5. @Author :gaojs
  6. @Date :2022/6/30 21:55
  7. @Blogs :
  8. """
  9. # 以函数形式编写测试用例
  10. # 测试用例
  11. from 码同学.requests_study.cookie_study import login
  12. def test_login():
  13. """
  14. 登录测试用例
  15. :return:
  16. """
  17. resp = login(userName='admin', password='1234')
  18. status_code = resp.status_code
  19. assert status_code == 200
  20. # 业务断言,
  21. resp_json = resp.json()
  22. # print(resp_json)
  23. code = resp_json['code']
  24. assert code == '0'
  25. result = resp_json['message']
  26. assert result == 'success'
  27. def test_login_userisnull():
  28. """
  29. 登录测试用例
  30. :return:
  31. """
  32. resp = login(userName='', password='1234')
  33. status_code = resp.status_code
  34. assert status_code == 200
  35. # 业务断言,
  36. resp_json = resp.json()
  37. print(resp_json)
  38. code = resp_json['code']
  39. assert code == '1'
  40. result = resp_json['message']
  41. assert result == '参数为空'
  42. # 运行代码方式
  43. """
  44. 1.运行单个用例
  45. pytest .\码同学\pytest_study\
  46. 2.运行整个类下 的所有用例
  47. pytest -sv .\码同学\pytest_study\
  48. 3.右键执行所有用例:光标放在所有第一个方法顶部
  49. 4.右键执行某一个用例:贯标放在对应的函数上
  50. """

  1. # coding=utf-8
  2. """
  3. @Project :pachong-master
  4. @File
  5. @Author :gaojs
  6. @Date :2022/6/30 21:55
  7. @Blogs :
  8. """
  9. # 以类形式编写测试用例
  10. # 测试用例
  11. from 码同学.requests_study.cookie_study import login
  12. class TestLogin:
  13. # 测试用例1
  14. def test_login(self):
  15. """
  16. 登录测试用例
  17. :return:
  18. """
  19. resp = login(userName='admin', password='1234')
  20. status_code = resp.status_code
  21. assert status_code == 200
  22. # 业务断言,
  23. resp_json = resp.json()
  24. # print(resp_json)
  25. code = resp_json['code']
  26. assert code == '0'
  27. result = resp_json['message']
  28. assert result == 'success'
  29. # 测试用例2
  30. def test_login_userisnull(self):
  31. """
  32. 登录测试用例
  33. :return:
  34. """
  35. resp = login(userName='', password='1234')
  36. status_code = resp.status_code
  37. assert status_code == 200
  38. # 业务断言,
  39. resp_json = resp.json()
  40. print(resp_json)
  41. code = resp_json['code']
  42. assert code == '1'
  43. result = resp_json['message']
  44. assert result == '参数为空'
  45. # 运行代码方式
  46. """
  47. 1.运行单个用例
  48. pytest .\码同学\pytest_study\
  49. 2.运行整个类下 的所有用例
  50. pytest -sv .\码同学\pytest_study\
  51. 3.右键执行所有用例
  52. """


  1. # coding=utf-8
  2. """
  3. @Project :pachong-master
  4. @File
  5. @Author :gaojs
  6. @Date :2022/6/30 22:18
  7. @Blogs :
  8. """
  9. # 查询余额接口:首先登陆,然后查询,负责提示未登录
  10. from 码同学.requests_study.cookie_study import login, query
  11. def setup_function():
  12. print('\n************setup_function:在当前脚本文件中,每个用例执行之前,都会执行一次登陆**************')
  13. # 登陆接口
  14. login(userName='admin', password='1234')
  15. def teardown_function():
  16. print('***********teardown_function: 在当前脚本文件中,每个测试用例执行后,都会执行一次**************')
  17. # 测试用例1:查询余额正确
  18. def test_query():
  19. """
  20. 正常查询操作
  21. :return:
  22. """
  23. resp = query(userName='admin')
  24. status = resp.status_code
  25. assert status == 200
  26. resp_json = resp.json()
  27. code = resp_json['code']
  28. assert code == '0'
  29. result = resp_json['message']
  30. assert result == 'success'
  31. # 测试用例2:错误的用户名
  32. def test_query_error():
  33. """
  34. 正常查询操作
  35. :return:
  36. """
  37. resp = query(userName='gaojs')
  38. status = resp.status_code
  39. assert status == 200
  40. resp_json = resp.json()
  41. code = resp_json['code']
  42. assert code == '1'
  43. result = resp_json['message']
  44. assert result == '用户未登录'


  1. # coding=utf-8
  2. """
  3. @Project :pachong-master
  4. @File
  5. @Author :gaojs
  6. @Date :2022/6/30 22:18
  7. @Blogs :
  8. """
  9. # 查询余额接口:首先登陆,然后查询,负责提示未登录
  10. import pytest
  11. from 码同学.requests_study.cookie_study import login, query
  12. class TestQuery:
  13. def setup_method(self):
  14. print('\n************setup_method:在当前类中,每条测试用例执行之前,都会执行一次登陆**************')
  15. # 登陆接口
  16. login(userName='admin', password='1234')
  17. def teardown_method(self):
  18. print('***********teardown_method: 在当前类中,每条测试用例执行之后,都会执行一次**************')
  19. # 测试用例1:查询余额正确
  20. def test_query(self):
  21. """
  22. 正常查询操作
  23. :return:
  24. """
  25. resp = query(userName='admin')
  26. status = resp.status_code
  27. assert status == 200
  28. resp_json = resp.json()
  29. code = resp_json['code']
  30. assert code == '0'
  31. pytest.assume(code == '0', f'实际值:{code},期望值是0')
  32. result = resp_json['message']
  33. # assert result == 'success'
  34. pytest.assume(result == 'success', f'实际值:{result},期望值是success')
  35. # 测试用例2:错误的用户名
  36. def test_query_error(self):
  37. """
  38. 正常查询操作
  39. :return:
  40. """
  41. resp = query(userName='gaojs')
  42. status = resp.status_code
  43. assert status == 200
  44. resp_json = resp.json()
  45. code = resp_json['code']
  46. assert code == '1'
  47. result = resp_json['message']
  48. assert result == '用户未登录'


  1. # coding=utf-8
  2. """
  3. @Project :pachong-master
  4. @File
  5. @Author :gaojs
  6. @Date :2022/6/30 22:18
  7. @Blogs :
  8. """
  9. # 查询余额接口:首先登陆,然后查询,负责提示未登录
  10. from 码同学.requests_study.cookie_study import login, query
  11. def setup_module():
  12. print('\n************setup:在当前脚本文件中,所有执测试执行前,只执行一次登陆**************')
  13. # 登陆接口
  14. login(userName='admin', password='1234')
  15. def teardown_module():
  16. print('***********teardown: 在当前脚本文件中,所有执测试执行后,只执行一次**************')
  17. # 测试用例1:查询余额正确
  18. def test_query():
  19. """
  20. 正常查询操作
  21. :return:
  22. """
  23. resp = query(userName='admin')
  24. status = resp.status_code
  25. assert status == 200
  26. resp_json = resp.json()
  27. code = resp_json['code']
  28. assert code == '0'
  29. result = resp_json['message']
  30. assert result == 'success'
  31. # 测试用例2:错误的用户名
  32. def test_query_error():
  33. """
  34. 正常查询操作
  35. :return:
  36. """
  37. resp = query(userName='gaojs')
  38. status = resp.status_code
  39. assert status == 200
  40. resp_json = resp.json()
  41. code = resp_json['code']
  42. assert code == '1'
  43. result = resp_json['message']
  44. assert result == '用户未登录'

  1. # coding=utf-8
  2. """
  3. @Project :pachong-master
  4. @File
  5. @Author :gaojs
  6. @Date :2022/6/30 22:18
  7. @Blogs :
  8. """
  9. # 查询余额接口:首先登陆,然后查询,负责提示未登录
  10. import pytest
  11. from 码同学.requests_study.cookie_study import login, query
  12. # @pytest.fixture(scope='class', autouse=True)
  13. # def login_and_logout():
  14. # print('\n************setup_class:在当前类中,在每个类执行之前,都会执行一次登陆**************')
  15. # login()
  16. # yield
  17. # print('***********teardown_class: 在当前类中,在每个类执行之后,都会执行一次**************')
  18. class TestQuery:
  19. # def setup_class(self):
  20. # print('\n************setup_class:在当前类中,在每个类执行之前,都会执行一次登陆**************')
  21. # # 登陆接口
  22. # login(userName='admin', password='1234')
  23. #
  24. # def teardown_class(self):
  25. # print('***********teardown_class: 在当前类中,在每个类执行之后,都会执行一次**************')
  26. # 测试用例1:查询余额正确
  27. def test_query(self, login_and_logout):
  28. """
  29. 正常查询操作
  30. :return:
  31. """
  32. resp = query(userName='admin')
  33. status = resp.status_code
  34. assert status == 200
  35. resp_json = resp.json()
  36. code = resp_json['code']
  37. assert code == '0'
  38. result = resp_json['message']
  39. assert result == 'success'
  40. # 测试用例2:错误的用户名
  41. def test_query_error(self, login_and_logout):
  42. """
  43. 正常查询操作
  44. :return:
  45. """
  46. resp = query(userName='gaojs')
  47. status = resp.status_code
  48. assert status == 200
  49. resp_json = resp.json()
  50. code = resp_json['code']
  51. assert code == '1'
  52. result = resp_json['message']
  53. assert result == '用户未登录'
  54. class TestQuery1:
  55. # 测试用例1:查询余额正确
  56. def test_query1(self, login_and_logout):
  57. """
  58. 正常查询操作
  59. :return:
  60. """
  61. resp = query(userName='admin')
  62. status = resp.status_code
  63. assert status == 200
  64. resp_json = resp.json()
  65. code = resp_json['code']
  66. assert code == '0'
  67. result = resp_json['message']
  68. assert result == 'success'
  69. # 测试用例2:错误的用户名
  70. def test_query_error1(self, login_and_logout):
  71. """
  72. 正常查询操作
  73. :return:
  74. """
  75. resp = query(userName='gaojs')
  76. status = resp.status_code
  77. assert status == 200
  78. resp_json = resp.json()
  79. code = resp_json['code']
  80. assert code == '1'
  81. result = resp_json['message']
  82. assert result == '用户未登录'


  1. 总结:
  2. 1.模块级别最大,因为不管是函数式测试用例,还是类方式的测试用例,都在一个模块中
  3. 2.函数级别仅仅是针对,函数式测试用例生效(setup_function()不能再类方式中使用,类方式中要使用setup_method())
  4. 3.类级别和方法级别,是针对于类方式编写的测试用例生效
  5. 4.setup和teardown是可以替换函数级别和方法级别的前置后置
  6. 1.运行单个用例
  7. pytest .\码同学\pytest_study\
  8. 2.运行整个类下 的所有用例
  9. pytest -sv .\码同学\pytest_study\
  10. 3.右键执行所有用例:光标放在所有第一个方法顶部
  11. 4.右键执行某一个用例:贯标放在对应的函数上
  12. 异常组合不适合笛卡尔积,只能对有效值多个值进行使用


  1. # coding=utf-8
  2. """
  3. @Project :pachong-master
  4. @File
  5. @Author :gaojs
  6. @Date :2022/6/28 22:50
  7. @Blogs :
  8. """
  9. import requests
  10. # 多个接口使用同一个session对象的话,他会自动的帮我们去管理和关联cookie
  11. session = requests.session()
  12. def login(userName='admin', password='1234'):
  13. """
  14. 登录操作
  15. :return:
  16. """
  17. url = 'http://localhost:9090/bank/api/login'
  18. data = {
  19. 'userName': userName,
  20. 'password': password
  21. }
  22. rsp =, data=data)
  23. result = rsp.json().get('message')
  24. return rsp
  25. def query(userName='admin'):
  26. """
  27. 银行余额查询接口
  28. :return:
  29. """
  30. url = 'http://localhost:9090/bank/api/query'
  31. params = {
  32. 'userName': userName
  33. }
  34. rsp = session.get(url=url, params=params)
  35. print(rsp.text)
  36. result = rsp.json().get('message')
  37. print(result)
  38. money_data = rsp.json().get('data')
  39. print(money_data)
  40. return rsp
  41. login()
  42. query()

  1. # coding=utf-8
  2. """
  3. @Project :pachong-master
  4. @File
  5. @Author :gaojs
  6. @Date :2022/6/28 23:26
  7. @Blogs :
  8. """
  9. import requests
  10. def delete_phone_info():
  11. """
  12. put请求
  13. 更新手机信息
  14. :return:
  15. """
  16. url = 'http://localhost:9090/com/phone'
  17. data = {
  18. "brand": "Apple", "color": "red",
  19. "memorySize": "256G", "cpuCore": "8核",
  20. "price": "10080", "desc": "全新上市"
  21. }
  22. rsp = requests.delete(url=url, json=data)
  23. print(rsp.text)
  24. result = rsp.json().get('message')
  25. print(result)

  1. # coding=utf-8
  2. """
  3. @Project :pachong-master
  4. @File
  5. @Author :gaojs
  6. @Date :2022/6/28 23:17
  7. @Blogs :
  8. """
  9. import requests
  10. session = requests.session()
  11. def file_upload():
  12. """
  13. 上传文件
  14. :return:
  15. """
  16. url = 'http://localhost:9090/file/api/upload2'
  17. file = {
  18. 'file': open(r'C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\123.jpg', mode='rb')
  19. }
  20. rsp =, files=file)
  21. result = rsp.json().get('message')
  22. print(result)
  23. if __name__ == '__main__':
  24. file_upload()

  1. # coding=utf-8
  2. """
  3. @Project :pachong-master
  4. @File
  5. @Author :gaojs
  6. @Date :2022/6/28 22:43
  7. @Blogs :
  8. """
  9. import requests
  10. def post_api():
  11. """
  12. post请求
  13. :return:
  14. """
  15. url = 'http://localhost:9090/com/login'
  16. data = {
  17. 'userName': 'admin',
  18. 'password': '1234'
  19. }
  20. rsp =, data=data)
  21. result = rsp.json().get('message')
  22. print(result)
  23. def post_add_phone_info():
  24. """
  25. 新增手机信息
  26. :return:
  27. """
  28. url = 'http://localhost:9090/com/phone'
  29. data = {
  30. "brand": "Huawei", "color": "yellow",
  31. "memorySize": "64G", "cpuCore": "8核",
  32. "price": "8848", "desc": "全新上市"
  33. }
  34. rsp =, json=data)
  35. result = rsp.json().get('message')
  36. print(result)

  1. # coding=utf-8
  2. """
  3. @Project :pachong-master
  4. @File
  5. @Author :gaojs
  6. @Date :2022/6/28 22:49
  7. @Blogs :
  8. """
  9. import requests
  10. def post_update_phone_info(brand='Apple', color='red', memorySize='256G', cpuCore='8核'):
  11. """
  12. put请求
  13. 更新手机信息
  14. :return:
  15. """
  16. url = 'http://localhost:9090/com/phone'
  17. data = {
  18. "brand": brand,
  19. "color": color,
  20. "memorySize": memorySize,
  21. "cpuCore": cpuCore,
  22. "price": "10080",
  23. "desc": "全新上市"
  24. }
  25. rsp = requests.put(url=url, json=data)
  26. result = rsp.json().get('message')
  27. print(result)
  28. return rsp
  29. post_update_phone_info()

  1. # coding=utf-8
  2. """
  3. @Project :pachong-master
  4. @File
  5. @Author :gaojs
  6. @Date :2022/6/28 23:01
  7. @Blogs :
  8. """
  9. import requests
  10. session = requests.session()
  11. def login(userName='admin', password='1234'):
  12. """
  13. 获取token
  14. :return:
  15. """
  16. url = 'http://localhost:9090/bank/api/login2'
  17. data = {
  18. 'userName': userName,
  19. 'password': password
  20. }
  21. rsp =, data=data)
  22. print(rsp.text)
  23. return rsp
  24. def post_api_token(userName='admin', password='1234'):
  25. """
  26. 获取token
  27. :return:
  28. """
  29. url = 'http://localhost:9090/bank/api/login2'
  30. data = {
  31. 'userName': userName,
  32. 'password': password
  33. }
  34. rsp =, data=data)
  35. print(rsp.text)
  36. msg = rsp.json().get('message')
  37. print(msg)
  38. global token
  39. token = rsp.json().get('data')
  40. print(token)
  41. return token
  42. def query_money():
  43. """
  44. 银行余额查询接口
  45. :return:
  46. """
  47. url = 'http://localhost:9090/bank/api/query2'
  48. params = {
  49. 'userName': 'admin'
  50. }
  51. headers = {
  52. 'testfan-token': token
  53. }
  54. rsp = session.get(url=url, headers=headers, params=params)
  55. print(rsp.text)
  56. result = rsp.json().get('data')
  57. print(result)
  58. if __name__ == '__main__':
  59. post_api_token()
  60. query_money()


  1. 总结:
  2. requests库的请求方法参数众多,划分如下:
  3. global全局参数使用:不通的函数中如果想使用的话就用global
  4. 查询参数就用params=params
  5. 表单参数就用data=data
  6. json参数就用json=json
  7. 文件参数就用files=files
  8. 请求头信息headers就用headers=headers



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