计算机数学基础②(Sets and Strings)

十八岁讨厌编程 发表于 2022/08/07 00:27:53 2022/08/07
【摘要】 文章目录 Sets and StringsStringsSets Sets and Strings Strings Definition 2.1. An alphabet is an...

Sets and Strings


Definition 2.1. An alphabet is any collection of symbols.

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Definition 2.2. Take any alphabet Σ. A string over the alphabet Σ is
any sequence of letters in an alphabet.

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Definition 2.3. The length of any string is the number of characters
in that string.

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Definition 2.6. Let s and t be strings. We say that s is a prefix of t
if t is just s with some additional stuff possibly tacked on the end: i.e. if
we can find a third string u such that su = t.

Similarly, we say that s is a suffix of t if t is just s with some additional
stuff possibly tacked on the front: i.e. if we can find a third string u such
that us = t.

Finally, we say that s is a substring (alternately, an “infix”) of t if t
is just s with some stuff possibly tacked on both the front and end: i.e.
if we can find strings u, v such that usv = t.

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让s和t是字符串。我们说s是t的前缀.如果t只是s最后加上一些额外的东西,我们可以找到第三个字符串u,使得su = t。

类似地,如果t只是s加上一些可能附加在前面的东西:例如,如果我们能找到第三个字符串u,使us = t。我们说s是t的后缀,

最后,如果t只是s,可能在前端和末端都附加了一些东西:如果我们能找到字符串u, v,使usv = t。我们说s是t的子串(或者说是“中缀”).

Claim 2.1. The empty string λ is a prefix, suffix, and substring of every
string t.

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Claim 2.2. If s is a prefix of t, then s is a substring of t.

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Definition 2.7. A set A is just a collection of things. We call those
things the elements of A, and write x ∈ A to denote with symbols the
statement “x is an element of A.”

To describe a set, we just list its elements between a pair of curly braces:
for example, {1, 2, 3} would be how we would describe the set consisting
of the three numbers 1, 2 and 3.

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" x是a的一个元素"


Definition 2.8. A set A has size n if it contains precisely n different
elements. If A contains infinitely many different elements, we say that
A has “infinite” size. We denote the size of A by writing ∣A.

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Definition 2.9. Take two sets A, B We say that B is a subset of A,
and write BA, if every object in B is also an object in A.

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Definition 2.10. Let A, B be a pair of sets. We define the union of
these two sets, AB, to be the collection of all elements that are in
either A or B or both.

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设A, B是一对集合。定义这两个集合的并集:

Definition 2.11. Let A, B be a pair of sets. We define the intersection
of these two sets, AB, to be the collection of all elements that are in
both A and B at the same time.

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设A, B是一对集合。我们定义在这两个集合中交集:
A∩B,是所有A和B中的元素同 时出现的集合。

Definition 2.12. Let A, B be a pair of sets. We define the difference
of these two sets, written AB or alternately AB, to be the collection
of all elements that are both in A and not in B at the same time.

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设A, B是一对集合。我们定义差集,写成A∖B或写成A - B,作为所有同时在A但不在B中的元素集合。

Definition 2.13. We say that two sets A, B are equal if they both
consist of the same elements; that is, if
• Every element in A is a element in B, and
• Every element in B is also a element in A.

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Claim 2.3. Let A, B be any two sets such that AB. Then AB = B.

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设A, B为A⊆B的任意两个集合,则A∪B = B

Claim 2.4. Let A, B be any two sets. Then (AB)A =.

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设A B是任意两个集合。则(A∖B)∖A =∅。

Claim 2.5. If A, B, C are three sets, then A(BC) = (AB)(AC).

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如果A、B、C是三个集合,则A∖(B∪C) = (A∖B)∩(A∖C)。

文章来源: blog.csdn.net,作者:十八岁讨厌编程,版权归原作者所有,如需转载,请联系作者。


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