Rancher入门到精通-2.0 etcd Advanced Configurations

隔壁老汪 发表于 2022/06/26 00:37:45 2022/06/26
【摘要】 Tuning etcd for large installations When running larger Rancher installations with 15 or more clusters it is recommended to increase the default keyspace for etcd from ...

Tuning etcd for large installations

When running larger Rancher installations with 15 or more clusters it is recommended to increase the default keyspace for etcd from the default 2GB. The maximum setting is 8GB and the host should have enough RAM to keep the entire dataset in memory. When increasing this value you should also increase the size of the host. The keyspace size can also be adjusted in smaller installations if you anticipate a high rate of change of pods during the garbage collection interval.

The etcd data set is automatically cleaned up on a five minute interval by Kubernetes. There are situations, e.g. deployment thrashing, where enough events could be written to etcd and deleted before garbage collection occurs and cleans things up causing the keyspace to fill up. If you see mvcc: database space exceeded errors, in the etcd logs or Kubernetes API server logs, you should consider increasing the k

文章来源: blog.csdn.net,作者:隔壁老瓦,版权归原作者所有,如需转载,请联系作者。


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