【摘要】 在Hive查询期间,将前面的查询结果保存为结果表,在结果表中查询数据create table result as select b.item,,casewhen total<800 then 'cold'when total>=800 and total <1000 then 'warm'else 'hot'end as sort from(select item,sum(nu...
create table result as select b.item,,case
when total<800 then 'cold'
when total>=800 and total <1000 then 'warm'
else 'hot'
end as sort from(
select item,sum(num) total from (
select item01 as item,count(item01) as num from item group by item01
union all
select item02 as item,count(item02) as num from item group by item02
union all
select item03 as item,count(item03) as num from item group by item03
union all
select item04 as item,count(item04) as num from item group by item04) a group by item) b;
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